Visible to the public Secured Wireless Sensor Network Using Improved Key Management

TitleSecured Wireless Sensor Network Using Improved Key Management
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsHabeeb, Ibtisam Joda, Muhajjar, Ra'ad A.
Conference NameProceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Network, Communication and Computing
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-4793-8
KeywordsCipher Block Chaining (CBC), Human Behavior, Key Management, Metrics, Pseudo-Random Generator (PRNG), pubcrawl, random key generation, Resiliency, Rivets Cipher (RC5), Scalability, Wireless Sensor Network

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of a numerous of small devices called sensor which has a limitation in resources such as low energy, memory, and computation. Sensors deployed in a harsh environment and vulnerable to various security issues and due to the resource restriction in a sensor, key management and provide robust security in this type of networks is a challenge. keys may be used in two ways in cryptography is symmetric or asymmetric, asymmetric is required more communication, memory, and computing when compared with symmetric, so it is not appropriate for WSN. In this paper, key management scheme based on symmetric keys has been proposed where each node uses pseudo-random generator (PRNG)to generate key that is shared with base station based on pre-distributed initial key and CBC - RC5 to reached to confidently, integrity and authentication.

Citation Keyhabeeb_secured_2016