Visible to the public Phishing E-Mail Detection by Using Deep Learning Algorithms

TitlePhishing E-Mail Detection by Using Deep Learning Algorithms
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsHassanpour, Reza, Dogdu, Erdogan, Choupani, Roya, Goker, Onur, Nazli, Nazli
Conference NameProceedings of the ACMSE 2018 Conference
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-5696-1
Keywordsclassification, Deep Learning, Human Behavior, human factor, machine learning, malware detection, phishing, pubcrawl, supervised learning

Phishing e-mails are considered as spam e-mails, which aim to collect sensitive personal information about the users via network. Since the main purpose of this behavior is mostly to harm users financially, it is vital to detect these phishing or spam e-mails immediately to prevent unauthorized access to users' vital information. To detect phishing e-mails, using a quicker and robust classification method is important. Considering the billions of e-mails on the Internet, this classification process is supposed to be done in a limited time to analyze the results. In this work, we present some of the early results on the classification of spam email using deep learning and machine methods. We utilize word2vec to represent emails instead of using the popular keyword or other rule-based methods. Vector representations are then fed into a neural network to create a learning model. We have tested our method on an open dataset and found over 96% accuracy levels with the deep learning classification methods in comparison to the standard machine learning algorithms.

Citation Keyhassanpour_phishing_2018