Visible to the public Inner-approximating reachable sets for polynomial systems with time-varying uncertaintiesConflict Detection Enabled

TitleInner-approximating reachable sets for polynomial systems with time-varying uncertainties
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsBai Xue, Martin Fränzle, Naijun Zhan
JournalIEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Date Published06/14/2019
Accession Number19488060

In this paper, we propose a convex programming based method to address a long-standing problem of inner-approximating backward reachable sets of state-constrained polynomial systems subject to time-varying uncertainties. The backward reachable set is a set of states, from which all trajectories starting will surely enter a target region at the end of a given time horizon without violating a set of state constraints in spite of the actions of uncertainties. It is equal to the zero sublevel set of the unique Lipschitz viscosity solution to a Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential equation (HJE). We show that inner approximations of the backward reachable set can be formed by zero sublevel sets of its viscosity supersolutions. Consequently, we reduce the inner-approximation problem to a problem of synthesizing polynomial viscosity supersolutions to this HJE. Such a polynomial solution in our method is synthesized by solving a single semidefinite program. We also prove that polynomial solutions to the formulated semidefinite program exist and can produce a convergent sequence of inner approximations to the interior of the backward reachable set in measure under appropriate assumptions. This is the main contribution of this paper. Several illustrative examples demonstrate the merits of our approach.

Citation Keynode-70892