Visible to the public Cybersecurity Behaviour of Smartphone Users Through the Lens of Fogg Behaviour Model

TitleCybersecurity Behaviour of Smartphone Users Through the Lens of Fogg Behaviour Model
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsShah, P. R., Agarwal, A.
Conference Name2020 3rd International Conference on Communication System, Computing and IT Applications (CSCITA)
Date PublishedApril 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-2339-4
Keywordsbehaviour change, behavioural science, Computer crime, cybersecurity, cybersecurity awareness program, cybersecurity behaviour, fogg behaviour model, Human aspect, Human Behavior, human factors, India, mobile computing, planned behaviour, protection motivation theory, pubcrawl, secure behaviour, security, smart phones, Smartphone user, smartphone users, User behaviour

It is now a fact that human is the weakest link in the cybersecurity chain. Many theories from behavioural science like the theory of planned behaviour and protection motivation theory have been used to investigate the factors that affect the cybersecurity behaviour and practices of the end-user. In this paper, the researchers have used Fogg behaviour model (FBM) to study factors affecting the cybersecurity behaviour and practices of smartphone users. This study found that the odds of secure behaviour and practices by respondents with high motivation and high ability were 4.64 times more than the respondents with low motivation and low ability. This study describes how FBM may be used in the design and development of cybersecurity awareness program leading to a behaviour change.

Citation Keyshah_cybersecurity_2020