Visible to the public Psamathe: a DSL for safe blockchain assetsConflict Detection Enabled

TitlePsamathe: a DSL for safe blockchain assets
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsOei, Reed
Conference NameSPLASH Companion 2020: Companion Proceedings of the 2020 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity
Date Published11/2020
Conference LocationVirtual
Keywords2020: October, CMU, Obsidian Language for Blockchain

Blockchains host smart contracts for voting, tokens, and other purposes. Vulnerabilities in contracts are common, often leading to the loss of money. Psamathe is a new language we are designing around a new flow abstraction, reducing asset bugs and making contracts more concise than in existing languages. We present an overview of Psamathe, and discuss two example contracts in Psamathe and Solidity.

Citation Keynode-74171

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