Visible to the public Email Spam Detection : An Empirical Comparative Study of Different ML and Ensemble Classifiers

TitleEmail Spam Detection : An Empirical Comparative Study of Different ML and Ensemble Classifiers
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsSuryawanshi, Shubhangi, Goswami, Anurag, Patil, Pramod
Conference Name2019 IEEE 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing (IACC)
ISBN Number978-1-7281-4392-7
KeywordsAccuracy Measure, Human Behavior, human factors, machine learning classifiers, Metrics, pubcrawl, Scalability, spam detection, Spam detection and classification, Voting Mechanism

Recent Development in Hardware and Software Technology for the communication email is preferred. But due to the unbidden emails, it affects communication. There is a need for detection and classification of spam email. In this present research email spam detection and classification, models are built. We have used different Machine learning classifiers like Naive Bayes, SVM, KNN, Bagging and Boosting (Adaboost), and Ensemble Classifiers with a voting mechanism. Evaluation and testing of classifiers is performed on email spam dataset from UCI Machine learning repository and Kaggle website. Different accuracy measures like Accuracy Score, F measure, Recall, Precision, Support and ROC are used. The preliminary result shows that Ensemble Classifier with a voting mechanism is the best to be used. It gives the minimum false positive rate and high accuracy.

Citation Keysuryawanshi_email_2019