Compiler Security
![Compiler Security](/sites/default/files/u1394/SoS_5_CompilerSecurity.jpg)
Much of software security focuses on applications, but compiler security should also be an area of concern. Compilers can "correct" secure coding in the name of efficient processing. The works cited here look at various approaches and issues in compiler security. These articles appeared in the first half of 2014.
- Bayrak, A; Regazzoni, F.; Novo Bruna, D.; Brisk, P.; Standaert, F.; Ienne, P., "Automatic Application of Power Analysis Countermeasures," Computers, IEEE Transactions on, vol. PP, no. 99, pp.1,1, Jan 2014. doi: 10.1109/TC.2013.219 We introduce a compiler that automatically inserts software countermeasures to protect cryptographic algorithms against power-based side-channel attacks. The compiler first estimates which instruction instances leak the most information through side-channels. This information is obtained either by dynamic analysis, evaluating an information theoretic metric over the power traces acquired during the execution of the input program, or by static analysis. As information leakage implies a loss of security, the compiler then identifies (groups of) instruction instances to protect with a software countermeasure such as random precharging or Boolean masking. As software protection incurs significant overhead in terms of cryptosystem runtime and memory usage, the compiler protects the minimum number of instruction instances to achieve a desired level of security. The compiler is evaluated on two block ciphers, AES and Clefia; our experiments demonstrate that the compiler can automatically identify and protect the most important instruction instances. To date, these software countermeasures have been inserted manually by security experts, who are not necessarily the main cryptosystem developers. Our compiler offers significant productivity gains for cryptosystem developers who wish to protect their implementations from side-channel attacks.
Keywords: Assembly; Computers; Cryptography; Sensitivity; Software; Automatic Programming; Physical security (ID#:14-2705)
- Yier Jin, "EDA Tools Trust Evaluation Through Security Property Proofs," Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition (DATE), 2014 , vol., no., pp.1,4, 24-28 March 2014. doi: 10.7873/DATE.2014.260 The security concerns of EDA tools have long been ignored because IC designers and integrators only focus on their functionality and performance. This lack of trusted EDA tools hampers hardware security researchers' efforts to design trusted integrated circuits. To address this concern, a novel EDA tools trust evaluation framework has been proposed to ensure the trustworthiness of EDA tools through its functional operation, rather than scrutinizing the software code. As a result, the newly proposed framework lowers the evaluation cost and is a better fit for hardware security researchers. To support the EDA tools evaluation framework, a new gate-level information assurance scheme is developed for security property checking on any gatelevel netlist. Helped by the gate-level scheme, we expand the territory of proof-carrying based IP protection from RT-level designs to gate-level netlist, so that most of the commercially trading third-party IP cores are under the protection of proof-carrying based security properties. Using a sample AES encryption core, we successfully prove the trustworthiness of Synopsys Design Compiler in generating a synthesized netlist.
Keywords: cryptography; electronic design automation; integrated circuit design; AES encryption core; EDA tools trust evaluation; Synopsys design compiler; functional operation; gate-level information assurance scheme; gate-level netlist; hardware security researchers; proof-carrying based IP protection; security property proofs; software code; third-party IP cores; trusted integrated circuits ;Hardware; IP networks; Integrated circuits; Logic gates; Sensitivity; Trojan horses (ID#:14-2706)
- Woodruff, J.; Watson, R.N.M.; Chisnall, D.; Moore, S.W.; Anderson, J.; Davis, B.; Laurie, B.; Neumann, P.G.; Norton, R.; Roe, M., "The CHERI Capability Model: Revisiting RISC In An Age Of Risk," Computer Architecture (ISCA), 2014 ACM/IEEE 41st International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.457,468, 14-18 June 2014. doi: 10.1109/ISCA.2014.6853201 Motivated by contemporary security challenges, we reevaluate and refine capability-based addressing for the RISC era. We present CHERI, a hybrid capability model that extends the 64-bit MIPS ISA with byte-granularity memory protection. We demonstrate that CHERI enables language memory model enforcement and fault isolation in hardware rather than software, and that the CHERI mechanisms are easily adopted by existing programs for efficient in-program memory safety. In contrast to past capability models, CHERI complements, rather than replaces, the ubiquitous page-based protection mechanism, providing a migration path towards deconflating data-structure protection and OS memory management. Furthermore. CHERI adheres to a strict RISC philosophy: it maintains a load-store architecture and requires only single-cycle instructions, and supplies protection primitives to the compiler, language runtime, and operating system. We demonstrate a mature FPGA implementation that runs the FreeBSD operating system with a full range of software and an open-source application suite compiled with an extended LLVM to use CHERI memory protection. A limit study compares published memory safety mechanisms in terms of instruction count and memory overheads. The study illustrates that CHERI is performance-competitive even while providing assurance and greater flexibility with simpler hardware.
Keywords: field programmable gate arrays; operating systems (computers);reduced instruction set computing; security of data; CHERI hybrid capability model; CHERI memory protection; FPGA implementation; FreeBSD operating system; MIPS ISA;OS memory management; RISC era; byte-granularity memory protection; capability hardware enhanced RISC instruction; compiler; data-structure protection; fault isolation; field programmable gate array; in-program memory safety; instruction count ;instruction set architecture; language memory model enforcement; language runtime; load-store architecture; memory overhead; open-source application suite; reduces instruction set computing; single-cycle instructions; ubiquitous page-based protection mechanism; Abstracts; Coprocessors; Ground penetrating radar; Registers; Safety (ID#:14-2707)
- Barbosa, C.E.; Trindade, G.; Epelbaum, V.J.; Gomes Chang, J.; Oliveira, J.; Rodrigues Neto, J.A; Moreira de Souza, J., "Challenges on Designing A Distributed Collaborative UML Editor," Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 18th International Conference on, pp.59,64, 21-23 May 2014.doi: 10.1109/CSCWD.2014.6846817 Software development projects with geographically disperse teams, especially when use UML models for code generation, may gain performance by using tools with collaborative capabilities. This study reviews the distributed collaborative UML editors available in the literature. The UML Editors were compared using a Workstyle Model. Then, we discuss the fundamental challenges which these kind of UML Editors face to assist distributed developers and stakeholders across disperse locations.
Keywords: Unified Modeling Language; groupware; program compilers; project management; software development management; UML models; Workstyle model; code generation; collaborative capabilities; distributed collaborative UML editors; geographically disperse teams; software development projects; Collaboration; Real-time systems; Security; Software; Synchronization; Syntactics; Unified modeling language; UML ;challenges; comparation; editor; review (ID#:14-2708)
- Larsen, P.; Brunthaler, S.; Franz, M., "Security through Diversity: Are We There Yet?," Security & Privacy, IEEE, vol.12, no.2, pp.28,35, Mar.-Apr. 2014. doi: 10.1109/MSP.2013.129 Because most software attacks rely on predictable behavior on the target platform, mass distribution of identical software facilitates mass exploitation. Countermeasures include moving-target defenses in general and biologically inspired artificial software diversity in particular. Although the concept of software diversity has interested researchers for more than 20 years, technical obstacles prevented its widespread adoption until now. Massive-scale software diversity has become practical due to the Internet (enabling distribution of individualized software) and cloud computing (enabling the computational power to perform diversification). In this article, the authors take stock of the current state of software diversity research. The potential showstopper issues are mostly solved; the authors describe the remaining issues and point to a realistic adoption path.
Keywords: cloud computing; security of data; software engineering; Internet; biologically inspired artificial software diversity; cloud computing; mass exploitation; mass identical software distribution; massive-scale software diversity; moving-target defenses; predictable behavior; security; software attacks; target platform; Computer crime; Computer security; Internet; Memory management; Prediction methods; Program processors; Runtime environment; Software architecture; compilers; error handling and recovery; programming languages; software engineering; system issues; testing and debugging (ID#:14-2709)
- Agosta, G.; Barenghi, A; Pelosi, G.; Scandale, M., "A Multiple Equivalent Execution Trace Approach To Secure Cryptographic Embedded Software," Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2014 51st ACM/EDAC/IEEE, pp.1,6, 1-5 June 2014. doi: 10.1109/DAC.2014.6881537 We propose an efficient and effective method to secure software implementations of cryptographic primitives on low-end embedded systems, against passive side-channel attacks relying on the observation of power consumption or electro-magnetic emissions. The proposed approach exploits a modified LLVM compiler toolchain to automatically generate a secure binary characterized by a randomized execution flow. Also, we provide a new method to refresh the random values employed in the share splitting approaches to lookup table protection, addressing a currently open issue. We improve the current state-of-the-art in dynamic executable code countermeasures removing the requirement of a writeable code segment, and reducing the countermeasure overhead.
Keywords: cryptography; embedded systems; program compilers; table lookup; LLVM compiler toolchain; countermeasure overhead reduction; cryptographic embedded software security; cryptographic primitives; dynamic executable code countermeasures; electromagnetic emissions; lookup table protection; low-end embedded systems; multiple equivalent execution trace approach; passive side-channel attacks; power consumption observation; random values; randomized execution flow; share splitting approach; writeable code segment; Ciphers; Optimization; Power demand; Registers; Software; Power Analysis Attacks; Software Countermeasures; Static Analysis (ID#:14-2710)
- Calvagna, A; Fornaia, A; Tramontana, E., "Combinatorial Interaction Testing of a Java Card Static Verifier," Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW), 2014 IEEE Seventh International Conference on, pp.84,87, March 31 2014-April 4 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICSTW.2014.10 We present a combinatorial interaction testing approach to perform validation testing of a fundamental component for the security of Java Cards: the byte code verifier. Combinatorial testing of all states of the Java Card virtual machine has been adopted as the coverage criteria. We developed a formal model of the Java Card byte code syntax to enable the combinatorial enumeration of well-formed states, and a formal model of the byte code semantic rules to be able to distinguish between well-typed and ill-typed ones, and to derive actual test programs from them. A complete framework has been implemented, enabling fully automated application and evaluation of the conformance tests to any verifier implementation.
Keywords: Java; combinatorial mathematics; formal verification; operating systems (computers); program compilers; program testing; virtual machines; Java card byte code syntax; Java card static verifier; Java card virtual machine; byte code semantic rules; byte code verifier; combinatorial enumeration; combinatorial interaction testing; formal model; test programs; validation testing; Java; Law; Load modeling; Semantics; Testing; Virtual machining; Java virtual machine; combinatorial interaction testing; software engineering (ID#:14-2711)
- Hu Ge; Li Ting; Dong Hang; Yu Hewei; Zhang Miao, "Malicious Code Detection for Android Using Instruction Signatures," Service Oriented System Engineering (SOSE), 2014 IEEE 8th International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.332,337, 7-11 April 2014. doi: 10.1109/SOSE.2014.48 This paper provides an overview of the current static analysis technology of Android malicious code, and a detailed analysis of the format of APK which is the application name of Android platform executable file (dex). From the perspective of binary sequence, Dalvik VM file is syncopated in method, and these test samples are analyzed by automated DEX file parsing tools and Levenshtein distance algorithm, which can detect the malicious Android applications that contain the same signatures effectively. Proved by a large number of samples, this static detection system that based on signature sequences can't only detect malicious code quickly, but also has a very low rate of false positives and false negatives.
Keywords: Android (operating system); digital signatures; program compilers; program diagnostics; APK format; Android malicious code detection; Android platform executable file; Dalvik VM file; Levenshtein distance algorithm; automated DEX file parsing tools; binary sequence; instruction signatures; malicious Android applications detection; signature sequences; static analysis technology; static detection system; Libraries; Malware; Mobile communication; Smart phones; Software; Testing; Android; DEX; Static Analysis; malicious code (ID#:14-2712)
Articles listed on these pages have been found on publicly available internet pages and are cited with links to those pages. Some of the information included herein has been reprinted with permission from the authors or data repositories. Direct any requests via Email to SoS.Project (at) for removal of the links or modifications to specific citations. Please include the ID# of the specific citation in your correspondence.