Visible to the public Revealing Information While Preserving PrivacyConflict Detection Enabled

TitleRevealing Information While Preserving Privacy
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsDinur, Irit, Nissim, Kobbi
Conference NameProceedings of the Twenty-Second ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems
PublisherAssociation for Computing Machinery
Conference LocationSan Diego, California
ISBN Number1581136706
Keywordsdata reconstruction, integrity and security, subset-sums with noise

We examine the tradeoff between privacy and usability of statistical databases. We model a statistical database by an n-bit string d1,..,dn, with a query being a subset q [n] to be answered by Sieqdi. Our main result is a polynomial reconstruction algorithm of data from noisy (perturbed) subset sums. Applying this reconstruction algorithm to statistical databases we show that in order to achieve privacy one has to add perturbation of magnitude (On). That is, smaller perturbation always results in a strong violation of privacy. We show that this result is tight by exemplifying access algorithms for statistical databases that preserve privacy while adding perturbation of magnitude O(n).For time-T bounded adversaries we demonstrate a privacypreserving access algorithm whose perturbation magnitude is T.

Citation Key10.1145/773153.773173