Visible to the public Vulnerability Analysis of Secure USB: Based on the Fingerprint Authentication of Product B

TitleVulnerability Analysis of Secure USB: Based on the Fingerprint Authentication of Product B
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsLee, Kyungroul, Son, Byeong-Geun, Lee, Sun-Young, Yim, Kangbin
Conference NameProceedings of the 2018 Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems
ISBN Number978-1-4503-5885-9
Keywordsbiometric authentication, biometric encryption, Metrics, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, secure USB, user authentication, vulnerability analysis
AbstractIn order to improve the security of data stored in the USB memory, a secure USB has appeared on the consumer market. The secure USB protects data stored into the device by user authentication, data encryption, and access control. However, in several products, there is a problem in that the data can be stolen due to authentication bypass or key exposure. To solve this problem, a method for enhancing user authentication has been studied, and product B, which typically provides user authentication with biometric authentication, has emerged. In this paper, we analyze the vulnerability of product B that provides a biometric authentication, and we verified the possibility of bypassing the authentication and the incident of potential stealing of the data. Consequently, we consider that it will be possible to develop a more secure USB product based on counteracting analyzed vulnerability as described in this paper.
Citation Keylee_vulnerability_2018