Appendix: Glossary

Activity Stream - a dynamic listing of content as it is added to the group

Archive - Clicking the archive checkbox hides this content from global and group home pages. However, the content will still be accessible in other areas of the site. Unchecking the archive checkbox allows this content to display on global and group home pages.

Authenticated User - entry level users with the most basic level of membership. Authenticated users can contribute content to the global repository, calendar, and forums.

Author - the creator a of a node

Bibliographic Reference - a content type that allows members to add bibliographic references to groups in which they have membership. Biblios can be added manually or imported from BibTex.

Bookmarks - content saved to your library for easy retrieval at a later date

Breadcrumbs - The set of links, usually just below the header, that show the path you followed to locate the current page. For example, it might show CPS-VO > SCIENCE OF SECURITY > CALENDAR, meaning that you started at the home page, selected 'Science of Security' from the 'My Groups' menu, then selected 'Calendar' from the group menu items. The term breadcrumbs is borrowed from Hansel and Gretel, who left crumbs of bread along their path so they could find their way back out of the forest.

Broadcast - sends an email message to all members of the group

Collaborate Menu - toggle menu in the left sidebar of a group. Contains links to create and post content within a group.

Contacts - users you have added to your contacts list

Content - the text, images, and other information on the web site

Content Type - Every node belongs to a single "node type" or "content type", which defines various default settings for nodes of that type. Content types on the CPS-VO include: Events, News Items, Videos, Files, Groups, Projects, Online Meetings, Tearlines, Webforms, Web Pages, and Wiki Pages.

Contributor - the person(s) who authored the document

Event - a content type that has a start date/time and an optional end date/time as a first-class concept. Events postings are automatically listed in the global and/or group calendar.

Field - elements of data that can be attached to a piece of content. Fields commonly contain text, images, or terms.

File - a content type that allow uploads of documents and other pre-existing content

Filter - a tool to narrow search results based upon the specified criteria

Forum Topic - a posted topic of discussion within a certain forum

Global - content not belonging to a group

Group - the basic unit of organization for adding new virtual communities to the CPS-VO.

Group Manager - responsble for the group menu structure, group taxonomy structure, group forum structure, administering group members, and sending group broadcast messages

Group Member - can contribute to the group repository by uploading files, posting videos, and creating events & news items. They can also contribute to the forums, conduct online meetings, and create projects and wiki pages.

Group Moderator - has full control over your group's content. They perform an editorial function and are responsible for grooming the content of your group and ensuring that publicly viewable content is appropriate, correct, and complete to your group's own standards.

Group Project - a content type used for documenting research projects relevant to some Special Interest Group. Contains fields for elements such as: abstract, PI, Co-PI, researchers, artifacts, related projects and vocabularies.

Invitation - invitation of guests to an event sent via notifications

Log Message - a message entered for each revision to help track changes to a post.

Member Info Menu - toggle menu in the left sidebar of a group that contains information about the group and group members.

Messages - information sent via email or portal messaging about content or groups to which a user has subscribed.

Modboard - a bulk editor which allows you to make changes on multiple pieces of content at the same time.

News Item - a content type for more ephemeral forms of information than Pages. They are ideal for creating and displaying content that informs or engages website visitors. Press releases, site announcements, and informal blog-like entries may all be created with a news item entry.

Node - a piece of content in Drupal, typically corresponding to a single page on the site, that has a title, an optional body, and perhaps additional fields. Every node also belongs to a particular content type. Examples of nodes are files, news events, online meetings, and wiki pages.

Notification - messages sent via email or portal messaging to inform users of additions to subscribed content.

NSF CPS Project - a content type used to build the catalog of NSF CPS research projects

Online Meeting - a content type used for a virtual teleconference/desktop sharing session.

Page - a content type for creating and displaying information that rarely changes, such as an "About us" section of a website

Panel - a web page in which content can be added to defined areas in custom layouts with different column configurations.

Private - Content that is not marked as public is private to the group in which it was posted.

Publicize - placing a post on a group homepage or the VO homepage

Publish - Uncheck this option if you don't wish for this content to appear on the VO yet. Useful for saving drafts of content that requires editing before going live/published.

Public - content that may be viewed by unauthenticated users

Region - defined areas of a page where content can be placed.

Revision - one version from a list of tracked differences between multiple versions of a post

Roles - Examples of roles are unauthenticated users, authenticated users, trusted users, group moderators, and group managers.

Search - allows users to jump right to the specific piece of information which interests them

Site Administrator - has global access to all VO content. This means that a Site Administrator has the privileges of a group manager and moderator in all groups. They can add/ remove members, broadcast messages, and create/remove group admins. Additionally, they can configure group services, add/ban group members, and also have full control over group content.

Spotlight - featured content (eitiher news or event) that is placed into a slideshow feature on the portal home page or a group home page.

Sticky - Setting content as "Sticky" will cause that content to be pinned to the top of lists

Subgroups Menu - lists the parent and subgroups related to the current group

Subscription - allows a user to automatically be notified of new or updated content

Sunrise - Setting a sunrise date will de-archive this content at the set date and time (midnight is the default if a time is not set). The content will then display on global and group home pages.

Sunset - Setting a sunset date will automatically archive this content at the set date and time (midnight is the default if a time is not set). The content will no longer display on global and group home pages after the sunset date/time, but will still be accessible in other areas of the site.

Tagcloud - a visual representation for text data, typically used to depict keyword metadata (tags)

Taxonomy - Taxonomies of terms are used for organizing content. Taxonomies are a set or 'Vocabularies' of 'Terms'. Because of their impact on finding and accessing items on the site, creating and modifying taxonomies can only be done by Site and Group Administrators.

Tearline - a content type that differs from web pages in that there are separate sections, each with differing access permissions

Teaser - a teaser is a snippet of text designed to tell the user the content of a post without reading the entire post

Term - an organizational keyword, known in other systems as categories or metadata. A term is a label that can be applies to a node. They are also known as tags.

Trusted User - a member who has been vetted and approved by site managers and site administrators. This trusted member will then be able to post information to the CPS-VO home page. CPS-VO members can apply for elevated "trusted user" status via the "Contact Support" link under the "Home" tab in the global menu at the top of every CPS-VO page.

Unauthenticated User - users who are not logged in, or have not yet joined the CPS-VO. They can browse the site, but are not able to contribute content to the portal. Also known as 'Anonymous Browsers'.

User Profile - visual display of personal data associated with a specific user

Vertical Tabs - tabs to the left of a page that stack on top of each other.

Video - a content type used for embedding videos hosted at sites such as YouTube, Vimeo, or TED.

Vocabulary - a collection of terms

Webform - A content type used to create a form or questionnaire that allows a user to enter data. Submission results and statistics are recorded and accessible to privileged users.

Widget - an application, or a component of an interface, that enables a user to perform a function or access a service

Wiki Page - a version of web pages that supports hyperlinking by symbolic names, rather than explicit URLs