Cybercrimes today are focused over returns, especially in the form of monetary returns. In this paper - through a literature study and conducting interviews for the people victimized by ransomware and a survey with random set of victimized and non-victimized by ransomware - conclusions about the dependence of ransomware on demographics like age and education areshown. Increasing threats due to ease of transfer of ransomware through internet arealso discussed. Finally, low level awarenessamong company professionals is confirmed and reluctance to payment on being a victim is found as a common trait.
The C preprocessor has received strong criticism in academia, among others regarding separation of concerns, error proneness, and code obfuscation, but is widely used in practice. Many (mostly academic) alternatives to the preprocessor exist, but have not been adopted in practice. Since developers continue to use the preprocessor despite all criticism and research, we ask how practitioners perceive the C preprocessor. We performed interviews with 40 developers, used grounded theory to analyze the data, and cross-validated the results with data from a survey among 202 developers, repository mining, and results from previous studies. In particular, we investigated four research questions related to why the preprocessor is still widely used in practice, common problems, alternatives, and the impact of undisciplined annotations. Our study shows that developers are aware of the criticism the C preprocessor receives, but use it nonetheless, mainly for portability and variability. Many developers indicate that they regularly face preprocessor-related problems and preprocessor-related bugs. The majority of our interviewees do not see any current C-native technologies that can entirely replace the C preprocessor. However, developers tend to mitigate problems with guidelines, but those guidelines are not enforced consistently. We report the key insights gained from our study and discuss implications for practitioners and researchers on how to better use the C preprocessor to minimize its negative impact.
Sony in United States and KHNP in South Korea were hit by a series of cyberattacks late in 2014 that were blamed on North Korea. U.S. president Obama responded strongly and positively as control tower, and led Sony do not surrender to hacker's demand. U.S government demonstrated retaliatory action against North Korea under the proportional principle, blacklisted 3 North Korean entities and 10 officials. That days, there was the outrage of internet of North Korea. In order to enhance the cyber security response capability, U.S created a new office, CTIIC and encouraged the development of ISAOs, and made Sanctions EO, Information Sharing EO etc. KHNP and the Ministry of Industry rectified incidents itself early period when cyber incident arose, and the situation did not recovered as quickly as desired. S. Korea had not retaliation actions, otherwise called for closer global cooperation against cyber-attacks. To enhance national cyber security and resilience, S. Korea government created the new post of presidential secretary for cyber security and draw up `Strengthening National Cyber Security Posture' initiative.
Principles of agile information systems development (ISD) have attracted the interest of practice as well as research. The goal of this literature review is to validate, update and extend previous reviews in terms of the general state of research on agile ISD. Besides including categories such as the employed research methods and data collection techniques, the importance of theory is highlighted by evaluating the theoretical foundations and contributions of former studies. Since agile ISD is rooted in the IS as well as software engineering discipline, important outlets of both disciplines are included in the search process, resulting in 482 investigated papers. The findings show that quantitative studies and the theoretical underpinnings of agile ISD are lacking. Extreme Programming is still the most researched agile ISD method, and more efforts on Scrum are needed. In consequence, multiple research gaps that need further research attention are identified.
Numerous cloud service certifications (CSCs) are emerging in practice. However, in their striving to establish the market standard, CSC initiatives proceed independently, resulting in a disparate collection of CSCs that are predominantly proprietary, based on various standards, and differ in terms of scope, audit process, and underlying certification schemes. Although literature suggests that a certification's design influences its effectiveness, research on CSC design is lacking and there are no commonly agreed structural characteristics of CSCs. Informed by data from 13 expert interviews and 7 cloud computing standards, this paper delineates and structures CSC knowledge by developing a taxonomy for criteria to be assessed in a CSC. The taxonomy consists of 6 dimensions with 28 subordinate characteristics and classifies 328 criteria, thereby building foundations for future research to systematically develop and investigate the efficacy of CSC designs as well as providing a knowledge base for certifiers, cloud providers, and users.
Social networking sites (SNSs), with their large number of users and large information base, seem to be the perfect breeding ground for exploiting the vulnerabilities of people, who are considered the weakest link in security. Deceiving, persuading, or influencing people to provide information or to perform an action that will benefit the attacker is known as "social engineering." Fraudulent and deceptive people use social engineering traps and tactics through SNSs to trick users into obeying them, accepting threats, and falling victim to various crimes such as phishing, sexual abuse, financial abuse, identity theft, and physical crime. Although organizations, researchers, and practitioners recognize the serious risks of social engineering, there is a severe lack of understanding and control of such threats. This may be partly due to the complexity of human behaviors in approaching, accepting, and failing to recognize social engineering tricks. This research aims to investigate the impact of source characteristics on users' susceptibility to social engineering victimization in SNSs, particularly Facebook. Using grounded theory method, we develop a model that explains what and how source characteristics influence Facebook users to judge the attacker as credible.
The research question of this study is: How Integration Readiness Level (IRL) metrics can be understood and realized in the domain of border control information systems. The study address to the IRL metrics and their definition, criteria, references, and questionnaires for validation of border control information systems in case of the shared maritime situational awareness system. The target of study is in improvements of ways for acceptance, operational validation, risk assessment, and development of sharing mechanisms and integration of information systems and border control information interactions and collaboration concepts in Finnish national and European border control domains.