Visible to the public Characterizations and boundaries of security requirements patternsConflict Detection Enabled

TitleCharacterizations and boundaries of security requirements patterns
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsRocky Slavin, Hui Shen, Jianwei Niu
Conference Name2012 Second IEEE International Workshop on Requirements Patterns (RePa)
Date Published09/2012
Conference LocationChicago, IL
ISBN Number978-1-4673-4376-3

Very often in the software development life cycle, security is applied too late or important security aspects are overlooked. Although the use of security patterns is gaining popularity, the current state of security requirements patterns is such that there is not much in terms of a defining structure. To address this issue, we are working towards defining the important characteristics as well as the boundaries for security requirements patterns in order to make them more effective. By examining an existing general pattern format that describes how security patterns should be structured and comparing it to existing security requirements patterns, we are deriving characterizations and boundaries for security requirements patterns. From these attributes, we propose a defining format. We hope that these can reduce user effort in elicitation and specification of security requirements patterns.

Citation Keynode-30314

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