Upcoming Events of Interest

Mark your calendars! This section features a wide variety of upcoming security-related conferences, workshops, symposiums, competitions, and events happening in the United States and the world. This list also includes several past events with links to proceedings or summaries of the actual activities.
Note: The events may also be found on the SoS Calendar, located by clicking the 'Calendar' tab on the left-hand navigation bar.
- Vienna Summer of Logic (VSL) 9-24 July, Vienna, Austria. With over 2000 expected participants, the Vienna Summer of Logic 2014 (VSL) will be the largest event in the history of logic. It will consist of twelve large conferences and numerous workshops, attracting researchers from all over the world. Includes the IEEE Computer Security Foundations (CSF) Symposium, 19-22 July, Vienna Austria. The CSF symposium is an annual conference for researchers in computer security, to examine current theories of security, the formal models that provide a context for those theories, and techniques for verifying security. (ID#:14-1119) See http://vsl2014/at/
- DIMVA 2014: 11th Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment, 10-11 July Egham, UK (ID#:14-1120) See http://dimva2014.isg.rhul.ac.uk/
- PETS 2014 (Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium), 16-18 July, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 14th PET Symposium addresses the design and realization of privacy services for the Internet and other data systems and communication networks by bringing together anonymity and privacy experts from around the world to discuss recent advances and new perspectives. (ID#:14-1121) See http://petsymposium.org/2014/
- SECRYPT 2014 (International Conference on Security and Cryptography), 28-30 August, Vienna, Austria. 11th Annual Conference on Security and Cryptography, SECRYPT is an annual international conference covering research in information and communication security. (ID#:14-1123) See http://www.secrypt.icete.org/
- USENIX (Advanced Computing Systems Association) Security Symposium 14, 20-22 August, San Diego, California. 23rd Annual USENIX Security Symposium. The USENIX Security Symposium brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in the security of computer systems and networks. (ID#:14-1125) See https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity14
- FOSAD 2014 (International School on Foundations of Security and Design), 1-6 September, Bertinoro, Italy; The main aim of the FOSAD is to offer a good spectrum of current research in foundations of security - ranging from programming languages to analysis of protocols, from cryptographic algorithms to access control policies and trust management - that can be of help for graduate students and young researchers from academia or industry that intend to approach the field. (ID#:14-1126) See http://www.sti.uniurb.it/events/fosad/
Articles listed on these pages have been found on publicly available internet pages and are cited with links to those pages. Some of the information included herein has been reprinted with permission from the authors or data repositories. Direct any requests via Email to SoS.Project (at) SecureDataBank.net for removal of the links or modifications to specific citations. Please include the ID# of the specific citation in your correspondence.