Visible to the public Cognitive Bias Can Hamper Security DecisionsConflict Detection Enabled

TitleCognitive Bias Can Hamper Security Decisions
Publication TypeMagazine Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsKelly Sheridan
MagazineDark Reading
EditionThreat Intelligence
Date Published6/10/2019
KeywordsCognitive Biases, Cognitive Security, Cognitive Security in Cyber

A report published by Forcepoint, titled Thinking About Thinking: Exploring Bias in Cybersecurity with Insights from Cognitive Science, highlights availability bias as one of the biases held by security and business teams. Availability bias occurs when a person lets the frequency with which they receive information influence their decisions. For example, if there are more headlines about nation-state attacks, such attacks may become a greater priority to major decision-makers in the development and spending surrounding cybersecurity solutions.

Citation Keynode-62642