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Lee, Sang Hyun, Oh, Sang Won, Jo, Hye Seon, Na, Man Gyun.  2021.  Abnormality Diagnosis in NPP Using Artificial Intelligence Based on Image Data. 2021 5th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS). :103–107.
Accidents in Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) can occur for a variety of causes. However, among these, the scale of accidents due to human error can be greater than expected. Accordingly, researches are being actively conducted using artificial intelligence to reduce human error. Most of the research shows high performance based on the numerical data on NPPs, but the expandability of researches using only numerical data is limited. Therefore, in this study, abnormal diagnosis was performed using artificial intelligence based on image data. The methods applied to abnormal diagnosis are the deep neural network, convolution neural network, and convolution recurrent neural network. Consequently, in nuclear power plants, it is expected that the application of more methodologies can be expanded not only in numerical data but also in image-based data.
Kim, Won-Jae, Kim, Sang-Hoon.  2021.  Multiple Open-Switch Fault Diagnosis Using ANNs for Three-Phase PWM Converters. 2021 24th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS). :2436–2439.
In this paper, a multiple switches open-fault diagnostic method using ANNs (Artificial Neural Networks) for three-phase PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) converters is proposed. When an open-fault occurs on switches in the converter, the stator currents can include dc and harmonic components. Since these abnormal currents cannot be easily cut off by protection circuits, secondary faults can occur in peripherals. Therefore, a method of diagnosing the open-fault is required. For open-faults for single switch and double switches, there are 21 types of fault modes depending on faulty switches. In this paper, these fault modes are localized by using the dc component and THD (Total Harmonics Distortion) in fault currents. For obtaining the dc component and THD in the currents, an ADALINE (Adaptive Linear Neuron) is used. For localizing fault modes, two ANNs are used in series; the 21 fault modes are categorized into six sectors by the first ANN of using the dc components, and then the second ANN localizes fault modes by using both the dc and THDs of the d-q axes current in each sector. Simulations and experiments confirm the validity of the proposed method.
Das, Abhishek, Touba, Nur A..  2019.  A Graph Theory Approach towards IJTAG Security via Controlled Scan Chain Isolation. 2019 IEEE 37th VLSI Test Symposium (VTS). :1—6.

The IEEE Std. 1687 (IJTAG) was designed to provide on-chip access to the various embedded instruments (e.g. built-in self test, sensors, etc.) in complex system-on-chip designs. IJTAG facilitates access to on-chip instruments from third party intellectual property providers with hidden test-data registers. Although access to on-chip instruments provides valuable data specifically for debug and diagnosis, it can potentially expose the design to untrusted sources and instruments that can sniff and possibly manipulate the data that is being shifted through the IJTAG network. This paper provides a comprehensive protection scheme against data sniffing and data integrity attacks by selectively isolating the data flowing through the IJTAG network. The proposed scheme is modeled as a graph coloring problem to optimize the number of isolation signals required to protect the design. It is shown that combining the proposed approach with other existing schemes can also bolster the security against unauthorized user access as well. The proposed countermeasure is shown to add minimal overhead in terms of area and power consumption.

Mikołajczyk, A., Grochowski, M..  2019.  Style transfer-based image synthesis as an efficient regularization technique in deep learning. 2019 24th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR). :42—47.

These days deep learning is the fastest-growing area in the field of Machine Learning. Convolutional Neural Networks are currently the main tool used for the image analysis and classification purposes. Although great achievements and perspectives, deep neural networks and accompanying learning algorithms have some relevant challenges to tackle. In this paper, we have focused on the most frequently mentioned problem in the field of machine learning, that is relatively poor generalization abilities. Partial remedies for this are regularization techniques e.g. dropout, batch normalization, weight decay, transfer learning, early stopping and data augmentation. In this paper we have focused on data augmentation. We propose to use a method based on a neural style transfer, which allows to generate new unlabeled images of high perceptual quality that combine the content of a base image with the appearance of another one. In a proposed approach, the newly created images are described with pseudo-labels, and then used as a training dataset. Real, labeled images are divided into the validation and test set. We validated proposed method on a challenging skin lesion classification case study. Four representative neural architectures are examined. Obtained results show the strong potential of the proposed approach.

Mhamdi, L., Njima, C. B., Dhouibi, H., Hassani, M..  2017.  Using timed automata and fuzzy logic for diagnosis of multiple faults in DES. 2017 International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis (ICCAD). :457–463.

This paper proposes a design method of a support tool for detection and diagnosis of failures in discrete event systems (DES). The design of this diagnoser goes through three phases: an identification phase and finding paths and temporal parameters of the model describing the two modes of normal and faulty operation, a detection phase provided by the comparison and monitoring time operation and a location phase based on the combination of the temporal evolution of the parameters and thresholds exceeded technique. Our contribution lays in the application of this technique in the presence of faults arising simultaneously, sensors and actuators. The validation of the proposed approach is illustrated in a filling system through a simulation.

Nikravesh, Ashkan, Hong, David Ke, Chen, Qi Alfred, Madhyastha, Harsha V., Mao, Z. Morley.  2016.  QoE Inference Without Application Control. Proceedings of the 2016 Workshop on QoE-based Analysis and Management of Data Communication Networks. :19–24.
Network quality-of-service (QoS) does not always directly translate to users' quality-of-experience (QoE), e.g., changes in a video streaming app's frame rate in reaction to changes in packet loss rate depend on various factors such as the adaptation strategy used by the app and the app's use of forward error correction (FEC) codes. Therefore, knowledge of user QoE is desirable in several scenarios that have traditionally operated on QoS information. Examples include traffic management by ISPs and resource allocation by the operating system (OS). However, today, entities such as ISPs and OSes that implement these optimizations typically do not have a convenient way of obtaining input from applications on user QoE. To address this problem, we propose offline generation of per-application models mapping application-independent QoS metrics to corresponding application-specific QoE metrics, thereby enabling entities (such as ISPs and OSes) that can observe a user's network traffic to infer the user's QoE, in the absence of direct input. In this paper, we describe how such models can be generated and present our results from two popular video applications with significantly different QoE metrics. We also showcase the use of these models for ISPs to perform QoE-aware traffic management and for the OS to offer an efficient QoE diagnosis service.
Zhang, Lihua, Shang, Yue, Qin, Qi, Chen, Shaowei, Zhao, Shuai.  2016.  Research on Fault Feature Extraction for Analog Circuits. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Signal Processing Systems. :173–177.

In order to realize the accurate positioning and recognition effectively of the analog circuit, the feature extraction of fault information is an extremely important port. This arrival based on the experimental circuit which is designed as a failure mode to pick-up the fault sample set. We have chosen two methods, one is the combination of wavelet transform and principal component analysis, the other is the factorial analysis for the fault data's feature extraction, and we also use the extreme learning machine to train and diagnose the data, to compare the performance of these two methods through the accuracy of the diagnosis. The results of the experiment shows that the data which we get from the experimental circuit, after dealing with these two methods can quickly get the fault location.

Moradi, M., Falahati, A., Shahbahrami, A., Zare-Hassanpour, R..  2015.  Improving visual quality in wireless capsule endoscopy images with contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization. 2015 2nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IPRIA). :1–5.

Wireless Capsule Endoscopy (WCE) is a noninvasive device for detection of gastrointestinal problems especially small bowel diseases, such as polyps which causes gastrointestinal bleeding. The quality of WCE images is very important for diagnosis. In this paper, a new method is proposed to improve the quality of WCE images. In our proposed method for improving the quality of WCE images, Removing Noise and Contrast Enhancement (RNCE) algorithm is used. The algorithm have been implemented and tested on some real images. Quality metrics used for performance evaluation of the proposed method is Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM), Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Edge Strength Similarity for Image (ESSIM). The results obtained from SSIM, PSNR and ESSIM indicate that the implemented RNCE method improve the quality of WCE images significantly.

Cook, A., Wunderlich, H.-J..  2014.  Diagnosis of multiple faults with highly compacted test responses. Test Symposium (ETS), 2014 19th IEEE European. :1-6.

Defects cluster, and the probability of a multiple fault is significantly higher than just the product of the single fault probabilities. While this observation is beneficial for high yield, it complicates fault diagnosis. Multiple faults will occur especially often during process learning, yield ramp-up and field return analysis. In this paper, a logic diagnosis algorithm is presented which is robust against multiple faults and which is able to diagnose multiple faults with high accuracy even on compressed test responses as they are produced in embedded test and built-in self-test. The developed solution takes advantage of the linear properties of a MISR compactor to identify a set of faults likely to produce the observed faulty signatures. Experimental results show an improvement in accuracy of up to 22 % over traditional logic diagnosis solutions suitable for comparable compaction ratios.

Paulo Casanova, Bradley Schmerl, David Garlan, Rui Abreu.  2011.  Architecture-Based Run-Time Fault Diagnosis. Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Software Architecture.

An important step in achieving robustness to run-time faults is the ability to detect and repair problems when they arise in a running system. Effective fault detection and repair could be greatly enhanced by run-time fault diagnosis and localization, since it would allow the repair mechanisms to focus adaptation effort on the parts most in need of attention. In this paper we describe an approach to run-time fault diagnosis that combines architectural models with spectrum-based reasoning for multiple fault localization. Spectrum-based reasoning is a lightweight technique that takes a form of trace abstraction and produces a list (ordered by probability) of likely fault candidates. We show how this technique can be combined with architectural models to support run-time diagnosis that can (a) scale to modern distributed software systems; (b) accommodate the use of black-box components and proprietary infrastructure for which one has neither a specification nor source code; and (c) handle inherent uncertainty about the probable cause of a problem even in the face of transient faults and faults that arise only when certain combinations of system components interact.