Visible to the public Modeling, Analyzing, and Consistency Checking Privacy Requirements Using Eddy

TitleModeling, Analyzing, and Consistency Checking Privacy Requirements Using Eddy
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsSmullen, Daniel, Breaux, Travis D.
Conference NameProceedings of the Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-4277-3
Keywordscontrol theory, data flow analysis, model checking, privacy, pubcrawl, requirements engineering, Resiliency

Eddy is a privacy requirements specification language that privacy analysts can use to express requirements over data practices; to collect, use, transfer and retain personal and technical information. The language uses a simple SQL-like syntax to express whether an action is permitted or prohibited, and to restrict those statements to particular data subjects and purposes. Eddy also supports the ability to express modifications on data, including perturbation, data append, and redaction. The Eddy specifications are compiled into Description Logic to automatically detect conflicting requirements and to trace data flows within and across specifications. Conflicts are highlighted, showing which rules are in conflict (expressing prohibitions and rights to perform the same action on equivalent interpretations of the same data, data subjects, or purposes), and what definitions caused the rules to conflict. Each specification can describe an organization's data practices, or the data practices of specific components in a software architecture.

Citation Keysmullen_modeling_2016