Zero Day Attacks

Zero Day Attacks

Attacks Zero day attacks exploit previously unknown vulnerabilities in software that programmers have not yet patched or fixed. Detection, protection, and correction are all necessary for reducing the consequences of such attacks. Research is finding methods for all three. Here, we cite works published in the first six months of 2014 addressing zero day attacks.

  • Holm, H., "Signature Based Intrusion Detection for Zero-Day Attacks: (Not) A Closed Chapter?," System Sciences (HICSS), 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on , vol., no., pp.4895,4904, 6-9 Jan. 2014. A frequent claim that has not been validated is that signature based network intrusion detection systems (SNIDS) cannot detect zero-day attacks. This paper studies this property by testing 356 severe attacks on the SNIDS Snort, configured with an old official rule set. Of these attacks, 183 attacks are zero-days' to the rule set and 173 attacks are theoretically known to it. The results from the study show that Snort clearly is able to detect zero-days' (a mean of 17% detection). The detection rate is however on overall greater for theoretically known attacks (a mean of 54% detection). The paper then investigates how the zero-days' are detected, how prone the corresponding signatures are to false alarms, and how easily they can be evaded. Analyses of these aspects suggest that a conservative estimate on zero-day detection by Snort is 8.2%.
    Keywords: computer network security; digital signatures; SNIDS; false alarm; signature based network intrusion detection; zero day attacks; zero day detection; Computer architecture; Payloads; Ports (Computers); Reliability; Servers; Software; Testing; Computer security ;NIDS; code injection; exploits (ID#:14-2255)
  • Pandey, Sudhir Kumar; Mehtre, B.M., "A Lifecycle Based Approach for Malware Analysis," Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT), 2014 Fourth International Conference on , vol., no., pp.767,771, 7-9 April 2014. Most of the detection approaches like Signature based, Anomaly based and Specification based are not able to analyze and detect all types of malware. Signature-based approach for malware detection has one major drawback that it cannot detect zero-day attacks. The fundamental limitation of anomaly based approach is its high false alarm rate. And specification-based detection often has difficulty to specify completely and accurately the entire set of valid behaviors a malware should exhibit. Modern malware developers try to avoid detection by using several techniques such as polymorphic, metamorphic and also some of the hiding techniques. In order to overcome these issues, we propose a new approach for malware analysis and detection that consist of the following twelve stages Inbound Scan, Inbound Attack, Spontaneous Attack, Client-Side Exploit, Egg Download, Device Infection, Local Reconnaissance, Network Surveillance, & Communications, Peer Coordination, Attack Preparation, and Malicious Outbound Propagation. These all stages will integrate together as interrelated process in our proposed approach. This approach had solved the limitations of all the three approaches by monitoring the behavioral activity of malware at each any every stage of life cycle and then finally it will give a report of the maliciousness of the files or software's.
    Keywords: Computers; Educational institutions; Malware; Monitoring; Reconnaissance; Malware; Metamorphic; Polymorphic; Reconnaissance; Signature based; Zero day attack (ID#:14-2256)
  • Kaur, R.; Singh, M., "A Survey on Zero-Day Polymorphic Worm Detection Techniques," Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE, vol. PP, no.99, pp.1,30, March 2014. Zero-day polymorphic worms pose a serious threat to the Internet security. With their ability to rapidly propagate, these worms increasingly threaten the Internet hosts and services. Not only can they exploit unknown vulnerabilities but can also change their own representations on each new infection or can encrypt their payloads using a different key per infection. They have many variations in the signatures of the same worm thus, making their fingerprinting very difficult. Therefore, signature-based defenses and traditional security layers miss these stealthy and persistent threats. This paper provides a detailed survey to outline the research efforts in relation to detection of modern zero-day malware in form of zero-day polymorphic worms.
    Keywords: Grippers; Internet; Malware; Monitoring; Payloads; Vectors; Detection Systems; Polymorphic worms; Signature Generation; Zero-day attacks; Zero-day malware (ID#:14-2257)
  • Lingyu Wang; Jajodia, S.; Singhal, A; Pengsu Cheng; Noel, S., "k-Zero Day Safety: A Network Security Metric for Measuring the Risk of Unknown Vulnerabilities," Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on , vol.11, no.1, pp.30,44, Jan.-Feb. 2014. By enabling a direct comparison of different security solutions with respect to their relative effectiveness, a network security metric may provide quantifiable evidences to assist security practitioners in securing computer networks. However, research on security metrics has been hindered by difficulties in handling zero-day attacks exploiting unknown vulnerabilities. In fact, the security risk of unknown vulnerabilities has been considered as something unmeasurable due to the less predictable nature of software flaws. This causes a major difficulty to security metrics, because a more secure configuration would be of little value if it were equally susceptible to zero-day attacks. In this paper, we propose a novel security metric, k-zero day safety, to address this issue. Instead of attempting to rank unknown vulnerabilities, our metric counts how many such vulnerabilities would be required for compromising network assets; a larger count implies more security because the likelihood of having more unknown vulnerabilities available, applicable, and exploitable all at the same time will be significantly lower. We formally define the metric, analyze the complexity of computing the metric, devise heuristic algorithms for intractable cases, and finally demonstrate through case studies that applying the metric to existing network security practices may generate actionable knowledge.
    Keywords: computer network security; computational complexity; heuristic algorithms; k zero day safety; network security metric; software flaws; Security metrics; attack graph; network hardening; network security (ID#:14-2258)


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