Visible to the public Security Requirements as Code: Example from VeriDevOps Project

TitleSecurity Requirements as Code: Example from VeriDevOps Project
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsIsmaeel, Khaled, Naumchev, Alexandr, Sadovykh, Andrey, Truscan, Dragos, Enoiu, Eduard Paul, Seceleanu, Cristina
Conference Name2021 IEEE 29th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (REW)
Keywordscodes, composability, Conferences, development, Industries, Metrics, Natural languages, object oriented security, pubcrawl, requirements as code, requirements engineering, Resiliency, seamless, security, Software
AbstractThis position paper presents and illustrates the concept of security requirements as code - a novel approach to security requirements specification. The aspiration to minimize code duplication and maximize its reuse has always been driving the evolution of software development approaches. Object-Oriented programming (OOP) takes these approaches to the state in which the resulting code conceptually maps to the problem that the code is supposed to solve. People nowadays start learning to program in the primary school. On the other hand, requirements engineers still heavily rely on natural language based techniques to specify requirements. The key idea of this paper is: artifacts produced by the requirements process should be treated as input to the regular object-oriented analysis. Therefore, the contribution of this paper is the presentation of the major concepts for the security requirements as the code method that is illustrated with a real industry example from the VeriDevOps project.
Citation Keyismaeel_security_2021