Quantum Computing

While quantum computing is still in its early stage of development, large-scale quantum computers promise to be able to solve certain problems much more quickly than any classical computer using the best currently known algorithms. Quantum algorithms, such as Simon's algorithm, run faster than any possible probabilistic classical algorithm. For the Science of Security, the speed, capacity, and flexibility of qubits over digital processing offers still greater promise. The articles cited here include a series from Science magazine's special issue on quantum computing in March 2013, as well as peer reviewed journals in physics.
- "The Future of Quantum Information Processing", Jelena Stajic, Science 8 March 2013: Vol. 339 no. 6124 p. 1163 This article is the introduction to a special Science issue on quantum computing. This introduction defines terms, describes quantum computing and provides links to a collection of essays about specific issues, particularly basic research issues, in quantum computing. (ID#:14-1059) Available at: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/339/6124/1163
- "Simulation of Lattice Quantum-Chromodynamics and Other Lattice Models ".Claudio Rebbi, Adam Avakian, Ron Babich, Richard Brower, Mike Clark, James Osborn, David Schaich; This work displays four dimensional models of QCD developed by the authors and offers comparisons to similar theorems. (ID#:14-1060) Available at: http://www.bu.edu/tech/about/research/help/gallery/lattice-qcd09/
- "Dissipative Preparation of Spin Squeezed Atomic Ensembles in a Steady State", E. Dalla Torre, J. Otterbach, E. Demler, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, Phys. Rev. Lett,. 110, 120402 (2013). This article explores a new approach for generating atomic spin squeezed states. Such states have implications for the development of atomic clocks and frequencies. (ID#:14-1061) Available at: http://lukin.physics.harvard.edu/wp-uploads/Papers/Publications/PhysRevLett.110.120402.pdf
- "Topologically Protected Quantum State Transfer in a Chiral Spin Liquid" N.Y. Yao, C.R. Laumann, A.V. Gorshkov, H. Weimer, L. Jiang, J.I. Cirac, P. Zoller, M.D. Lukin, Nature Communications, 4, 1585 (2013). This article analyzes a topologically protected channel for the transfer of quantum states between remote quantum nodes. In this approach, state transfer is mediated by the edge mode of a chiral spin liquid. Potential value relates to creating scalable quantum devices. (ID#:14-1062) Available at: http://lukin.physics.harvard.edu/wp-uploads/Papers/Publications/ncomms.4.1585.2013.pdf
- "Symmetries and Collective Excitations in Large Superconducting Circuits". David G. Ferguson, A. A. Houck, and Jens Koch, Phys. Rev. X 3, 011003 (2013). The authors present theoretical tools suitable for quantitative modeling of large superconducting circuits that include one-dimensional Josephson-junction arrays. (ID#:14-1063) Available at: http://prx.aps.org/abstract/PRX/v3/i1/e011003
- "Asymptotic expressions for charge-matrix elements of the fluxonium circuit", Guanyu Zhu and Jens Koch, Phys. Rev. B 87, 144518 (2013). The authors present analytical expressions for the fluxonium charge matrix elements. In charge-coupled circuit QED systems, transition amplitudes and dispersive shifts are governed by the matrix elements of the charge operator. According to the authors, for the fluxonium circuit, these matrix elements are not limited to nearest-neighbor energy levels and are conveniently tunable by magnetic flux. (ID#:14-1064) Available at: http://prb.aps.org/abstract/PRB/v87/i14/e144518
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