Visible to the public A Fusion Decision Method Based on the Dynamic Fuzzy Density Assignment

TitleA Fusion Decision Method Based on the Dynamic Fuzzy Density Assignment
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsLi, Yanqiu, Ren, Fuji, Hu, Min, Wang, Xiaohua
Conference NameProceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Image Processing
Date PublishedAugust 2017
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-5295-6
KeywordsDivisibility, Facial expression recognition (FER), facial recognition, Fuzzy Density, Fuzzy integral, Human Behavior, Metrics, pubcrawl, resilience

Fuzzy density is an important part of fuzzy integral, which is used to describe the reliability of classifiers in the process of fusion. Most of the fuzzy density assignment methods are based on the training priori knowledge of the classifier and ignore the difference of the testing samples themselves. To better describe the real-time reliability of the classifier in the fusion process, the dispersion of the classifier is calculated according to the decision information which outputted by the classifier. Then the divisibility of the classifier is obtained through the information entropy of the dispersion. Finally, the divisibility and the priori knowledge are combined to get the fuzzy density which can be dynamically adjusted. Experiments on JAFFE and CK databases show that, compared with traditional fuzzy integral methods, the proposed method can effectively improve the decision performance of fuzzy integral and reduce the interference of unreliable output information to decision. And it is an effective multi-classifier fusion method.

Citation Keyli_fusion_2017