Visible to the public Understanding of Human Factors in Cybersecurity: A Systematic Literature Review

TitleUnderstanding of Human Factors in Cybersecurity: A Systematic Literature Review
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsRohan, Rohani, Funilkul, Suree, Pal, Debajyoti, Chutimaskul, Wichian
Conference Name2021 International Conference on Computational Performance Evaluation (ComPE)
Date Publisheddec
Keywordscomputer security, culture, cybersecurity, Human Behavior, human factors, Information security, Organizations, privacy, pubcrawl, statistical analysis, Systematics, theory
AbstractCybersecurity is paramount for all public and private sectors for protecting their information systems, data, and digital assets from cyber-attacks; thus, relying on technology-based protections alone will not achieve this goal. This work examines the role of human factors in cybersecurity by looking at the top-tier conference on Human Factors in Cybersecurity over the past 6 years. A total of 24 articles were selected for the final analysis. Findings show that most of the authors used a quantitative method, where survey was the most used tool for collecting the data, and less attention has been paid to the theoretical research. Besides, three types of users were identified: university-level users, organizational-level users, and unspecified users. Culture is another less investigated aspect, and the samples were biased towards the western community. Moreover, 17 human factors are identified; human awareness, privacy perception, trust perception, behavior, and capability are the top five among them. Also, new insights and recommendations are presented.
Citation Keyrohan_understanding_2021