UIUC Lablet Recent Activities

The following is a brief summary of recent activities by the UIUC Lablet as reported in the SoS Quarterly Summary Report.
Fundamental Research
- UIUC has presented several current research initiatives toward the science of security. In one such project, researchers continued evaluating the usefulness of DASH models in choosing scenarios that would effectively model multi-agent settings, initial hypotheses, and validation of resulting models. In the UIUC mobile world, a tool is currently in development that is aimed to help users distinguish malicious mobile apps by extracting contextual information, thereby allowing the user to make informed decisions. In a network model design project, researchers' goal is to model network behavior under timing uncertainty. These new models and algorithms aim to test hypotheses related to issues such as reachability, end-to-end delay, and throughout. A new application of Factor Graphs will be used to help represent real-world security risks, and to develop preemptive attack detection methods. UIUC saw development of a technique for deciding bounded time safety properties of deterministic nonlinear hybrid models, models which can capture a wide range of cyber physical systems. A research team is focused on developing quantitative decision-making tools, with a view to guide information security investments, for public and private industry by incorporating human and technological concerns. Models which incorporate human behavior are particularly valuable in understanding why and how humans attempt to bypass security measures.
Community Interaction
- UIUC has made notable contributions to the SoS community, including a paper exploring usability challenges within health IT , which was presented at ACySE ( International Workshop on Agents and CyberSecurity) and named "among most significant papers of the year". This joins the ranks of similarly recognized works by UIUC researchers, including a paper on securing industrial control systems, currently in proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation.
- UIUC hosted a kickoff meeting, during which relevant analysis techniques were discussed and explored. In UIUC's educational pursuits, two summer internships were awarded. These two students were given the opportunity to work on developing tools and methodologies for providing connectivity properties of networks across multiple layers of the network stack.
For more information about UIUC Lablet activities go to University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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