Visible to the public CP-ORTHO: An Orthogonal Tensor Factorization Framework for Spatio-Temporal Data

TitleCP-ORTHO: An Orthogonal Tensor Factorization Framework for Spatio-Temporal Data
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsAfshar, Ardavan, Ho, Joyce C., Dilkina, Bistra, Perros, Ioakeim, Khalil, Elias B., Xiong, Li, Sunderam, Vaidy
Conference NameProceedings of the 25th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-5490-5
KeywordsMetrics, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, Tensor Factorization, unsupervised learning, work factor metrics

Extracting patterns and deriving insights from spatio-temporal data finds many target applications in various domains, such as in urban planning and computational sustainability. Due to their inherent capability of simultaneously modeling the spatial and temporal aspects of multiple instances, tensors have been successfully used to analyze such spatio-temporal data. However, standard tensor factorization approaches often result in components that are highly overlapping, which hinders the practitioner's ability to interpret them without advanced domain knowledge. In this work, we tackle this challenge by proposing a tensor factorization framework, called CP-ORTHO, to discover distinct and easily-interpretable patterns from multi-modal, spatio-temporal data. We evaluate our approach on real data reflecting taxi drop-off activity. CP-ORTHO provides more distinct and interpretable patterns than prior art, as measured via relevant quantitative metrics, without compromising the solution's accuracy. We observe that CP-ORTHO is fast, in that it achieves this result in 5x less time than the most accurate competing approach.

Citation Keyafshar_cp-ortho:_2017