Seeking top undergrads for a Science of Security summer internship
The Science of Security Summer Internship at the Information Trust Institute at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign offers undergraduates the opportunity to explore the field of cybersecurity through a unique summer program. Science of security is an emerging area that emphasizes the methodology of research in cybersecurity as much as the results - an approach that is critical in addressing the fundamental problems of security in a principled manner.
Participants will spend the summer pursuing a research program of their own design, under the mentorship of ITI faculty and/or staff. In addition to the research, the summer internship program will include visits to companies to learn about the issues and practice of cyber-security in the real world. Applications are due Feb. 1, 2015.
This program is sponsored by the National Security Agency through the Illinois Science of Security (SoS) Lablet Program.
Program dates: June 1 - July 24 (subject to change)
Information Needed for Application
Important Dates
February 1, 2015 - Applications due February 27, 2015 - Selection made
Please submit application materials by February 1 to Questions? Please contact Andrea Whitesell at
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