Visible to the public Partial Signature for Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems

TitlePartial Signature for Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsFouchal, Hacène, Ninet, Alain
Conference Name2020 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC)
Keywordsauthenticity., C-ITS, Human Behavior, Metrics, PKI Trust Models, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Scalability, security, VANETs
AbstractOn C-ITS (Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems) vehicles send and receive sensitive messages informing about events on roads (accidents, traffic jams, etc,..). The authentication of these messages is highly recommended in order to increase the users confidence about this system. This authentication ensures that only messages coming from trusted vehicles are accepted by receivers. An adapted PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) for C-ITS provides certificates for each vehicle. The certificate will be used to sign messages. This principle is used within deployed C-ITS solutions over the world. This solution is easy to implement but has one major flaw: each message needs to be sent with its signature and its certificate. The size of the message to send becomes high. In the meantime, for many C-ITS use cases, each message is sent many times for robustness reasons. The communication channel could be overloaded. In this paper, we propose to split the signature into some equal parts. When a message has to be sent, it will be sent with one of these parts. A receiver will save the received message with its actual part. For each reception, it will collect the remaining signature parts until all the signature parts are received. Our solution is implemented in a C-ITS architecture working through Bluetooth protocol using the advertising model. The solution is applicable for vehicle speeds reaching 130 km/h. We have proved, through a set of real experimentations, that our solution is possible.
Citation Keyfouchal_partial_2020