Visible to the public Research on Industrial Data Desensitization Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Set

TitleResearch on Industrial Data Desensitization Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Set
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsBi, Ting, Chen, Xuehong, Li, Jun, Yang, Shuaifeng
Conference Name2020 IEEE International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering and Computer Applications( AEECA)
Keywordsdata desensitization, Data models, Databases, emergency services, fuzzy set theory, Fuzzy sets, Humidity, industrial control, industrial data desensitization scheme, membership
AbstractWith the rapid development of internet technology, informatization and digitalization have penetrated into every link of human social life. A large amount of sensitive data has been accumulated and is still being generated within the enterprise. These sensitive data runs through the daily operation of enterprises and is widely used in business analysis, development and testing, and even some outsourcing business scenarios, which are increasing the possibility of sensitive data leakage and tampering. In fact, due to the improper use of data and the lack of protective measures and other reasons, data leakage events have happened again and again. Therefore, by introducing the concept of fuzzy set and using the membership function method, this paper proposes a desensitization technology framework for industrial data and a data desensitization algorithm based on fuzzy set, and verifies the desensitization effect and protective action on sensitive data of this algorithm through the test data desensitization experiment.
Citation Keybi_research_2020