Visible to the public A Critical Analysis of Informed Use of Context-aware Technologies

TitleA Critical Analysis of Informed Use of Context-aware Technologies
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsBarrett, Ayodele A., Matthee, Machdel
Conference NameProceedings of the Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-6647-2
Keywordscontext-aware technologies, critical discourse analysis, critical research in information systems, Human Behavior, informed decision making, Privacy Policies, privacy policy statements, pubcrawl, Scalability
AbstractThere is a move towards a future in which consumers of technology are untethered from the devices and technology recedes to the subconscious. One way of achieving this vision is with context-aware technologies, which smartphones exemplify. Key figures in the creation of modern technologies suggest that consumers are fully informed of the implications of the use of these technologies. Typically, privacy policy documents are used both to inform, and gain consent from users of these technologies, on how their personal data will be used. This paper examines opinions of African-based users of smartphones. There is also an examination of the privacy policy statement of a popular app, using Critical Discourse Analysis. The analysis reveals concerns of consumers regarding absence of choice, a lack of knowledge and information privacy erosion are not unfounded.
Citation Keybarrett_critical_2018