Visible to the public Attribute-Based Searchable Encryption Scheme Supporting Efficient Range Search in Cloud Computing

TitleAttribute-Based Searchable Encryption Scheme Supporting Efficient Range Search in Cloud Computing
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsLi, Yuan, Wang, Haiyan, Wang, Shulan, Ding, Yong
Conference Name2021 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (DSC)
Date Publishedjan
Keywords0, 1-coding theory, chosen-keyword attack, cloud computing, composability, Conferences, data privacy, Encryption, LSSS matrix, multi-keyword search, multi-search mechanism, Performance analysis, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Search methods, Searchable encryption, security
AbstractWith the widespread application of cloud computing technology, data privacy security problem becomes more serious. The recent studies related to searchable encryption (SE) area have shown that the data owners can share their private data with efficient search function and high-strength security. However, the search method has yet to be perfected, compared with the plaintext search mechanism. In this paper, based LSSS matrix, we give a new searchable algorithm, which is suitable for many search method, such as exact search, Boolean search and range search. In order to improve the search efficiency, the 0, 1-coding theory is introduced in the process of ciphertext search. Meanwhile it is shown that multi-search mechanism can improve the efficiency of data sharing. Finally, the performance analysis is presented, which prove our scheme is secure, efficient, and human-friendly.
Citation Keyli_attribute-based_2021