Visible to the public HyperFlow: A Processor Architecture for Nonmalleable, Timing-Safe Information Flow Security

TitleHyperFlow: A Processor Architecture for Nonmalleable, Timing-Safe Information Flow Security
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsFerraiuolo, Andrew, Zhao, Mark, Myers, Andrew C., Suh, G. Edward
Conference NameProceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-5693-0
Keywordscomposability, control theory, hardware security, information-flow security, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, security, timing channels

This paper presents HyperFlow, a processor that enforces secure information flow, including control over timing channels. The design and implementation of HyperFlow offer security assurance because it is implemented using a security-typed hardware description language that enforces secure information flow. Unlike prior processors that aim to enforce simple information-flow policies such as noninterference, HyperFlow allows complex information flow policies that can be configured at run time. Its fine-grained, decentralized information flow mechanisms allow controlled communication among mutually distrusting processes and system calls into different security domains. We address the significant challenges in designing such a processor architecture with contributions in both the hardware architecture and the security type system. The paper discusses the architecture decisions that make the processor secure and describes ChiselFlow, a new secure hardware description language supporting lightweight information-flow enforcement. The HyperFlow architecture is prototyped on a full-featured processor that offers a complete RISC-V instruction set, and is shown to add moderate overhead to area and performance.

Citation Keyferraiuolo_hyperflow:_2018