Blockchain platforms are coming into use for processing critical transactions among participants who have not established mutual trust. Many blockchains are programmable, supporting smart contracts, which maintain persistent state and support transactions that transform the state. Unfortunately, bugs in many smart contracts have been exploited by hackers. Obsidian is a novel programming language with a type system that enables static detection of bugs that are common in smart contracts today. Obsidian is based on a core calculus, Silica, for which we proved type soundness. Obsidian uses typestate to detect improper state manipulation and uses linear types to detect abuse of assets. We integrated a permissions system that encodes a notion of ownership to allow for safe, flexible aliasing. We describe two case studies that evaluate Obsidian’s applicability to the domains of parametric insurance and supply chain management, finding that Obsidian’s type system facilitates reasoning about high-level states and ownership of resources. We compared our Obsidian implementation to a Solidity implementation, observing that the Solidity implementation requires much boilerplate checking and tracking of state, whereas Obsidian does this work statically.
Language-based information flow control (IFC) aims to provide guarantees about information propagation in computer systems having multiple security levels. Existing IFC systems extend the lattice model of Denning's, enforcing transitive security policies by tracking information flows along with a partially ordered set of security levels. They yield a transitive noninterference property of either confidentiality or integrity. In this paper, we explore IFC for security policies that are not necessarily transitive. Such nontransitive security policies avoid unwanted or unexpected information flows implied by transitive policies and naturally accommodate high-level coarse-grained security requirements in modern component-based software. We present a novel security type system for enforcing nontransitive security policies. Unlike traditional security type systems that verify information propagation by subtyping security levels of a transitive policy, our type system relaxes strong transitivity by inferring information flow history through security levels and ensuring that they respect the nontransitive policy in effect. Such a type system yields a new nontransitive noninterference property that offers more flexible information flow relations induced by security policies that do not have to be transitive, therefore generalizing the conventional transitive noninterference. This enables us to directly reason about the extent of information flows in the program and restrict interactions between security-sensitive and untrusted components.
Developers of applications relying on cryptographic libraries can easily make mistakes in their use. Popular dynamic languages such as JavaScript make testing or verifying such applications particularly challenging. In this paper, we present our ongoing work toward a methodology for automatically checking security properties in JavaScript code. Our main idea is to attach security annotations to values that encode properties of interest. We illustrate our idea using examples and, as an initial step in our line of work, we present a formalization of security annotations in a statically typed lambda calculus. As next steps, we will translate our annotations to a dynamically typed formalization of JavaScript such as $łambda$JS and implement a runtime checked type extension using code instrumentation for full JavaScript.
We present PrivInfer, an expressive framework for writing and verifying differentially private Bayesian machine learning algorithms. Programs in PrivInfer are written in a rich functional probabilistic programming language with constructs for performing Bayesian inference. Then, differential privacy of programs is established using a relational refinement type system, in which refinements on probability types are indexed by a metric on distributions. Our framework leverages recent developments in Bayesian inference, probabilistic programming languages, and in relational refinement types. We demonstrate the expressiveness of PrivInfer by verifying privacy for several examples of private Bayesian inference.
Staging is a program generation paradigm with a clean, well-investigated semantics which statically ensures that the generated code is always well-typed and well-scoped. Staging is often used for specializing programs to the known properties or parts of data to improve efficiency, but so far it has been limited to generating terms. This short paper describes our ongoing work on extending staging, with its strong safety guarantees, to generation of non-terms, focusing on ML-style modules. The purpose is to map out the promises and challenges, then to pose a question to solicit the community's expertise in evaluating how essential our extensions are for the purpose of applying staging beyond the realm of terms. We demonstrate our extensions' use in specializing functor applications to eliminate its (currently large) overhead in OCaml. We explain the challenges that those extensions bring in and identify a promising line of attack. Unexpectedly, however, it turns out that we can avoid module generation altogether by representing modules, possibly containing abstract types, as polymorphic records. With the help of first-class modules, module specialization reduces to ordinary term specialization, which can be done with conventional staging. The extent to which this hack generalizes is unclear. Thus we have a question to the community: is there a compelling use case for module generation? With these insights and questions, we offer a starting point for a long-term program in the next stage of staging research.
Web applications must ultimately command systems like web browsers and database engines using strings. Strings derived from improperly sanitized user input can as a result be a vector for command injection attacks. In this paper, we introduce regular string types, which classify strings constrained statically to be in a regular language specified by a regular expression. Regular strings support standard string operations like concatenation and substitution, as well as safe coercions, so they can be used to implement, in an essentially conventional manner, the pieces of a web application or framework that handle strings arising from user input. Simple type annotations at function interfaces can be used to statically verify that sanitization has been performed correctly without introducing redundant run-time checks. We specify this type system first as a minimal typed lambda calculus, lambdaRS. To be practical, adopting a specialized type system like this should not require the adoption of a new programming language. Instead, we advocate for extensible type systems: new type system fragments like this should be implemented as libraries atop a mechanism that guarantees that they can be safely composed. We support this with two contributions. First, we specify a translation from lambdaRS to a calculus with only standard strings and regular expressions. Then, taking Python as a language with these constructs, we implement the type system together with the translation as a library using typy, an extensible static type system for Python.