Visible to the public Architecture Modeling and Analysis of Security in Android SystemsConflict Detection Enabled

TitleArchitecture Modeling and Analysis of Security in Android Systems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsBradley Schmerl, Jeffrey Gennari, Alireza Sadeghi, Hamid Bagheri, Sam Malek, Javier Camara, David Garlan
Conference Name10th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2016)
Date Published11/2016
Conference LocationCopenhagen, Denmark
KeywordsCMU, Jan'17

Software architecture modeling is important for analyzing system quality attributes, particularly security. However, such analyses often assume that the architecture is completely known in advance. In many modern domains, especially those that use plugin-based frameworks, it is not possible to have such a complete model because the software system continuously changes. The Android mobile operating system is one such framework, where users can install and uninstall apps at run time. We need ways to model and analyze such architectures that strike a balance between supporting the dynamism of the underlying platforms and enabling analysis, particularly throughout a system's lifetime. In this paper, we describe a formal architecture style that captures the modifiable architectures of Android systems, and that supports security analysis as a system evolves. We illustrate the use of the style with two security analyses: a predicatebased approach defined over architectural structure that can detect some common security vulnerabilities, and inter-app permission leakage determined by model checking. We also show how the evolving architecture of an Android device can be obtained by analysis of the apps on a device, and provide some performance evaluation that indicates that the architecture can be amenable for use throughout the system's lifetime.

DOI10.1007/978-3-319-48992-6 21
Citation Keynode-30211
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