Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS 2014)
Sponsored by the IEEE UK/RI Computer Chapter, this international refereed conference focuses on the current need to properly secure internet computer networks, protecting the internet from emerging threats, and maintaining privacy. Keynote speakers, workshops, poster presentations and demos, and program awards will be featured as part of this week-long conference. Topics include Access Control, Network Security, Ubiquitous Computing, Cloud Security, Cyber Warfare, and more. (ID# 14-70024)
Event Date: Mon 12/8/14 - Fri 12/10/14
Location: London Heathrow Marriott Hotel, London UK
URL: http://worldcis.org/

IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI 2014)
This international symposium features keynotes, tutorials, and special sessions covering topics such as Computational Intelligence and Data Mining, Computational Intelligence Applications in Smart Grid, Evolving and Autonomous Learning Systems, Memetic Computing, and more. A special Doctoral Consortium will be held. (ID# 14-70025)
Event Date: Tues 12/9/14 - Fri 12/12/14
Location: Orlando, FL
URL: http://ieee-ssci.org/

International Conference on Cyber Security
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Fordham University invites global leaders in cyber-threat analysis, operations, research, and law. Over three days, attendees will hear from more than 70 experts in government, private sector, and academia. Special keynote speakers from DeLoitte, AT&T, IBM, NIST, FBI, Pfizer, German Federal Criminal Police, and more. (ID# 14-70026)
Event Date: Mon 1/5/15 - Thurs 1/8/15
Location: Lincoln Center, New York NY
URL: http://iccs.fordham.edu/

ACI Compliance Forum on Cyber Security and Data Privacy Protection 2015
The American Conference Institute's event invites privacy officers, senior executives, attorneys specializing in data privacy and information security, and interested security peers. Privacy professionals from Prudential Financial, Motorola Mobility, GE Healthcare, Microsoft, Google, and more will be speaking about minimizing exposure and protecting data integrity while maintaining compliance practices. (ID# 14-70027)
Event Date: Thurs 1/15/15 - Fri 1/16/15
Location: Washington Plaza Hotel, Washington D.C.
URL: http://www.americanconference.com/privacy

Shmoocon 2015
This 3-day annual hacker convention focuses on information security, offering an original atmosphere for experts, academics, and enthusiasts alike to demonstrate technology exploitation, challenges, and solutions. Events include Fire Talks, Hack Fortress, Ghost in Shellcode, Lockpick Village, and more. (ID# 14-70028)
Event Date: Fri 1/16/15 - Sun 1/18/15
Location: Hilton Washington, Washington D.C.
URL: http://www.shmoocon.org/

SANS Security East 2015
This SANS conference offers information security training from SANS Insitute. Hands-on security training courses cover varied topics such as intrusion detection, web app penetration testing and ethical hacking, reverse engineering malware, and Windows forensics analysis. (ID# 14-70029)
Event Date: Fri 1/16/15 - Wed 1/21/15
Location: Hilton New Orleans Riverside, New Orleans, LA
URL: https://www.sans.org/event/security-east-2015?utm_source=offsite&utm_medium=EventListing&utm_content=20140723_TE_072314_SecE15_CoLo&utm_campaign=SANS_Security_East_2015&ref=164717

OOP 2015
OOP invites software decision makers and industry-experienced leaders from European software companies. This conference and exhibition will center around topics including Agility, Lean, Scrum, Security Multicore, SOA and Distributed Systems, and more. (ID# 14-70030)
Event Date: 1/26/15 - 1/30/15
Location: Munich, Germany
URL: http://www.oop-konferenz.de/oop2015/startseite-englisch/conference.html

Telecoms Fraud & Revenue Assurance 2015
Attendees engage in information sharing with industry peers and professionals concerning challenges of Next Generation Networks and services. The focus of the conference is finding solutions to fraud facilitated by OTT services, mobile payments, and network upgrades. An interactive roundtable discussion with Telefonica UK, BT and Talk Talk. (ID# 14-70031)
Event Date: Mon 1/26/15 - Wed 1/28/15
Location: Kensington Close Hotel, London, UK
URL: http://www.fraudandra.com/

SANS Cyber Threat Intelligence Summit
This event covers the area of Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI), network defense techniques which leverage knowledge about attackers. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on courses and learn about the tools, methodologies, and processes needed to successfully address the needs of cyber threat intelligence. (ID# 14-70032)
Event Date: Mon 2/2/15 - Mon 2/9/15
Location: Washington D.C.
URL: http://www.sans.org/event/cyber-threat-intelligence-summit-2015

MSPWorld Spring Conference 2015
The MSPWorld conference and exhibition centers around Managed Services and Cloud Computing, covering topics including security, security best practices, and security maintenance of cloud systems. (ID# 14-70033)
Event Date: Thurs 3/26/15 - Fri 3/27/15
Location: FL, TBA
URL: http://www.mspworldconference.com/

2014 Global Civil Engineering & Applied Science Conference (CEAASC)
CEAASC invites members of academia and experts in the fields of Applied Science and Electrical Engineering, among other disciplines, to an open forum type discussion and conference. The most pressing issues facing scholars and academics will be explored, as well as presentations of new research. (ID# 14-70034)
Event Date: Fri 11/21/14 - Sun 11/23/14
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
URL: http://www.ceaasc.org/

6th Annual International Conference on ICT: Big Data, Cloud, and Security (ICT-BDCS 2015)
Industry professionals, academics, researchers, scientists, consultants, and policy makers collaborate on, review, and exchange information in the area of cloud computing, big data, and IT security. Keynote speakers include luminaries from academia and industry, including Microsoft, Dell, and Universities South Australia and Nanyang Technical. (ID# 14-70035)
Event Date: Mon 7/27/15 - Tues 7/28/15
Location: Singapore
URL: http://bigdataclouds.org/

<< Notable Past Events>>

OWASP Romania InfoSec Conference 2014
This OWASP event invites application developers, information security senior officers, and any parties interested in Web Application Security education and promotion. This event intends to raise awareness about application security; all materials are available under a free and open software license. (ID# 14-70036)
Event Date: Fri 10/24/14
Location: University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
URL: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OwaspRomaniaConference2014

Stockholm International Summit onSecurity in SCADA, Smartgrid, Smartmeters and Industrial Control Systems (4SICS)
4SICS (Stockholm International Summit onSecurity in SCADA, Smartgrid, Smartmeters and Industrial Control Systems) is the first international forum in Sweden dedicated to combatting cyber attacks on SCADA/ICS. The event will host presentations on SCADA Forensics, SATCOM terminals, and in-depth discussions concerning cybersecurity today. Participants will be invited to play Kaspersky Industrial Protection Simulation (KIPS), and take part in networking opportunities. (ID# 14-70037)
Event Date: Wed 10/22/14 - Thurs 10/23/14
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
URL: http://4sics.se/

ISSA International Conference
This international conference boasts an impressive array of speakers, presenters, workshops, and exhibits featuring the world's leaders in information security. The event will open with a keynote speech by Admiral Michael S. Rogers, director of NSA, commander of the United States Cyber Command. The event will hold a CTF competition, an ISSA Women in Security breakfast, and award banquets. (ID# 14-70038)
Event Date: Tues 10/21/14 - Fri 10/24/14
Location: Disney's Contemporary Resort, Orlando FL
URL: http://www.issa.org/?issaconf_home

ekoparty Security Conference 2014
This annual security conference will feature talks, workshops, trainings, War Games, and Lock Picking events. Lecture topics include RFID Security, VOIP Security, IPv6 Security, and more. (ID# 14-70039)
Event Date: Wed 10/29/14 - Fri 10/31/14
Location: Punta Carrasco, Buenos Aires, Argentina
URL: http://www.ekoparty.org/speakers-2014.php

Woman's Symposium : Career Discovery in Cyber Security
Hosted at NYU's Polytechnic School of Engineering, this symposium invites students, recent graduates, and those returning to the workforce after a hiatus. This two-day event features female luminaries from McAfee, IBM, Google Android Security, Yahoo, the Department of Homeland Security, and Tumblr to name a few. Workshops, hands-on security education, and discussions are featured. Free registration for students. (ID# 14-70040)
Event Date: Fri 10/17/14 - Sat 10/18/14
Location: NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering
URL: https://cybersymposium.isis.poly.edu/

The 9th IEEE International Conference on Malicious and Unwanted Software (MALCON) has released its main theme, "The Malware Threat in the Era of Unlimited Computing Power". (ID# 14-70041)
Event Date: Tues 10/28/14 - Thurs 10/30/14
Location: Waldorf Astoria El Conquistador Resort, Fajardo, Puerto Rico USA
URL: http://www.malwareconference.org/index.php/en/

FSEC 2014
FSec is a symposium inviting participants in their OWASP round table discussion and OWASP Croatia membership, as well as varying networking opportunities. (ID# 14-70042)
Event Date: Wed 09/17/14 - Fri 09/19/14
Location: Varazdin, Croatia
URL: http://fsec.foi.hr/

CISCO Live! 2014 Cancun
Cisco Live sees the largest gathering of Cisco customers, experts, and partners. Highlight programs include "Cisco Empowered Women", technical seminars, industry summits, as well as certification and training sessions. Attendees enjoy a 75% discount on Cisco Exam fees. (ID# 14-70043)
Event Date: Mon 11/03/14 - Thurs 11/06/14
Location: Cancun, Mexico
URL: http://www.ciscolivecancun.com/

LISA is an annual vendor-neutral conference for the system administration community. The 5 key topics are: Systems Engineering, Security, Culture, DevOps, and Monitoring/Metrics. The conference features 22 Training Sessions geared towards the creation, maintenance, and monitoring of secure networks, 10 Workshops, and over 50 invited talks, panels, refereed paper presentations, and mini tutorials. Notable speakers from Google, Red Hat, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Facebook, Netflix, StackExchange, and many more will present. (ID# 14-70044)
Event Date: Sun 11/09/14 - Fri 11/14/14
Location: Seattle, WA
URL: https://www.usenix.org/conference/lisa14/conference-program

HITBSecConf/ Hack in the Box Security Conference 2014
Held annually in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The conference features two-day hands-on trainings followed by technical talks. Luminaries of the computer security industry lead these talks. (ID# 14-70045)
Event Date: Mon 10/13/14 - Thurs 10/16/14
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
URL: http://conference.hitb.org/

FSEC 2014
FSEC is a vendor-neutral technical security symposium. Events include keynote speakers and discussions surrounding a broad area of information security topics. An OWASP round table discussion, networking opportunities, and presentations are featured. Topics discussed include Defensive and Offensive Security and Advanced Methods, Forensics and Anti-Stenography Methods, Application and Web Security, Cyber-Warfare and Cyber-Munitions, among many others. (ID# 14-70046)
Event Date: Wed 09/17/14 - Fri 09/19/14
Location: Varazdin, Croatia
URL: http://fsec.foi.hr/


Articles listed on these pages have been found on publicly available internet pages and are cited with links to those pages. Some of the information included herein has been reprinted with permission from the authors or data repositories. Direct any requests via Email to SoS.Project (at) SecureDataBank.net for removal of the links or modifications to specific citations. Please include the ID# of the specific citation in your correspondence.