Visible to the public Toward Curricular Guidelines for Cybersecurity

TitleToward Curricular Guidelines for Cybersecurity
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsMcGettrick, Andrew, Cassel, Lillian N., Dark, Melissa, Hawthorne, Elizabeth K., Impagliazzo, John
Conference NameProceedings of the 45th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
Conference LocationAtlanta, Georgia, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-2605-6
Keywordscurriculum, security

This session reports on a workshop convened by the ACM Education Board with funding by the US National Science Foundation and invites discussion from the community on the workshop findings. The topic, curricular directions for cybersecurity, is one that resonates in many departments considering how best to prepare graduates to face the challenges of security issues in employment and future research. The session will include presentation of the workshop context and conclusions, but will be open to participant discussion. This will be the first public presentation of the results of the workshop and the first opportunity for significant response.

Citation KeyMcGettrick:2014:TCG:2538862.2538990