Visible to the public EDA Tools Trust Evaluation Through Security Property Proofs

TitleEDA Tools Trust Evaluation Through Security Property Proofs
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsJin, Yier
Conference NameProceedings of the Conference on Design, Automation & Test in Europe
PublisherEuropean Design and Automation Association
Conference LocationDresden, Germany
ISBN Number978-3-9815370-2-4

The security concerns of EDA tools have long been ignored because IC designers and integrators only focus on their functionality and performance. This lack of trusted EDA tools hampers hardware security researchers' efforts to design trusted integrated circuits. To address this concern, a novel EDA tools trust evaluation framework has been proposed to ensure the trustworthiness of EDA tools through its functional operation, rather than scrutinizing the software code. As a result, the newly proposed framework lowers the evaluation cost and is a better fit for hardware security researchers. To support the EDA tools evaluation framework, a new gate-level information assurance scheme is developed for security property checking on any gate-level netlist. Helped by the gate-level scheme, we expand the territory of proof-carrying based IP protection from RT-level designs to gate-level netlist, so that most of the commercially trading third-party IP cores are under the protection of proof-carrying based security properties. Using a sample AES encryption core, we successfully prove the trustworthiness of Synopsys Design Compiler in generating a synthesized netlist.

Citation KeyJin:2014:ETT:2616606.2616908