Visible to the public Cyber Deception: Overview and the Road AheadConflict Detection Enabled

TitleCyber Deception: Overview and the Road Ahead
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsC. Wang, Z. Lu
JournalIEEE Security Privacy
Date PublishedMarch
Keywordsadaptive cyber defense techniques, adversarial mind manipulation, Articles for Review, C3E 2019, Cognitive Security, Computer hacking, computer security, cyber attack and defense, cyber deception, cybersecurity, Cyberspace, moving target defense, primitive systems, proactive cyber defense, proactive strategies, security, security of data

Since the concept of deception for cybersecurity was introduced decades ago, several primitive systems, such as honeypots, have been attempted. More recently, research on adaptive cyber defense techniques has gained momentum. The new research interests in this area motivate us to provide a high-level overview of cyber deception. We analyze potential strategies of cyber deception and its unique aspects. We discuss the research challenges of creating effective cyber deception-based techniques and identify future research directions.

Citation Key8328971