Visible to the public Understanding Transformations Through Design: Can Resilience Thinking Help?

TitleUnderstanding Transformations Through Design: Can Resilience Thinking Help?
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
Authorsvan der Veen, Rosa, Hakkerainen, Viola, Peeters, Jeroen, Trotto, Ambra
Conference NameProceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-5568-1
KeywordsComputing Theory and Resilience, constructive design research, embodied interaction, pubcrawl, resilience thinking, Resiliency, Transformation, transformative qualities
AbstractThe interaction design community increasingly addresses how digital technologies may contribute to societal transformations. This paper aims at understanding transformation ignited by a particular constructive design research project. This transformation will be discussed and analysed using resilience thinking, an established approach within sustainability science. By creating a common language between these two disciplines, we start to identify what kind of transformation took place, what factors played a role in the transformation, and which transformative qualities played a role in creating these factors. Our intention is to set out how the notion of resilience might provide a new perspective to understand how constructive design research may produce results that have a sustainable social impact. The findings point towards ways in which these two different perspectives on transformation the analytical perspective of resilience thinking and the generative perspective of constructive design research - may become complementary in both igniting and understanding transformations.
Citation Keyvan_der_veen_understanding_2018