Visible to the public MPI Sessions: Leveraging Runtime Infrastructure to Increase Scalability of Applications at Exascale

TitleMPI Sessions: Leveraging Runtime Infrastructure to Increase Scalability of Applications at Exascale
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsHolmes, Daniel, Mohror, Kathryn, Grant, Ryan E., Skjellum, Anthony, Schulz, Martin, Bland, Wesley, Squyres, Jeffrey M.
Conference NameProceedings of the 23rd European MPI Users' Group Meeting
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-4234-6
Keywordsmessage passing interface, Scalable Programming Model

MPI includes all processes in MPI\_COMM\_WORLD; this is untenable for reasons of scale, resiliency, and overhead. This paper offers a new approach, extending MPI with a new concept called Sessions, which makes two key contributions: a tighter integration with the underlying runtime system; and a scalable route to communication groups. This is a fundamental change in how we organise and address MPI processes that removes well-known scalability barriers by no longer requiring the global communicator MPI\_COMM\_WORLD.

Citation Keyholmes_mpi_2016