Visible to the public Blockchain-Enabled 5G Autonomous Vehicular Networks

TitleBlockchain-Enabled 5G Autonomous Vehicular Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsRahmadika, Sandi, Lee, Kyeongmo, Rhee, Kyung-Hyune
Conference Name2019 International Conference on Sustainable Engineering and Creative Computing (ICSECC)
ISBN Number978-1-7281-5192-2
Keywords5g network, autonomous vehicular, blockchain, decentralized system, Human Behavior, human factors, Metrics, pubcrawl, Scalability, Tamper resistance

Blockchain technology is getting more attention due to its inherent nature in resistance to data modification. Blockchain combined with IoT enables to improve the level of services for various domains with security guarantees. Numerous research has begun in order to link the blockchain along with autonomous vehicles system on 5G networks. Ultrafast connections, speedier data downloads, and the ability to handle millions of connections more than LTE networks are crucial to support a rapid autonomous system. Therefore, the system requires proper data storage management, high secure transaction, and non-interference network. The blockchain is suitable for the 5G vehicular system since it is immutable, tamper-proof, and secure by design. Although the decentralized 5G autonomous vehicular network provides countless benefits, yet it raises more than a few challenges. This paper provides an initial stage of the blockchain-enabled 5G vehicular networks, architecture, and technical aspects. Some remarks and challenges are also discussed.

Citation Keyrahmadika_blockchain-enabled_2019