Visible to the public ONU Authentication Method Based on POTS Key Matching

TitleONU Authentication Method Based on POTS Key Matching
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsShang, Qi
Conference Name2020 3rd International Conference on Advanced Electronic Materials, Computers and Software Engineering (AEMCSE)
Keywordsauthentication, key, matching, ONU, POTS
AbstractA new ONU authentication method based on POTS key matching is proposed, which makes use of ONU's own FXS resources and connects with a pots phone by dialing the corresponding LOID service key and authentication code that will be sent to ONU. The key combined with LOID service key and authentication code received by ONU will be filtered and then the LOID authentication code is obtained, which is put to match with DigitMap preset into the database of ONU. The LOID authentication code will be transmitted to OLT so as to achieve the purpose of ONU authentication and authorization if the match result is successful.
Citation Keyshang_onu_2020