Visible to the public Policy-based Revolutionary Ciphertext-policy Attributes-based Encryption

TitlePolicy-based Revolutionary Ciphertext-policy Attributes-based Encryption
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsMyint, Phyo Wah Wah, Hlaing, Swe Zin, Htoon, Ei Chaw
Conference Name2019 International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies (ICAIT)
Date Publishednov
Keywordsattribute-based encryption, Ciphertext-policy Attributes-based Encryption (CP-ABE), cloud computing, CP-ABE scheme, cryptographic mechanism, Encryption, flexible updating policy control, hospitals, Human Behavior, personal health record testing, Personal Health Records (PHRs), PHR testing, policy identity number, policy revocation, policy-based governance, policy-based revolutionary ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption scheme, private key cryptography, pubcrawl, revocation, Scalability, Servers, Systems architecture, TA, trusted authority, Trusted authority (TA)
AbstractCiphertext-policy Attributes-based Encryption (CP-ABE) is an encouraging cryptographic mechanism. It behaves an access control mechanism for data security. A ciphertext and secret key of user are dependent upon attributes. As a nature of CP-ABE, the data owner defines access policy before encrypting plaintext by his right. Therefore, CP-ABE is suitable in a real environment. In CP-ABE, the revocation issue is demanding since each attribute is shared by many users. A policy-based revolutionary CP-ABE scheme is proposed in this paper. In the proposed scheme, revocation takes place in policy level because a policy consists of threshold attributes and each policy is identified as a unique identity number. Policy revocation means that the data owner updates his policy identity number for ciphertext whenever any attribute is changed in his policy. To be a flexible updating policy control, four types of updating policy levels are identified for the data owner. Authorized user gets a secret key from a trusted authority (TA). TA updates the secret key according to the policy updating level done by the data owner. This paper tests personal health records (PHRs) and analyzes execution times among conventional CP-ABE, other enhanced CP-ABE and the proposed scheme.
Citation Keymyint_policy-based_2019