Visible to the public Mitigating DNS Random Subdomain DDoS Attacks by Distinct Heavy Hitters Sketches

TitleMitigating DNS Random Subdomain DDoS Attacks by Distinct Heavy Hitters Sketches
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsFeibish, Shir Landau, Afek, Yehuda, Bremler-Barr, Anat, Cohen, Edith, Shagam, Michal
Conference NameProceedings of the Fifth ACM/IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Web Systems and Technologies
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-5527-8
Keywordscomposability, edge detection, Metrics, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, security
AbstractRandom Subdomain DDoS attacks on the Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure are becoming a popular vector in recent attacks (e.g., recent Mirai attack on Dyn). In these attacks, many queries are sent for a single or a few victim domains, yet they include highly varying non-existent subdomains generated randomly. Motivated by these attacks we designed and implemented novel and efficient algorithms for distinct heavy hitters (dHH). A (classic) heavy hitter (HH) in a stream of elements is a key (e.g., the domain of a query) which appears in many elements (e.g., requests). When stream elements consist of !key, subkey? pairs, (!domain, subdomain?) a distinct heavy hitter (dhh) is a key that is paired with a large number of different subkeys. Our algorithms dominate previous designs in both the asymptotic (theoretical) sense and practicality. Specifically the new fixed-size algorithms are simple to code and with asymptotically optimal space accuracy tradeoffs. Based on these algorithms, we build and implement a system for detection and mitigation of Random Subdomain DDoS attacks. We perform experimental evaluation, demonstrating the effectiveness of our algorithms.
Citation Keyfeibish_mitigating_2017