Visible to the public How human bias impacts cybersecurity decision makingConflict Detection Enabled

TitleHow human bias impacts cybersecurity decision making
Publication TypeMagazine Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsZeljka Zorz
MagazineHelp Net Security
Date PublishedJune 10, 2019
KeywordsArticles of Interest, C3E 2019, Cognitive Security, Cognitive Security in Cyber, cybersecurity

Psychologist and Principal Research Scientist at Forecepoint, Dr. Margaret Cunningham, conducted a study in which she examined the impacts of six different unconscious human biases on decision-making in cybersecurity. Awareness and understanding surrounding cognitive biases in the realm of cybersecurity should be increased in order to reduce biased decision-making in the performance of activities such as threat analysis and prevent the design of systems that perpetuate biases.

Citation Keynode-62449