Trustworthy Systems, Part 2 |
Trust is created in information security to assure the identity of external parties. It is one of the core problems. The growth of large-scale distributed systems and outsourcing to cloud increases both the need and the challenge to address trustworthy systems. The works cited here are from 2014 conferences.
Msadek, N.; Kiefhaber, R.; Ungerer, T., "A Trust- and Load-Based Self-Optimization Algorithm for Organic Computing Systems," Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO), 2014 IEEE Eighth International Conference on, pp.177,178, 8-12 Sept. 2014. doi: 10.1109/SASO.2014.32 Abstract: In this paper a new design of self optimization for organic computing systems is investigated. Its main task, i.e., beside load-balancing, is to assign services with different importance levels to nodes so that the more important services are assigned to more trustworthy nodes. The evaluation results showed that the proposed algorithm is able to balance the workload between nodes nearly optimal. Moreover, it improves significantly the availability of important services.
Keywords: distributed processing; fault tolerant computing; resource allocation; self-adjusting systems; trusted computing; load-balancing; load-based self-optimization algorithm; organic computing systems; trust-based self-optimization algorithm; trustworthy nodes; Algorithm design and analysis; Availability; Computer network reliability; Conferences; Load management; Optimization; Runtime; Autonomic Computing; Organic Computing; Self-Optimization; Self-x Properties; Trust (ID#: 15-4754)
Morisse, M.; Horlach, B.; Kappenberg, W.; Petrikina, J.; Robel, F.; Steffens, F., "Trust in Network Organizations — A Literature Review on Emergent and Evolving Behavior in Network Organizations," System Sciences (HICSS), 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on, pp.4578,4587, 6-9 Jan. 2014. doi:10.1109/HICSS.2014.561 Abstract: This systematic literature review examines different forms of evolving and emergent behavior in network organizations (NO) with an emphasis on trust. Because of the difficulties and importance in researching emergent behavior in network organizations, this review summarizes the main aspects of 17 papers and tries to disclose open research points by combining the different perspectives of behavior and forms of NOs. Due to the complexity of those organizations, there are several “soft aspects” that affect the partnership implicitly. In particular, trust is intertwined with other facets (e.g. legal aspects). IT governance and IT systems can have an impact on trust and vice versa. Therefore, maintaining a trustworthy relationship in a network organization is undoubtedly an enormous challenge for all participants. At the end of this literature review, we discuss some open research gaps like the influence of different cultures in NOs or the visualization of emergent behavior.
Keywords: law; organisational aspects; trusted computing; IT governance; IT systems; emergent behavior; legal aspects; network organizations; trustworthy relationship; Collaboration; Complexity theory; Information systems; Law; Organizations; Outsourcing; Standards organizations; Network organization; emergent and evolving behavior; literature review; trust (ID#: 15-4755)
Franklin, Z.R.; Patterson, C.D.; Lerner, L.W.; Prado, R.J., "Isolating Trust in an Industrial Control System-on-Chip Architecture," Resilient Control Systems (ISRCS), 2014 7th International Symposium on pp.1,6, 19-21 Aug. 2014. doi:10.1109/ISRCS.2014.6900096 Abstract: A distributed industrial control system (ICS) also distributes trust across many software and hardware components. There is a need for some malware countermeasures to be independent of application, supervisory or driver software, which can introduce vulnerabilities. We describe the Trustworthy Autonomic Interface Guardian Architecture (TAIGA) that provides an on-chip, digital, security version of classic mechanical interlocks. In order to enhance trust in critical embedded processes, TAIGA redistributes responsibilities and authorities between a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) processor and a hardware-implemented interface controller, simplifying PLC software without significantly degrading performance while separating trusted components from updatable software. The interface controller is synthesized from C code, formally analyzed, and permits runtime checked, authenticated updates to certain system parameters but not code. TAIGA's main focus is ensuring process stability even if this requires overriding commands from the processor or supervisory nodes. The TAIGA architecture is mapped to a commercial, configurable system-on-chip platform.
Keywords: control engineering computing; distributed control; industrial control; production engineering computing; programmable controllers; system-on-chip; trusted computing; ICS; PLC processor; TAIGA; distributed industrial control system; hardware components; hardware-implemented interface controller; industrial control system-on-chip architecture; malware countermeasures; programmable logic controller; software components; trust isolation; trustworthy autonomic interface guardian architecture; Monitoring; Predictive models; Process control; Production; Sensors; Software; System-on-chip (ID#: 15-4756)
Szu-Yin Lin; Ping-Hsien Chou, "A Semi-distributed Reputation Mechanism Based on Dynamic Data-Driven Application System," e-Business Engineering (ICEBE), 2014 IEEE 11th International Conference on, pp.164,169, 5-7 Nov. 2014. doi:10.1109/ICEBE.2014.37 Abstract: Trust is one of the important issues related to unknown networks. A mechanism which can distinguish a trustworthy node from an untrustworthy one is essential. The effectiveness of the mechanism depends on the accuracy of node's reputation. Dynamics of Trust often happens in a trusted network. It causes intoxication and disguise for nodes, resulting in abnormal behaviors. This paper proposes a semi-distributed reputation mechanism based on Dynamic Data-Driven Application System. It focuses on the Dynamics of Trust and the balance between Distributed Nodes and the Central Controller. The experimental results show that the proposed mechanism upload only averages 52.21% of the data to compare with all of uploads. It can also effectively handle the problem of Dynamics of Trust.
Keywords: computer network security; trusted computing; abnormal behaviors; central controller; distributed nodes; dynamic data-driven application system; semidistributed reputation mechanism; trusted network; trustworthy node; untrustworthy node; Computer architecture; Distributed databases; Dynamic scheduling; Equations; Mathematical model; Measurement; Peer-to-peer computing; Dynamic Data-Driven Application System; Dynamics of Trust; Reputation and Trust-based Model (ID#: 15-4757)
Gupta, Subham Kumar; Rawat, Seema; Kumar, Praveen, "A Novel Based Security Architecture of Cloud Computing," Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO) (Trends and Future Directions), 2014 3rd International Conference on, pp.1,6, 8-10 Oct. 2014. doi:10.1109/ICRITO.2014.7014676 Abstract: Cloud computing is considered as the future of IT organizations. In weigh against to conventional solutions where all type of computing services are controlled through any type of personnel controls, it transfers all computing resources to the centralized large data centers, so users can enjoy services in a large scale on demand. Chiefly small and medium-size organizations can manage their projects by using cloud-based services and also able to achieve productivity enhancement with limited budgets. But, apart from all of these benefits, it may not be fully trustworthy. Cloud Computing do not keep data on the user's system, so there is a need of data security. The user pays progressively attention about data security due to this off-side storage of data on cloud computing. In order to retain confidentiality of data against un-trusted cloud service providers, There are so many approaches. All modern cloud service providers solve this problem by encryption and decryption techniques. They all have their merits and demerits. In present thesis, the basic dilemma of cloud computing security is inspected. We have also proposed a survey of various models for cloud security. To ensure the data security in the cloud, we suggest an efficient, accessible and adaptable cryptography based scheme. In-depth security and enactment inspection proved the proposed scheme as greatly efficient and robust against spiteful data alteration outbreak. The proposed scheme achieves scalability as well as flexibility due to its hierarchical structure.
Keywords: Authentication; Cloud computing; Data models; Encryption (ID#: 15-4758)
Zuxing Li; Oechtering, T.J.; Kittichokechai, K., "Parallel Distributed Bayesian Detection with Privacy Constraints," Communications (ICC), 2014 IEEE International Conference on, pp.2178, 2183, 10-14 June 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICC.2014.6883646 Abstract: In this paper, the privacy problem of a parallel distributed detection system vulnerable to an eavesdropper is proposed and studied in the Bayesian formulation. The privacy risk is evaluated by the detection cost of the eavesdropper which is assumed to be informed and greedy. It is shown that the optimal detection strategy of the sensor whose decision is eavesdropped on is a likelihood-ratio test. This fundamental insight allows for the optimization to reuse known algorithms extended to incorporate the privacy constraint. The trade-off between the detection performance and privacy risk is illustrated in a numerical example. The incorporation of physical layer privacy in the system design will lead to trustworthy sensor networks in future.
Keywords: Bayes methods; data privacy; distributed algorithms; maximum likelihood detection; optimisation; risk analysis; wireless sensor networks; detection cost; eavesdropper; likelihood ratio test; optimal detection strategy; optimization; parallel distributed Bayesian detection system; physical layer privacy; privacy constraint; privacy risk evaluation; trustworthy sensor network; Bayes methods; Light rail systems; Measurement; Optimization; Privacy; Security; Sensors (ID#: 15-4759)
Elizabeth, B.L.; Ramya, K.; Prakash, A.J.; Uthariaraj, V.R., "Trustworthy Mechanisms for Selecting Cloud Service Providers," Recent Trends in Information Technology (ICRTIT), 2014 International Conference on, pp.1,5, 10-12 April 2014. doi:10.1109/ICRTIT.2014.6996182 Abstract: Cloud computing has changed the nature of IT and business. However the adoption issues for the cloud is mainly due to the lack of transparency and control. Also, there are too many cloud service providers in the marketplace offering similar functionalities. In order to support the consumers in identifying trustful cloud providers, Trustworthy mechanisms for selecting cloud service providers is proposed in this paper. The proposed system is implemented using feedbacks and credential attributes (QoS) of providers. A modified Identity model is proposed to identify malicious feedbacks and provides improvements in the trust computation. Results show that the trust computation using the proposed architecture is more efficient in terms of finding accurate trust based providers.
Keywords: cloud computing; quality of service; trusted computing; QoS attribute; cloud computing; cloud service provider selection; quality of service; trust based providers; trust computation; trustworthy mechanism; Cloud computing; Computational modeling; Information technology; Market research; Mathematical model; Quality of service; Time factors; Identity model; Trust mechanisms; credential attributes; malicious feedbacks (ID#: 15-4760)
Karantjias, A.; Polemi, N.; Papastergiou, S., "Advanced Security Management System for Critical Infrastructures," Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, IISA 2014, The 5th International Conference on, pp.291,297, 7-9 July 2014. doi: 10.1109/IISA.2014.6878837 Abstract: The maritime sector is critical in terms of economic activities and commercial impact not only for the European society but more importantly for the Mediterranean EU Member States, especially under the current economic turmoil. Commercial ports are the main gateways and face increased requirements, responsibilities and needs in view of a secure and sustainable maritime digital environment. Therefore, they have to rely on complicated and advanced facilities, ICT infrastructure and trustworthy e-maritime services in order to optimize their operations. This paper aims at alleviating this gap on the basis of a holistic approach that addresses the security of the dual nature of ports' Critical Information Infrastructures (CIIs). In particular, it introduces a collaborative security management system (CYSM system), which enables ports' operators to: (a) model physical and cyber assets and interdependencies; (b) analyse and manage internal / external / interdependent physical and cyber threats / vulnerabilities; and (c) evaluate / manage physical and cyber risks against the requirements specified in the ISPS Code and ISO27001.
Keywords: risk management; sea ports; security of data; transportation; CII; CYSM system; European Union; European society; ICT infrastructure;ISO27001 standard; ISPS Code; Mediterranean EU Member States; collaborative security management system; commercial impact; commercial ports; critical information infrastructures; critical infrastructures; cyber assets; cyber risks; cyber threats; cyber vulnerabilities; economic activities; information and communication technology; maritime digital environment; maritime sector; trustworthy e-maritime services; Airports; Atmospheric modeling; Europe; Face; IEC standards; Marine vehicles; Security; collaboration; critical infrastructure; privacy; risk assessment; security management (ID#: 15-4761)
Dang, Tianli; Yan, Zheng; Tong, Fei; Zhang, Weidong; Zhang, Peng, "Implementation of a Trust-Behavior Based Reputation System for Mobile Applications," Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA), 2014 Ninth International Conference on, pp.221,228, 8-10 Nov. 2014. doi:10.1109/BWCCA.2014.52 Abstract: The sharp increase of the number of mobile applications attracts special attention on mobile application trust. It becomes more and more crucial for a user to know which mobile application is trustworthy to purchase, download, install, execute and recommend. This paper presents the design and implementation of a trust-behavior based reputation system for mobile applications based on an Android platform. The system can automatically evaluate a user's trust in a mobile application based on application usage and generate application reputation according to collected individual trust information. We implement the system and evaluate its performance based on a user study. The result shows that our system is effective with regard to trust/reputation evaluation accuracy, power efficiency and system usability.
Keywords: Databases; Mobile communication; Mobile handsets; Monitoring; Robustness; Usability; Reputation systems; mobile applications; trust; trust behavior (ID#: 15-4762)
Singh, N.K.; Patel, Y.S.; Das, U.; Chatterjee, A., "NUYA: An Encrypted Mechanism for Securing Cloud Data from Data Mining Attacks," Data Mining and Intelligent Computing (ICDMIC), 2014 International Conference on, pp.1,6, 5-6 Sept. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICDMIC.2014.6954254 Abstract: Cloud Computing is a vast infrastructural and rising pool, which provides huge storage of data in one sphere. Organizations, now a days are in the marathon of equipping the whole system in a cloud form. The attackers evaluating data for a long time to extract the valued information to perform data mining based attacks on the cloud. In the recent architectures the data is sited in a single or distributed cloud provider. It gives the opportunity to the cloud providers and attackers to unauthorized access from cloud and also gives the chance to analyze the client data for a long time to extract the sensitive information, which is responsible for the privacy violation of clients. This paper proposes an approach that firstly maintains the confidentiality, integrity, and authentication for the stored data in cloud. Secondly, it presents distributed storage cloud architecture, which includes the description of trusted computing work group (TCG) and trusted platform module (TPM). It provides hardware authentication for trustworthy computing platform and also uses Kerberos authentication to avoid software attacks. This proposed approach establishes file locality by clustering the related data based on their physical distance and effective matching with client applications. It supports efficient clustering and reduces communication cost in large-scale cloud computing applications.
Keywords: cloud computing; communication complexity; cryptographic protocols; data integrity; data mining; pattern clustering; trusted computing; Kerberos authentication; NUYA; TCG; TPM; cloud data; clustering; communication cost; data authentication; data confidentiality; data integrity; data mining attacks; distributed storage cloud architecture; encrypted mechanism; file locality; hardware authentication; software attacks; trusted computing work group; trusted platform module; trustworthy computing platform; Authentication; Cloud computing; Cryptography; Data mining; Logic gates; Servers; Authentication; Cloud Computing; File Locality; Security; Trusted Platform Module (TPM) (ID#: 15-4763)
Yean-Ru Chen; Sao-Jie Chen; Pao-Ann Hsiung; I-Hsin Chou, "Unified Security and Safety Risk Assessment - A Case Study on Nuclear Power Plant," Trustworthy Systems and their Applications (TSA), 2014 International Conference on, pp.22,28, 9-10 June 2014. doi: 10.1109/TSA.2014.13 Abstract: Critical systems have very stringent requirements on both security and safety. Recent mishaps such as the missing MH370 aircraft and the sunk Korean Sewol ferry go to show that our technology in safety and security risk assessment still need a more integrated approach. Nuclear plant meltdown in the recent Fukushima accident is also a typical example of insufficient risk assessments. This work is a case study on how a unified security and safety risk assessment methodology may be applied to a High Pressure Core Flooder (HPCF) system in a nuclear power plant. Individual risk security or safety assessments may overlook the possible higher risk associated with such critical systems. The case study shows how the proposed method provides a more accurate risk assessment compared to individual assessments.
Keywords: computer network security; nuclear power stations; power system security; risk analysis; Fukushima accident; HPCF system; Korean Sewol ferry;MH370 aircraft; high pressure core flooder system; nuclear power plant; safety risk assessment; unified security; Hazards; Inductors; Power generation; Risk management; Security; Valves (ID#: 15-4764)
Oberle, A.; Larbig, P.; Kuntze, N.; Rudolph, C., "Integrity Based Relationships and Trustworthy Communication Between Network Participants," Communications (ICC), 2014 IEEE International Conference on, pp.610,615, 10-14 June 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICC.2014.6883386 Abstract: Establishing trust relationships between network participants by having them prove their operating system's integrity via a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) provides interesting approaches for securing local networks at a higher level. In the introduced approach on OSI layer 2, attacks carried out by already authenticated and participating nodes (insider threats) can be detected and prevented. Forbidden activities and manipulations in hard- and software, such as executing unknown binaries, loading additional kernel modules or even inserting unauthorized USB devices, are detected and result in an autonomous reaction of each network participant. The provided trust establishment and authentication protocol operates independently from upper protocol layers and is optimized for resource constrained machines. Well known concepts of backbone architectures can maintain the chain of trust between different kinds of network types. Each endpoint, forwarding and processing unit monitors the internal network independently and reports misbehaviours autonomously to a central instance in or outside of the trusted network.
Keywords: computer network security; cryptographic protocols; trusted computing; OSI layer 2; authenticated node; authentication protocol; insider threat; integrity based relationship; network participants; operating system integrity; participating node; trust establishment; trusted platform module; trustworthy communication; Authentication; Encryption; Payloads; Protocols; Servers; Unicast; Cyber-physical systems; Security; authentication; industrial networks; integrity; protocol design; trust (ID#: 15-4765)
Mohaisen, A.; Huy Tran; Chandra, A.; Yongdae Kim, "Trustworthy Distributed Computing on Social Networks," Services Computing, IEEE Transactions on, vol.7, no.3, pp. 333, 345, July-Sept. 2014. doi: 10.1109/TSC.2013.56 Abstract: In this paper we investigate a new computing paradigm, called SocialCloud, in which computing nodes are governed by social ties driven from a bootstrapping trust-possessing social graph. We investigate how this paradigm differs from existing computing paradigms, such as grid computing and the conventional cloud computing paradigms. We show that incentives to adopt this paradigm are intuitive and natural, and security and trust guarantees provided by it are solid. We propose metrics for measuring the utility and advantage of this computing paradigm, and using real-world social graphs and structures of social traces; we investigate the potential of this paradigm for ordinary users. We study several design options and trade-offs, such as scheduling algorithms, centralization, and straggler handling, and show how they affect the utility of the paradigm. Interestingly, we conclude that whereas graphs known in the literature for high trust properties do not serve distributed trusted computing algorithms, such as Sybil defenses-for their weak algorithmic properties, such graphs are good candidates for our paradigm for their self-load-balancing features.
Keywords: cloud computing; computer bootstrapping; resource allocation; social networking (online); trusted computing; SocialCloud; design options; self-load-balancing features; social networks; trust-possessing social graph bootstrapping; trustworthy distributed computing; Biological system modeling; Cloud computing; Computational modeling; Grid computing; Processor scheduling; Servers; Social network services; Distributed computing; social computing; trust (ID#: 15-4766)
Miguel, J.; Caballe, S.; Xhafa, F.; Prieto, J.; Barolli, L., "Towards a Normalized Trustworthiness Approach to Enhance Security in On-Line Assessment," Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS), 2014 Eighth International Conference on, pp.147,154, 2-4 July 2014. doi: 10.1109/CISIS.2014.22 Abstract: This paper proposes an approach to enhance information security in on-line assessment based on a normalized trustworthiness model. Among collaborative e-Learning drawbacks which are not completely solved, we have investigated information security requirements in on-line assessment (e-assessment). To the best of our knowledge, security requirements cannot be reached with technology alone, therefore, new models such as trustworthiness approaches can complete technological solutions and support e-assessment requirements for e-Learning. Although trustworthiness models can be defined and included as a service in e-assessment security frameworks, there are multiple factors related to trustworthiness which cannot be managed without normalization. Among these factors we discuss trustworthiness multiple sources, different data source formats, measure techniques and other trustworthiness factors such as rules, evolution or context. Hence, in this paper, we justify why trustworthiness normalization is needed and a normalized trustworthiness model is proposed by reviewing existing normalization procedures for trustworthy values applied to e-assessments. Eventually, we examine the potential of our normalized trustworthiness model in a real online collaborative learning course.
Keywords: computer aided instruction; educational administrative data processing; educational courses; groupware; security of data; collaborative e-learning; data source formats; e-assessment requirements; information security enhancement; measure techniques; normalized trustworthiness approach; online assessment; real online collaborative learning course; trustworthiness factors; trustworthiness multiple sources; Buildings; Context; Data models; Electronic learning; Information security; Vectors; collaborative learning; e-assessment; information security; normalization; trustworthiness (ID#: 15-4767)
Eun Joo Kim; Jong Dae Park, "A study on a new method of sending an E-mail with an attachment using a wireless terminal," Communication Systems, Networks & Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), 2014 9th International Symposium on, pp. 23, 27, 23-25 July 2014. doi: 10.1109/CSNDSP.2014.6923791 Abstract: This paper provides a method for forwarding email including an attached file in wireless communication terminal. In particular, in terms of a mobile communication terminal suitable for wireless communications including WiBro with a limitation in channel bandwidth between a base station and the mobile communication terminal, unnecessary channel bandwidth occupancy needs to be reduced.
Keywords: Internet; broadband networks; electronic mail; mobile communication; WiBro; channel bandwidth occupancy; e-mail attachment; mobile communication terminal; wireless communication terminal; Electronic mail; Mobile communication; Protocols; Receivers; Servers; Transmitters; Wireless communication; E-Mail system; smart SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) (ID#: 15-4768)
Tao Zhang; Jianfeng Ma; Ning Xi; Ximeng Liu; Zhiquan Liu; Jinbo Xiong, "Trustworthy Service Composition in Service-Oriented Mobile Social Networks," Web Services (ICWS), 2014 IEEE International Conference on, pp.684,687, June 27 2014-July 2 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICWS.2014.102 Abstract: In service-oriented mobile social networks (S-MSN), many location-based services are developed to provide various applications to social participants. Services can in turn be composed with the help of these participants. However, the composite structure, the subjective interpretation of trust demand, and the opportunistic connectivity make service composition a challenging task in S-MSN. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to enable trustworthy service evaluation and invocation during the process of composition. By analyzing dependency relationships, our approach can decentralizedly evaluate the trust degree of each service based on a lattice-based trust model to prevent data from being transmitted to untrustworthy counterparts. Besides, service consumers and vendors are able to specify their global and local constraints on the trust degree of service components on demand for more effective composition. Finally, by introducing acquaintances to the neighbors iteratively, social participants form a trust-aware acquaintance graph to forward invocation messages.
Keywords: mobile computing; service-oriented architecture; social networking (online); trusted computing; S-MSN; composite structure; service-oriented mobile social networks; trust degree; trust-aware acquaintance graph; trustworthy service composition; Computational modeling; Educational institutions; Equations; Mobile communication; Mobile computing; Social network services; System-on-chip; acquaintance graph; service composition; service evaluation; service-oriented mobile social network; trust (ID#: 15-4769)
Oliveira, E.; Cardoso, H.; Urbano, J.; Rocha, A.P., "Trustworthy Agents for B2B Operations under Normative Environment," Systems and Informatics (ICSAI), 2014 2nd International Conference on, pp. 252, 257, 15-17 Nov. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICSAI.2014.7009295 Abstract: Agents intending to be involved in joint B2B operations need to rely on trust measures pointing to possible future solid and secure partnerships. Using Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) as a paradigm for an electronic institution framework enables both to simulate and facilitate the process of autonomous agents, as either enterprises or individual representatives, reaching joint agreements through automatic negotiation. In the heart of the MAS-based electronic institution framework, a Normative Environment provides monitoring capabilities and enforcement mechanisms influencing agents' behavior during joint activities. Moreover, it makes available relevant data that can be important for building up contextual-dependent agent's trust models which, consequently, also influence future possible negotiations leading to new and safer agreements. To support agents information generation, monitoring and fusion, we here present ANTE platform, a software MAS integrating Trust models with negotiation facilities and Normative environments, for the creation and monitoring of agent-based networks.
Keywords: electronic commerce; multi-agent systems;B2B operations; MAS; electronic institution framework; multiagent systems; normative environment ;trustworthy agents; Computational modeling; Context; Contracts; Joints; Monitoring; Multi-agent systems; Software (ID#: 15-4770)
Fei Hao; Geyong Min; Man Lin; Changqing Luo; Yang, L.T., "MobiFuzzyTrust: An Efficient Fuzzy Trust Inference Mechanism in Mobile Social Networks," Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on, vol.25, no.11, pp.2944, 2955, Nov. 2014. doi: 10.1109/TPDS.2013.309 Abstract: Mobile social networks (MSNs) facilitate connections between mobile users and allow them to find other potential users who have similar interests through mobile devices, communicate with them, and benefit from their information. As MSNs are distributed public virtual social spaces, the available information may not be trustworthy to all. Therefore, mobile users are often at risk since they may not have any prior knowledge about others who are socially connected. To address this problem, trust inference plays a critical role for establishing social links between mobile users in MSNs. Taking into account the nonsemantical representation of trust between users of the existing trust models in social networks, this paper proposes a new fuzzy inference mechanism, namely MobiFuzzyTrust, for inferring trust semantically from one mobile user to another that may not be directly connected in the trust graph of MSNs. First, a mobile context including an intersection of prestige of users, location, time, and social context is constructed. Second, a mobile context aware trust model is devised to evaluate the trust value between two mobile users efficiently. Finally, the fuzzy linguistic technique is used to express the trust between two mobile users and enhance the human's understanding of trust. Real-world mobile dataset is adopted to evaluate the performance of the MobiFuzzyTrust inference mechanism. The experimental results demonstrate that MobiFuzzyTrust can efficiently infer trust with a high precision.
Keywords: fuzzy reasoning; fuzzy set theory; graph theory; mobile computing; security of data; social networking (online); trusted computing; MSN; MobiFuzzyTrust inference mechanism; distributed public virtual social spaces; fuzzy linguistic technique; fuzzy trust inference mechanism; mobile context aware trust model; mobile devices; mobile social networks; mobile users; nonsemantical trust representation; real-world mobile dataset; social links;trust graph; trust models; trust value evaluation; Computational modeling; Context; Context modeling; Mobile communication; Mobile handsets; Pragmatics; Social network services; Mobile social networks; fuzzy inference; linguistic terms; mobile context; trust (ID#: 15-4771)
Mezni, H., "Towards Trustworthy Service Adaptation: An Ontology-Based Cross-Layer Approach," Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS), 2014 5th IEEE International Conference on, pp.90, 94, 27-29 June 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICSESS.2014.6933520 Abstract: Although several approaches have been proposed towards self-adaptation of Web services, most of them work in isolation and few of them deal with cross-layer and trust issues. Indeed, the complex layered nature of service-based systems frequently leads to service failure and conflicting adaptation. To tackle this problem, we propose an ontology-based categorization of service behavior across all the functional layers. The proposed ontology provides support for cross-layer self-adaptation by facilitating reasoning about events to identify the real source of service failure, and reasoning about self-adaptation actions to check integrity and compatibility of self-adaptation with constraints imposed by each layer.
Keywords: Web services; ontologies (artificial intelligence); trusted computing; Web service self-adaptation; complex layered service-based systems; conflicting adaptation; cross-layer issues; cross-layer self-adaptation compatibility; cross-layer self-adaptation integrity; functional layers; ontology-based cross-layer approach; ontology-based service behavior categorization; service failure; trust issues; trustworthy service adaptation; Context; Monitoring; Ontologies; Quality of service; Semantics; Service-oriented architecture; Autonomic computing; Ontology; Trustworthiness; WS-Policy; cross-layer adaptation (ID#: 15-4772)
Haiying Shen; Guoxin Liu, "An Efficient and Trustworthy Resource Sharing Platform for Collaborative Cloud Computing," Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on, vol.25, no.4, pp. 862, 875, April 2014. doi:10.1109/TPDS.2013.106 Abstract: Advancements in cloud computing are leading to a promising future for collaborative cloud computing (CCC), where globally-scattered distributed cloud resources belonging to different organizations or individuals (i.e., entities) are collectively used in a cooperative manner to provide services. Due to the autonomous features of entities in CCC, the issues of resource management and reputation management must be jointly addressed in order to ensure the successful deployment of CCC. However, these two issues have typically been addressed separately in previous research efforts, and simply combining the two systems generates double overhead. Also, previous resource and reputation management methods are not sufficiently efficient or effective. By providing a single reputation value for each node, the methods cannot reflect the reputation of a node in providing individual types of resources. By always selecting the highest-reputed nodes, the methods fail to exploit node reputation in resource selection to fully and fairly utilize resources in the system and to meet users' diverse QoS demands. We propose a CCC platform, called Harmony, which integrates resource management and reputation management in a harmonious manner. Harmony incorporates three key innovations: integrated multi-faceted resource/reputation management, multi-QoS-oriented resource selection, and price-assisted resource/reputation control. The trace data we collected from an online trading platform implies the importance of multi-faceted reputation and the drawbacks of highest-reputed node selection. Simulations and trace-driven experiments on the real-world PlanetLab testbed show that Harmony outperforms existing resource management and reputation management systems in terms of QoS, efficiency and effectiveness.
Keywords: cloud computing; groupware; quality of service; resource allocation; trusted computing; CCC; Harmony platform; PlanetLab; QoS demands; collaborative cloud computing; globally-scattered distributed cloud resources; integrated multifaceted resource-reputation management; multi-QoS-oriented resource selection; node selection; online trading platform; price-assisted resource-reputation control; quality of service; reputation value; trustworthy resource sharing platform; Cloud computing; Collaboration; Indexes; Merchandise; Organizations; Quality of service; Resource management; Distributed systems; cloud computing; distributed hash tables; reputation management; resource management (ID#: 15-4773)
Johnson, L.; Choi Han-Lim; How, J.P., "Convergence Analysis of the Hybrid Information and Plan Consensus Algorithm," American Control Conference (ACC), 2014, pp. 3171, 3176, 4-6 June 2014. doi: 10.1109/ACC.2014.6859325 Abstract: This paper presents a rigorous analysis of the Hybrid Information and Plan Consensus (HIPC) Algorithm previously introduced in Ref. [1]. HIPC leverages the ideas of local plan consensus and implicit coordination to exploit the features of both paradigms. Prior work on HIPC has empirically shown that it reduces the convergence time and number of messages required for distributed task allocation algorithms. This paper further explores HIPC to rigorously prove convergence and provides a worst case on the time to convergence. This worst-case bound is no slower than a comparable plan consensus algorithm, Bid Warped CBBA [2], requiring two times the number of tasks times the network diameter iterations for convergence. Additionally, the analysis of convergence highlights why the performance of HIPC is significantly better than this on average. Convergence bounds of this type are essential creating trustworthy autonomy, and for guaranteeing performance when using these algorithms in the field.
Keywords: convergence; distributed algorithms; distributed control; iterative methods; mobile robots; multi-robot systems; HIPC algorithm; bid warped CBBA; convergence analysis; convergence bounds; convergence time; distributed task allocation algorithms; hybrid information and plan consensus algorithm; implicit coordination; local plan consensus; network diameter iterations; worst-case bound; Algorithm design and analysis; Bismuth; Convergence; Nickel; Planning; Prediction algorithms; Resource management; Agents-based systems; Autonomous systems; Cooperative control (ID#: 15-4774)
Kouno, Kazuaki; Aikebaier, Ailixier; Enokido, Tomoya; Takizawa, Makoto, "Trustworthiness-Based Group Communication Protocols," Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS), 2014 17th International Conference on, pp.490,494, 10-12 Sept. 2014. doi: 10.1109/NBiS.2014.52 Abstract: In distributed applications, a group of multiple process are cooperating with each other by exchanging messages in underlying networks. A message sent by each process has to be delivered to every process in a group. In this paper, we discuss a protocol for reliably, efficiently transmitting messages to every operational process in a group. We assume that each process can send messages to only neighboring processes like wireless networks and scalable peer-to-peer (P2P) overlay networks. Here, a process sends a message to its neighboring processes and then each neighboring process forwards the message to its neighboring processes. In this paper, we propose a trustworthiness-based group communication protocol where only trustworthy neighboring processes forward messages. In order to reduce the number of messages, a trustworthy neighboring process is a process which can more reliably forward messages. We discuss how to obtain the trustworthiness of a process in networks and forward messages to every process through trustworthy processes. We discuss a reactive type of protocol to reliably deliver message to a destination process m a wireless network.
Keywords: Peer-to-peer computing; Protocols; Relays; Reliability; Wireless networks; Wireless sensor networks; Broadcast protocol; Group communicate protocol; Trustworthiness (ID#: 15-4775)
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