Conference on Advanced Communication Technology - Korea
International Conferences: Conference on Advanced Communication Technology - Korea
The 2014 16th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) was held 16-19 February 2014 in Phoenix Park, PyeongChang Korea. Security topics include cryptography, using personal VPNs to preclude censorship, E-health privacy, smart grid, steganography, bots, LEACH protocols, obfuscation, IPSEC in IPv6, and grey hole attacks, among others.
- Hyunho Kang; Hori, Y.; Katashita, T.; Hagiwara, M.; Iwamura, K., "Cryptographie Key Generation from PUF Data Using Efficient Fuzzy Extractors," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp.23, 26, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6778915 Physical unclonable functions (PUFs) and biometrics are inherently noisy. When used in practice as cryptographic key generators, they need to be combined with an extraction technique to derive reliable bit strings (i.e., cryptographic key). An approach based on an error correcting code was proposed by Dodis et al. and is known as a fuzzy extractor. However, this method appears to be difficult for non-specialists to implement. In our recent study, we reported the results of some example implementations using PUF data and presented a detailed implementation diagram. In this paper, we describe a more efficient implementation method by replacing the hash function output with the syndrome from the BCH code. The experimental results show that the Hamming distance between two keys vary according to the key size and information-theoretic security has been achieved.
Keywords: Hamming codes; cryptography; error correction codes; fuzzy set theory; BCH code; Hamming distance; PUF data; biometrics; cryptographic key generation; efficient fuzzy extractors; error correcting code; information-theoretic security; physical unclonable functions; reliable bit strings; Cryptography; Data mining; Entropy; Hamming distance; High definition video; Indexes; Reliability; Arbiter PUF; Fuzzy Extractor; Physical Unclonable Functions (ID#:14-3279)
- Yuzhi Wang; Ping Ji; Borui Ye; Pengjun Wang; Rong Luo; Huazhong Yang, "GoHop: Personal VPN to Defend From Censorship," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp.27,33, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6778916 Internet censorship threatens people's online privacy, and in recent years, new technologies such as high-speed Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) and statistical traffic analysis methods had been applied in country scale censorship and surveillance projects. Traditional encryption protocols cannot hide statistical flow properties and new censoring systems can easily detect and block them "in the dark". Recent work showed that traffic morphing and protocol obfuscation are effective ways to defend from statistical traffic analysis. In this paper, we proposed a novel traffic obfuscation protocol, where client and server communicate on random port. We implemented our idea as an open-source VPN tool named GoHop, and developed several obfuscation method including pre-shared key encryption, traffic shaping and random port communication. Experiments have shown that GoHop can successfully bypass internet censoring systems, and can provide high-bandwidth network throughput.
Keywords: Internet; cryptographic protocols; data protection; public domain software; statistical analysis; telecommunication traffic; transport protocols; DPI; GoHop; TCP protocol; bypass Internet censoring systems; country scale censorship; encryption protocols; high-bandwidth network throughput; high-speed deep packet inspection; open-source VPN tool; people online privacy; personal VPN; pre-shared key encryption; privacy protection; random port communication; statistical flow property; statistical traffic analysis methods; surveillance projects; traffic morphing ;traffic obfuscation protocol method; traffic shaping; Cryptography; Internet; Ports (Computers);Protocols; Servers; Throughput; Virtual private networks; VPN; censorship circumvention; privacy protection; protocol obfuscation; random port; traffic morphing (ID#:14-3280)
- Thiranant, N.; Sain, M.; Hoon Jae Lee, "A Design Of Security Framework For Data Privacy In E-Health System Using Web Service," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp.40,43, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6778918 E-Health is a common term used for electronic health, where the services and systems provided include electronic health records, prescriptions, consumer health information, healthcare information systems, and so on. In this period of time, several patients have started to use e-health, considering the convenience of services delivered and cost reduction. The popularity has abruptly been increasing due to a wide range of services. From the system administrator's perspectives, not only protecting privacy of patients is considered a difficult task, but also building trust of patients in e-health. In this paper, a design of security framework for data privacy in e-Health system based on web service architecture is proposed. It is interesting to note that the approach proposed in this paper is not limited to e-Health system.
Keywords: Web services; data privacy; electronic health records; health care; software architecture; trusted computing; Web service architecture; consumer health information; cost reduction; data privacy; e-health system; electronic health records; healthcare information systems; patient privacy; security framework; system administrator perspective; Cloud computing; Data privacy; Databases; Encryption; Data Privacy; Data encryption; E-health; Privacy; Web service (ID#:14-3281)
- Bruce, N.; Sain, M.; Hoon Jae Lee, "A Support Middleware Solution For E-Healthcare System Security," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp.44, 47, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6778919 This paper presents a middleware solution to secure data and network in the e-healthcare system. The e-Healthcare Systems are a primary concern due to the easiest deployment area accessibility of the sensor devices. Furthermore, they are often interacting closely in cooperation with the physical environment and the surrounding people, where such exposure increases security vulnerabilities in cases of improperly managed security of the information sharing among different healthcare organizations. Hence, healthcare-specific security standards such as authentication, data integrity, system security and internet security are used to ensure security and privacy of patients' information. This paper discusses security threats on e-Healthcare Systems where an attacker can access both data and network using masquerade attack Moreover, an efficient and cost effective approach middleware solution is discussed for the delivery of secure services.
Keywords: data privacy; health care; medical administrative data processing; middleware; security of data; Internet security; authentication; data integrity; e-health care system security; electronic health care; health care organizations; health care-specific security standards; information sharing; masquerade attack; patient information privacy; patient information security; security vulnerabilities; support middleware solution; system security; Authentication; Communication system security; Logic gates; Medical services; Middleware; Wireless sensor networks; Data Security; Middleware; Network Security; e-Healthcare (ID#:14-3282)
- Feng Zhao; Guannan Wang; Chunyu Deng; Yue Zhao, "A Real-Time Intelligent Abnormity Diagnosis Platform In Electric Power System," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, vol., no., pp.83, 87, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6778926 Abstract: With the rapid development of smart grid, intelligent electric meters can be seen in most of the households, and the volume of electric energy data is in a rapid growth. This paper mainly aims at introducing an abnormity diagnosis platform in electric power system. It is used to distinguish the abnormal point according to the historical data and expert experience, and put forward some resolving scheme to ensure the high reliability and stability of power grid. In our approach, we use distributed technologies to process big electric energy data. Specifically, distributed fie system (HDFS) and distributed database (HBase) are applied to data storage, and distributed computing technology (MapReduce) is applied to constructing knowledge base and computing. In the inference engine, we use Hidden Semi-Markov Model. This model can auto-get and modify knowledge in knowledge base, achieve a better real time phenomenon, through self-learning function and machine as well as interacting between human. The results show that this abnormity intelligent diagnoses platform is effective and faster.
Keywords: Markov processes; distributed databases; expert systems; inference mechanisms; meters; power system analysis computing; power system measurement; unsupervised learning; HBase; HDFS; MapReduce; data storage; distributed computing technology; distributed database; distributed file system; electric energy data; electric power system; expert experience; hidden semiMarkov model; historical data; inference engine; intelligent electric meters; knowledge base; real time intelligent abnormity diagnosis platform;self learning function; smart grid; Data handling; Data storage systems; Engines; Expert systems; Information management; Power systems; Abnormity Intelligent Diagnosis; Distributed Computing; Distributed Storage; Hidden Markov Model (ID#:14-3283)
- Diop, I.; Farss, S.M.; Tall, K.; Fall, P.A.; Diouf, M.L.; Diop, A.K., "Adaptive Steganography Scheme Based on LDPC Codes," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp.162,166, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6778941 Steganography is the art of secret communication. Since the advent of modern steganography, in the 2000s, many approaches based on the error correcting codes (Hamming, BCH, RS, STC ...) have been proposed to reduce the number of changes of the cover medium while inserting the maximum bits. The works of LDiop and al [1], inspired by those of T. Filler [2] have shown that the LDPC codes are good candidates in minimizing the impact of insertion. This work is a continuation of the use of LDPC codes in steganography. We propose in this paper a steganography scheme based on these codes inspired by the adaptive approach to the calculation of the map detectability. We evaluated the performance of our method by applying an algorithm for steganalysis.
Keywords: parity check codes; steganography; LDPC codes; adaptive steganography scheme; error correcting codes; map detectability; secret communication; steganalysis; Complexity theory; Distortion measurement; Educational institutions; Histograms; PSNR; Parity check codes; Vectors; Adaptative steganography; complexity; detectability; steganalysis (ID#:14-3284)
- Dotcenko, S.; Vladyko, A.; Letenko, I., "A Fuzzy Logic-Based Information Security Management For Software-Defined Networks," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp.167,171, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6778942 In terms of network security, software-defined networks (SDN) offer researchers unprecedented control over network infrastructure and define a single point of control over the data flows routing of all network infrastructure. OpenFlow protocol is an embodiment of the software-defined networking paradigm. OpenFlow network security applications can implement more complex logic processing flows than their permission or prohibition. Such applications can implement logic to provide complex quarantine procedures, or redirect malicious network flows for their special treatment. Security detection and intrusion prevention algorithms can be implemented as OpenFlow security applications, however, their implementation is often more concise and effective. In this paper we considered the algorithm of the information security management system based on soft computing, and implemented a prototype of the intrusion detection system (IDS) for software-defined network, which consisting of statistic collection and processing module and decision-making module. These modules were implemented in the form of application for the Beacon controller in Java. Evaluation of the system was carried out on one of the main problems of network security - identification of hosts engaged in malicious network scanning. For evaluation of the modules work we used mininet environment, which provides rapid prototyping for OpenFlow network. The proposed algorithm combined with the decision making based on fuzzy rules has shown better results than the security algorithms used separately. In addition the number of code lines decreased by 20-30%, as well as the opportunity to easily integrate the various external modules and libraries, thus greatly simplifies the implementation of the algorithms and decision-making system.
Keywords: decision making; fuzzy logic; protocols; security of data; software radio; telecommunication control; telecommunication network management; telecommunication network routing; telecommunication security; Java; OpenFlow protocol; beacon controller; data flows routing; decision making; decision-making module; fuzzy logic-based information security management; intrusion detection system; intrusion prevention algorithms; logic processing flows; malicious network flows; malicious network scanning; mininet environment; network infrastructure; network security; processing module; security detection; soft computing; software-defined networks; statistic collection; Decision making; Information security; Software algorithms; Switches; Training; Fuzzy Logic; Information security; OpenFlow; Port scan; Software-Defined Networks (ID#:14-3285)
- Buinevich, M.; Izrailov, K., "Method and Utility For Recovering Code Algorithms Of Telecommunication Devices For Vulnerability Search," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp.172,176, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6778943 Abstract: The article describes a method for searching vulnerabilities in machine code based on the analysis of its algorithmized representation obtained with the help of an utility being a part of the method. Vulnerability search falls within the field of telecommunication devices. Phase-by-phase description of the method is discussed, as well as the software architecture of the utility and their limitations in terms of application and preliminary effectiveness estimate results. A forecast is given as to developing the method and the utility in the near future.
Keywords: assembly language; binary codes; reverse engineering; security of data; algorithmized representation; code recovery algorithm; machine code; phase-by-phase description; software architecture; telecommunication devices; vulnerability search; Algorithm design and analysis; Assembly; Communications technology; Educational institutions; Information security; Software; Software algorithms; binary codes; information security; program language extension; reverse engineering and decompilation; telecommunications (ID#:14-3286)
- Rahman, A.F.A.; Ahmad, R.; Ramli, S.N., "Forensics Readiness For Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) System," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp.177,180, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6778944 Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is a wireless network that can be attached or implanted onto the human body by using wireless sensor. Since WBAN developed for medical devices, the system should be design for a wide range of end user with different professional skill groups. This require WBAN system to be open, accurate and efficient. As from our previous experienced, any open system is vulnerable, similar to any other current available wireless systems such as Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). However, currently there were not many discussions on the WBAN security vulnerability and security threats and if there is any, the issues were discussed through theoretical, concept and simulation data. In this paper, we discuss potential WBAN security vulnerability and threats using Practical Impact Assessment (PIA) conducted in real environment so that we are able to identify the problem area in details and develop potential solutions to produce a forensics readiness secure network architecture for WBAN system.
Keywords: body area networks; body sensor networks; digital forensics; telecommunication security; wireless sensor networks; PIA; WBAN security vulnerability; WBAN system; WLAN; forensics readiness secure network architecture; human body; medical devices; practical impact assessment; wireless body area network; wireless local area network; wireless sensor network; Body area networks; Communication system security; Forensics; Hospitals; Security; Wireless communication; Wireless sensor networks; Forensics Readiness; Information Security; Practical Impact Assessment; Secure Network Architecture; Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) (ID#:14-3287)
- Ayalneh, D.A.; Hyoung Joong Kim; Yong Soo Choi, "JPEG Copy Paste Forgery Detection Using BAG Optimized For Complex Images," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp.181,185, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6778945 Image forgery detection is one of important activities of digital forensics. Forging an image has become very easy and visually confusing with the real one. Different features of an image can be used in passive forgery detection. Most of lossy compression methods demonstrate some distinct characteristics. JPEG images have a traceable zero valued DCT coefficients in the high frequency regions due to quantization. This appears as a square grid all over the image, known as Block Artifact Grid (BAG). In this paper the BAG based copy-paste forgery detection method is improved by changing the input DCT coefficients for Local Effect computation. The proposed method has shown a better performance especially for complex images.
Keywords: data compression; digital forensics; discrete cosine transforms; image coding; quantisation (signal);BAG;JPEG copy paste forgery detection; block artifact grid; digital forensics; image forgery detection; image forging; local effect computation; lossy compression methods; passive forgery detection; quantization; traceable zero valued DCT coefficients; Discrete cosine transforms; Educational institutions; Forgery; Image coding; Multimedia communication; Quantization (signal);Transform coding; Block Artifact Grid; Copy-paste forgery; JPEG; Local Effect (ID#:14-3288)
- Tripathi, G.; Singh, D.; Hoon-Jae Lee, "Content Centric Battlefield Visualization Mechanism And Solutions," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp.202,207, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6778949 We are designing a content centric battlefield architecture model to support Soldiers/Army, which are going to visualise and analysis of the Input receive raw data at data mining station. Previously, we had limited traffic in Battlefield networks and small number of known private servers with their contents and security concerns. The users of secured server interacted with limited number of servers which were known in advance. Today, the Battlefield networking, surveillance traffic, content servers and hybrid information have increased dynamically. The present Battlefield architecture is handling only data streams of bits between-end-to-end system for content of Battlefield services and its objects. The modern battlefield techniques and architecture is constantly evolving. Therefore, we need more resources to effectively visualize the pattern of the battlefield objects and situations. This paper presents a novel architecture model for interaction between battlefield entities based on content model for search. Where the basic object of battlefield is use as content irrespective of its location to be used for higher interaction between entities.
Keywords: data mining; military communication; military computing; surveillance; army; battlefield networking; battlefield networks; battlefield services; content centric battlefield architecture model; content centric battlefield visualization mechanism; content model; content servers; data mining station; data streams; end-to-end system; hybrid information; private servers; security concerns; soldiers; surveillance traffic; Computer architecture; Media; Security; Servers; Streaming media; Visualization; Weapons; Battlefield monitoring; Battlefield networks; Intelligent system; Soldiers Applications (ID#:14-3289)
- Wei Wan; Jun Li, "Investigation of state division in botnet detection model," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on., pp.265, 268, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6778961 Botnet as a new technology of attacks is a serious threat to Internet security. With the rapid development of the botnet, botnet based several protocols came into being. In accordance with the feature of botnet, the Hidden Markov Model has application in botnet detection. Firstly, according to the situation and problems of the botnet recently, the life cycle and behaviour characteristics of the botnet have been analysed. After that a mathematical model based on state division has been built to describe the botnet. Meanwhile, a method of botnet detection based on this model has been proposed. Finally, we analyzed and summarized the experimental results, and verified the reliability and rationality of the detection method.
Keywords: Internet; hidden Markov models; security of data; Internet security; botnet based protocols; botnet behaviour characteristics; botnet detection model; botnet life cycle; hidden Markov model; state division; Automata; Centralized control; Computer crime; Hidden Markov models; Monitoring; Protocols; Botnet; Hidden Markov Model; State Division (ID#:14-3290)
- Sung-Hwan Ahn; Nam-Uk Kim; Tai-Myoung Chung, "Big Data Analysis System Concept For Detecting Unknown Attacks," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp.269,272, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6778962 Recently, threat of previously unknown cyber-attacks are increasing because existing security systems are not able to detect them. Past cyber-attacks had simple purposes of leaking personal information by attacking the PC or destroying the system. However, the goal of recent hacking attacks has changed from leaking information and destruction of services to attacking large-scale systems such as critical infrastructures and state agencies. In the other words, existing defence technologies to counter these attacks are based on pattern matching methods which are very limited. Because of this fact, in the event of new and previously unknown attacks, detection rate becomes very low and false negative increases. To defend against these unknown attacks, which cannot be detected with existing technology, we propose a new model based on big data analysis techniques that can extract information from a variety of sources to detect future attacks. We expect our model to be the basis of the future Advanced Persistent Threat(APT) detection and prevention system implementations.
Keywords: Big Data; computer crime; data mining; APT detection; Big Data analysis system; Big Data analysis techniques; advanced persistent threat detection; computer crime; critical infrastructures; cyber-attacks; data mining; defence technologies; detection rate; future attack detection; hacking attacks; information extraction; large-scale system attacks; pattern matching methods; personal information leakage; prevention system; security systems; service destruction; state agencies; unknown attack detection; Data handling; Data mining; Data models; Data storage systems; Information management; Monitoring; Security; Alarm systems; Computer crime; Data mining; Intrusion detection (ID#:14-3291)
- Jiajia Wang; Jingchao Chen; Hexiang Duan; Hongbo Ba; Jianjun Wu, "Jammer Selection For Secure Two-Way DF Relay Communications With Imperfect CSI," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on,, pp.300, 303, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6778969 This paper investigates jammer selection in a two-way decode-and-forward (DF) relay network with imperfect channel state information (CSI). The proposed scheme enables an selection of one conventional relay and two jamming nodes to enhance communication security against eavesdropper. The conventional relay assists two sources to exchange their data via a DF protocol. The two jamming nodes are used to create interference signals to confuse the eavesdropper. Furthermore, the asymptotic performance of proposed scheme is analyzed in detail. Under the assumption that the relay can decode received signals perfectly and when the jamming power is higher than that of source nodes, we find that the proposed scheme has a high secrecy performance which is almost independent of the position of the eavesdropper.
Keywords: decode and forward communication; protocols; relay networks (telecommunication) telecommunication security; CSI; channel state information; communication security; decode-and-forward protocol; jammer selection; jamming nodes; secure two-way decode-and-forward relay communications; source nodes; Educational institutions; Jamming; Peer-to-peer computing; Relays; Security; Signal to noise ratio; Wireless communication; DF relay; Jammer selection; imperfect CSI; physical layer security; two-way (ID#:14-3292)
- Rahayu, T.M.; Sang-Gon Lee; Hoon-Jae Lee, "Survey on LEACH-based Security Protocols," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp. 304, 309, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6778970 Energy efficiency is one of the major concerns in designing protocols for WSNs. One of the energy-efficient communication protocols for this network is LEACH that works on cluster-based homogeneous WSNs. Though LEACH is energy-efficient but it does not take security into account. Because WSNs are usually deployed in remote and hostile areas, security becomes a concern in designing a protocol. In this paper we present our security analysis of five security protocols that have been proposed to strengthen LEACH protocols. Those protocols are SLEACH, SecLEACH, SC-LEACH, Armor LEACH and MS-LEACH.
Keywords: cryptographic protocols; pattern clustering; power aware computing; telecommunication power management; telecommunication security; wireless sensor networks; Armor LEACH protocols; LEACH-based security protocols; MS-LEACH protocols; SC-LEACH protocols; SLEACH protocols; SecLEACH protocols; cluster-based homogeneous WSN; energy-efficient communication protocols; hostile areas;remote areas; security analysis; wireless sensor network; Authentication; Protocols; radiation detectors; Schedules; Steady-state; Wireless sensor networks; Armor-LEACH; LEACH; MS-LEACH; SC-LEACH;SLEACH; SecLEACH; Security analysis; WSN (ID#:14-3293)
- Dong-Ho Kang; Byoung-Koo Kim; Jung-Chan Na, "Cyber Threats And Defence Approaches in SCADA Systems," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp.324,327, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6778974 The use of SCADA systems has been increased since the 1960s as a need arose to more efficiently monitor and control the status of remote equipment. And they are becoming more and more susceptible to cyber-attacks due to utilize standard protocols and increase connectivity. The objective of this paper is to introduce our on-going work and discuss challenges and opportunities for preventing network and application protocol attacks on SCADA systems.
Keywords: SCADA systems; computer network security; protocols; SCADA systems; application protocol attacks; cyber threats; cyber-attacks; defence approaches; remote equipment; Filtering; IP networks ;Intrusion detection; Protocols; SCADA systems; Servers; Cyber-attacks; ICS Security; Industrial Firewall; Network Security; SCADA (ID#:14-3294)
- Wei Ding; ZhiMin Gu; Feng Gao, "Reconstruction of Data Type In Obfuscated Binary Programs," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp.393,396, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6778988 Recently, research community has advanced in type reconstruction technology for reverse engineering, but emerging with obfuscate technology, data type reconstruction is difficult and obfuscated code is easier to be monitored and analyzed by attacker or hacker. Therefore, we present a novel approach for automatic establish data type inference rules and reconstruct type from obfuscated binary programs using machine learning algorithm.
Keywords: computer crime; inference mechanisms; learning (artificial intelligence); reverse engineering; system monitoring; systems analysis; data type inference rules; data type reconstruction; hacker; machine learning algorithm; obfuscated binary programs; obfuscated code analysis; obfuscated code monitoring; reverse engineering; Arrays; Binary codes; Decision trees; Educational institutions; Machine learning algorithms; Reverse engineering; Deobfuscation; Disassembly; Inference Rules; Obfuscated Binary; Type reconstruction (ID#:14-3295)
- Ji-Soo Oh; Min-Woo Park; Tai-Myoung Chung, "The Solution Of Denial Of Service Attack On Ordered Broadcast Intent," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp.397,400, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6778989 The Android's message passing system provides late run-time binding between components in the same or different applications, and it promotes inter-application collaboration. However, the message passing mechanism has also numerous vulnerabilities, so that Android applications can be exposed to attacks from malicious applications. Denial of service (DoS) attack on ordered broadcasts is a typical attack that exploits vulnerabilities of message passing. A malicious application which launches the attack intercepts broadcast messages by setting itself high priority, and then aborts it to prevent other benign applications from receiving it. In this paper, we propose a security framework for detecting DoS attacks on ordered broadcasts. We insert our framework into Android platform, and then the framework inspects receivers of broadcast messages. If the framework detects any threats, it issues warning to user. Finally, we provides scenario about our framework and discuss future directions.
Keywords: Android (operating system) ;message passing; smart phones; telecommunication security; Android platform; DoS attack; denial of service attack; malicious application; message passing system; ordered broadcast Intent; run-time binding; security framework; Androids; Computer crime; Humanoid robots; Message passing; Receivers; Smart phones; Android; Denial of Service Attack; Intent; Mobile Phone Security; Ordered Broadcast (ID#:14-3296)
- Dongxiang Fang; Peifeng Zeng; Weiqin Yang, "Attacking the IPsec Standards When Applied To Ipv6 In Confidentiality-Only ESP Tunnel Mode," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp.401, 405, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6778990 Attacks which can break RFC-compliant IPsec implementation built on IPv6 in confidentiality-only ESP tunnel mode are proposed. The attacks combine the thought of IV attack, oracle attack and spoof attack to decrypt a encrypted IPv6 datagram. The attacks here are more efficient than the attacks presented by Paterson and Degabriele because no checksum issue has to be handled. The paper shows that using IPsec with confidentiality-only ESP configuration is insecure to convince users to select it carefully.
Keywords: IP networks; cryptography; protocols; telecommunication security; Degabriele; IPsec standards; IV attack; Paterson; RFC compliant IPsec implementation; confidentiality only ESP tunnel mode; decrypt; encapsulating security payload; encrypted IPv6 datagram; initialization vector; oracle attack; spoof attack; Educational institutions; Encryption; IP networks; Payloads; Protocols; ESP; IPsec; IPv6; Security; confidentiality-only (ID#:14-3297)
- Shuai Li; Peng Gong; Qian Yang; Xiao Peng Yan; Jiejun Kong; Ping Li, "A Secure Handshake Scheme With Pre-Negotiation For Mobile-Hierarchy City Intelligent Transportation System Under Semi-Honest Model," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp.406,409, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6778991 Mobile-hierarchy architecture was widely adopted for query a deployed wireless sensor network in an intelligent transportation system recently. Secure handshake among mobile node and ordinary nodes becomes an important part of an intelligent transportation system. For dividing virtual communication area, pre-negotiation should be conducted between mobile node and ordinary node before formal handshake. Pre-negotiation among nodes can increase the odds for a successful handshake. The mobile node negotiates with an ordinary sensor node over an insecure communication channel by private set intersection. As an important handshake factor, Attribute set is negotiated privately among them in local side. In this paper, a secure handshake scheme with pre-negotiation for mobile-hierarchy city intelligent transportation system under semi-honest model is proposed.
Keywords: intelligent transportation systems; wireless sensor networks; mobile node; mobile-hierarchy architecture; mobile-hierarchy city intelligent transportation system; prenegotiation; secure handshake scheme; semi-honest model; virtual communication area; wireless sensor network; Computational modeling; Cryptography; Educational institutions; Intelligent transportation systems; Polynomials; Protocols; Wireless communication; Attribute Encryption; Attribute-based handshake; Intelligent transportation system; Private set intersection; Wireless sensor network (ID#:14-3298)
- Heechang Chung; Sok Pal Cho; Yongseon Jang, "Standardizations on IT Risk Analysis Service in NGN," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp.410,413, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6778992 Information technology (IT) risk analysis service is a service which is capable of identifying risk, assessing the risk, and then invoking process which can identify the proper actions which should be taken to reduce damage that could affect users or organizations subscribed to an Network. Provided that a risk situation exists, the risk analysis function performs the analysis and assessment of the risk event data with an algorithm which applies the most recent pattern according to procedures, and reports the analysis results and the proper complementary measures which, if invoked, will reduce risk.
Keywords: data analysis; next generation networks; risk analysis; telecommunication network reliability; IT risk analysis service; NGN; information technology risk analysis service; risk event data analysis; risk event data assessment; risk identification; risk reduction; Educational institutions; Hardware; Next generation networking; Organizations; Risk analysis; Software; Standardization; IT risk analysis; Identifying risk; assessing risk; external risk; internal risk; mitigation risk (ID#:14-3299)
- Soo Young Moon; Ji Won Kim; Tae Ho Cho, "An Energy-Efficient Routing Method With Intrusion Detection And Prevention For Wireless Sensor Networks," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp.467,470, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6779004 Because of the features such as limited resources, wireless communication and harsh environments, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are prone to various security attacks. Therefore, we need intrusion detection and prevention methods in WSNs. When the two types of schemes are applied, heavy communication overhead and resulting excessive energy consumption of nodes occur. For this reason, we propose an energy efficient routing method in an environment where both intrusion detection and prevention schemes are used in WSNs. We confirmed through experiments that the proposed scheme reduces the communication overhead and energy consumption compared to existing schemes.
Keywords: security of data; telecommunication network routing; wireless sensor networks; energy-efficient routing method; excessive energy consumption; heavy communication overhead; intrusion detection scheme; intrusion prevention scheme; security attacks; wireless communication; wireless sensor networks; Energy consumption; Intrusion detection; Network topology; Routing; Sensors; Topology; Wireless sensor networks; intrusion detection; intrusion prevention; network layer attacks; wireless sensor networks (ID#:14-3300)
- Rahayu, T.M.; Sang-Gon Lee; Hoon-Jae Lee, "Security Analysis Of Secure Data Aggregation Protocols In Wireless Sensor Networks," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp.471,474, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6779005 In order to conserve wireless sensor network (WSN) lifetime, data aggregation is applied. Some researchers consider the importance of security and propose secure data aggregation protocols. The essential of those secure approaches is to make sure that the aggregators aggregate the data in appropriate and secure way. In this paper we give the description of ESPDA (Energy-efficient and Secure Pattern-based Data Aggregation) and SRDA (Secure Reference-Based Data Aggregation) protocol that work on cluster-based WSN and the deep security analysis that are different from the previously presented one.
Keywords: protocols ;telecommunication security; wireless sensor networks; ESPDA protocol; SRDA protocol; WSN lifetime; cluster-based WSN; deep security analysis; energy-efficient and secure pattern-based data aggregation protocol; secure reference-based data aggregation protocol; wireless sensor network lifetime; Authentication; Cryptography; Energy efficiency; Peer-to-peer computing; Protocols; Wireless sensor networks; Data aggregation protocol; ESPDA; SRDA; WSN; secure data aggregation protocol}, (ID#:14-3301)
- Feng Zhao; Chao Li; Chun Feng Liu, "A Cloud Computing Security Solution Based On Fully Homomorphic Encryption," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp.485, 488, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6779008 With the rapid development of Cloud computing, more and more users deposit their data and application on the cloud. But the development of Cloud computing is hindered by many Cloud security problem. Cloud computing has many characteristics, e.g. multi-user, virtualization, scalability and so on. Because of these new characteristics, traditional security technologies can't make Cloud computing fully safe. Therefore, Cloud computing security becomes the current research focus and is also this paper's research direction[1]. In order to solve the problem of data security in cloud computing system, by introducing fully homomorphism encryption algorithm in the cloud computing data security, a new kind of data security solution to the insecurity of the cloud computing is proposed and the scenarios of this application is hereafter constructed. This new security solution is fully fit for the processing and retrieval of the encrypted data, and effectively leading to the broad applicable prospect, the security of data transmission and the storage of the cloud computing.
Keywords: cloud computing; cryptography; cloud computing security solution; cloud security problem; data security solution; data storage; data transmission; encrypted data processing; encrypted data retrieval; fully homomorphic encryption algorithm; security technologies; Cloud computing; Encryption; Safety; Cloud security; Cloud service; Distributed implementation; Fully homomorphic encryption (ID#:14-3302)
- Xin Wu, "Secure Browser Architecture Based On Hardware Virtualization," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp.489, 495, 16-19 Feb. 2014 doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6779009 Ensuring the entire code base of a browser to deal with the security concerns of integrity and confidentiality is a daunting task. The basic method is to split it into different components and place each of them in its own protection domain. OS processes are the prevalent isolation mechanism to implement the protection domain, which result in expensive context-switching overheads produced by Inter-Process Communication (TPC). Besides, the dependences of multiple web instance processes on a single set of privileged ones reduce the entire concurrency. In this paper, we present a secure browser architecture design based on processor virtualization technique. First, we divide the browser code base into privileged components and constrained components which consist of distrusted web page Tenderer components and plugins. All constrained components are in the form of shared object (SO) libraries. Second, we create an isolated execution environment for each distrusted shared object library using the hardware virtualization support available in modern Intel and AMD processors. Different from the current researches, we design a custom kernel module to gain the hardware virtualization capabilities. Third, to enhance the entire security of browser, we implement a validation mechanism to check the OS resources access from distrusted web page Tenderer to the privileged components. Our validation rules is similar with Google chrome. By utilizing VMENTER and VMEXIT which are both CPU instructions, our approach can gain a better system performance substantially.
Keywords: microprocessor chips; online front-ends; operating systems (computers); security of data; software libraries; virtualisation; AMD processors; CPU instructions; Google chrome; IPC; Intel processors; OS processes; OS resource checking; SO libraries; VMENTER; VMEXIT; browser security; context-switching overheads; distrusted Web page renderer components; distrusted shared object library; hardware virtualization capabilities; interprocess communication; isolated execution environment; isolation mechanism; multiple Web instance processes; processor virtualization technique; secure browser architecture design; validation mechanism; Browsers; Google; Hardware; Monitoring; Security; Virtualization; Web pages; Browser security; Component isolation; Hardware virtualization; System call interposition (ID#:14-3304)
- Xiao Chun Yin; Zeng Guang Liu; Hoon Jae Lee, "An Efficient And Secured Data Storage Scheme In Cloud Computing Using ECC-based PKI," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp.523,527, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6779015 Cloud computing is set of resources and services offered through the Internet. Cloud services are delivered from data centres located throughout the world. Cloud computing facilitates its consumers by providing virtual resources via internet. The rapid growth in field of "cloud computing" also increases severe security concerns. Security has remained a constant issue for Open Systems and internet, when we are talking about security, cloud really suffers. Lack of security is the only hurdle in wide adoption of cloud computing. Cloud computing is surrounded by many security issues like securing data and examining the utilization of cloud by the cloud computing vendors. This paper proposes a scheme to securely store and access of data via internet. We have used ECC based PKI for certificate procedure because the use of ECC significantly reduces the computation cost, message size and transmission overhead over RSA based PKI as 160-bit key size in ECC provides comparable security with 1024-bit key in RSA. We have designed Secured Cloud Storage Framework (SCSF). In this framework, users not only can securely store and access data in cloud but also can share data with multiple users through the unsecure internet in a secured way. This scheme can ensure the security and privacy of the data in the cloud.
Keywords: cloud computing; computer centres; data privacy; open systems; public key cryptography; security of data; storage management; ECC-based PKI; RSA based PKI; SCSF; certificate procedure; cloud computing; cloud services; computation cost; data centres; data privacy; data security; message size; open systems; secured cloud storage framework; secured data storage scheme; security concern; transmission overhead; unsecure Internet; virtual resources; Cloud computing; Educational institutions; Elliptic curve cryptography; Elliptic curves; Certificate; Cloud computing; Cloud storage; ECC; PKI (ID#:14-3305)
- Maksuanpan, S.; Veerawadtanapong, T.; San-Um, W., "Robust Digital Image Cryptosystem Based On Nonlinear Dynamics Of Compound Sine And Cosine Chaotic Maps For Private Data Protection," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on, pp.418,425, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6779201 This paper presents a digital image cryptosystem based on nonlinear dynamics of a compound sine and cosine chaotic map. The compound sine and cosine chaotic map is proposed for high-degree of chaos over most regions of parameter spaces in order to increase high-entropy random-bit sources. Image diffusion is performed through pixel shuffling and bit-plane separations prior to XOR operations in order to achieve a fast encryption process. Security key conversions from ASCII code to floating number for use as initial conditions and control parameters are also presented in order to enhance key-space and key-sensitivity performances. Experiments have been performed in MATLAB using standard color images. Nonlinear dynamics of the chaotic maps were initially investigated in terms of Cobweb map, chaotic attractor, Lyapunov exponent spectrum, bifurcation diagram, and 2-dimensional parameter spaces. Encryption qualitative performances are evaluated through pixel density histograms, 2-dimensional power spectral density, key space analysis, key sensitivity, vertical, horizontal, and diagonal correlation plots. Encryption quantitative performances are evaluated through correlation coefficients, NPCR and UACI. Demonstrations of wrong-key decrypted image are also included.
Keywords: chaos; cryptography; data privacy; image colour analysis; 2-dimensional parameter space; 2-dimensional power spectral density; ASCII code; Cobweb map Lyapunov exponent spectrum; NPCR; UACI; XOR operation; bifurcation diagram; bit-plane separations; chaotic attractor; color images; compound cosine chaotic map; compound sine chaotic map; control parameter; correlation coefficient; diagonal correlation plot; encryption process; encryption qualitative performance; encryption quantitative performance; high-entropy random-bit source; horizontal correlation plot; image diffusion; key sensitivity; key space analysis; key-sensitivity performance; key-space performance; nonlinear dynamics; pixel density histograms; pixel shuffling; private data protection; robust digital image cryptosystem; security key conversions; vertical correlation plot; wrong-key decrypted image; Chaotic communication; Compounds; Encryption; Histograms; Chaotic Map; Cryptosystem; Decryption; Digital Image Processing; Encryption; Nonlinear Dynamics (ID#:14-3306)
- Bo Yang; Yamamoto, R.; Tanaka, Y., "Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory Based Trust Management Strategy Against Cooperative Black Hole Attacks And Gray Hole Attacks in MANETs," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.223,232, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6779177 The MANETs have been experiencing exponential growth in the past decade. However, their vulnerability to various attacks makes the security problem extremely prominent. The main reasons are its distributed, self-organized and infrastructure independent natures. As concerning these problems, trust management scheme is a common way to detect and isolate the compromised nodes when a cryptography mechanism shows a failure facing inner attacks. Among huge numbers of attacks, black hole attack may collapse the network by depriving the route of the normal communication. The conventional proposed method achieved good performance facing black hole attack, while failing to detect gray hole attacks. In this paper, a Dempster-Shafer (D-S) evidence based trust management strategy is proposed to conquer not only cooperative black hole attack but also gray hole attack. In the proposed method, a neighbour observing model based on watchdog mechanism is used to detect single black hole attack by focusing on the direct trust value (DTV). Historical evidence is also taken into consideration to go against gray hole attacks. Then, a neighbour recommendation model companied with indirect trust value (ITV) is used to figure out the cooperative black hole attack. D-S evidence theory is implemented to combine ITVs from different neighbours. Some of the neighbour nodes may declare a false ITV, which effect can also be diminished through the proposed method. The simulation is firstly conducted in the Matlab to evaluate the performance of the algorithm. Then the security routing protocol is implemented in the GloMoSim to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy. Both of them show good results and demonstrate the advantages of proposed method by punishing malicious actions to prevent the camouflage and deception in the attacks.
Keywords: cryptography; inference mechanisms; mobile ad hoc networks; telecommunication network management; telecommunication security; Dempster-Shafer evidence theory; GloMoSim; MANET; Matlab; cooperative black hole attacks; cryptography mechanism; gray hole attacks; indirect trust value; neighbour observing model; trust management strategy; watchdog mechanism; Ad hoc networks; Digital TV; Educational institutions; Mobile computing; Routing protocols; Security; Black hole attack; Dempster-Shafer evidence; Direct trust value; Gray hole attack; Indirect trust value; MANETs; Trust management (ID#:14-3307)
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