MANET Security and Privacy, 2014


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MANET Security and Privacy


Security and privacy are important research issues for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). The studies cited here were conducted and presented in 2014 and were recovered on June 24, 2015.

Srihari Babu, D.V.; Reddy, P.C., “Secure Policy Agreement for Privacy Routing in Wireless Communication System,” Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCICCT), 2014 International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 739, 744, 10-11 July 2014. doi:10.1109/ICCICCT.2014.6993057
Abstract: Security and privacy are major issues which risk the wireless communication system in successful operation employment in Adhoc and Sensor networks. Message confidentiality can be assured through successful message or content encryption, but it is very difficult to address the source location privacy. A number of schemes and polices have been proposed to protect privacy in wireless networks. Many security schemes are offered but none of those provide complete security property for data packets and control packets. This paper proposes a secure policy agreement approach for open-privacy routing in wireless communication using location-centric communication model to achieve efficient security and privacy against both Internal and External adversary pretenders. To evaluate the performance of our proposal we analyze the security, privacy and performance comparisons to alternate techniques. Simulation result shows an improvisation in proposed policy and it is more efficient and offers better privacy when compare to the prior works.
Keywords: ad hoc networks; cryptography; data privacy; telecommunication network routing; wireless channels; wireless sensor networks; complete security property; content encryption; control packets; data packets; external adversary pretenders; internal adversary pretenders; location-centric communication; message confidentiality; message encryption; open-privacy routing; secure policy agreement; sensor networks; source location privacy; successful operation employment; wireless communication system; Mobile ad hoc networks; Privacy; Public key; Routing; Routing protocols; MANET; Privacy Routing; Secure policy; Wireless Communication (ID#: 15-6181)

Khatkar, M.; Phogat, N.; Kumar, B., “Reliable Data Transmission in Anonymous Location Aided Routing in MANET by Preventing Replay Attack,” Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO) (Trends and Future Directions), 2014 3rd International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 1, 6, 8-10 Oct. 2014. doi:10.1109/ICRITO.2014.7014731
Abstract: Privacy and security are major issues in MANET, especially when used in sensitive areas. Secure routing protocols have been developed/proposed by researchers to provide security and privacy at various levels. ALARM protocol (Anonymous Location Aided Routing in MANET) provides both privacy and security features including confidentiality, authentication and authorization. Location based routing is based on some assumptions in MANET ie location of the mobile nodes (using GPS), Time Clock of mobile nodes are loosely synchronized, mobility and Nodes has uniform transmission range. In the current work an effort has been done to review the ALARM protocol and identify some of the security problems in MANET. Further the work suggests a mechanism to prevent malicious activity (replay attack) in MANET using monitoring method.
Keywords: data privacy; mobile ad hoc networks; routing protocols; synchronisation; telecommunication network reliability; telecommunication security; ALARM protocol; GPS; MANET; anonymous location aided routing protocol; data transmission reliability; malicious activity prevention; privacy feature; replay attack prevention; security feature; time clock synchronization; Authentication; Mobile ad hoc networks; Monitoring; Protocols; Routing; Synchronization; Alarm Protocol; MANET; Monitoring; Prevention; Replay attack (ID#: 15-6182)

Devi, E.A.; Chitra, K., “Security Based Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Network,” Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCICCT), 2014 International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 1522, 1526, 10-11 July 2014. doi:10.1109/ICCICCT.2014.6992982
Abstract: AdHoc network plays an important role for critical scenario such as military services, law enforcement as well as in emergency rescue operation. In such type of request, it requires security and privacy for the underlying routing protocol. As it is a communications less and source limit network, it is very important to propose secure based energy efficient routing protocol. In order to provide a secure and energy efficient routing protocol, a Privacy Protecting Secure and Energy Efficient Routing Protocol (PPSEER) is proposed. In this protocol, first the classifications of network node take place based on their energy level. After that encryption is done based on group signature. It includes additional secure parameter such as secret key and maximum transmission power which is known only to the sender and recipient node. The advantage of the proposed routing protocol is that it increases privacy of the message as well as it maintains the energy efficiency of the node.
Keywords: ad hoc networks; cryptographic protocols; energy conservation; routing protocols; telecommunication power management; telecommunication security; ad hoc network; encryption; group signature; maximum transmission power; network node; privacy protecting secure; recipient node; secret key; secure parameter; security based energy efficient routing protocol; sender node; underlying routing protocol; Ad hoc networks; Energy efficiency; Privacy; Routing; Routing protocols; Security; AdHoc; Group Signature; Manet; PPSEER; PRISM (ID#: 15-6183)

Chasaki, D., “Identifying Malicious Behavior in MANET Through Data Path Information,” Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), 2014 International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 567, 572, 3-6 Feb. 2014. doi:10.1109/ICCNC.2014.6785398
Abstract: Mobile Ad-hoc Networks are increasingly deployed in military networks as well as special kinds of civil law enforcement and emergency operation domains. Compared to wired and other types of wireless networks, MANETs are particularly vulnerable to a wide range of attacks and require high security and privacy guarantees due to their critical mission. Research efforts have focused on developing secure routing protocols for MANETs but very little attention has been given to the data plane and the information we can extract about the actual communication links. Wireless networks that require high levels of security may use data path information to validate routing information. In this paper, we develop a scheme that allows us to track and validate mobile node connectivity in order to identify potential malicious behavior. We propose a novel algorithm to accomplish connectivity tracking based on a space-efficient Bloom filter data structure and the use of aggregate signatures. We present simulation results on a real network trace that show the effectiveness of our design.
Keywords: data structures; mobile ad hoc networks; routing protocols; telecommunication computing; telecommunication security; MANET; aggregate signatures; civil law enforcement; communication links; connectivity tracking; data path information; data plane; emergency operation domain; malicious behavior identification; military networks; mobile ad-hoc networks; mobile node connectivity; potential malicious behavior; privacy guarantee; real network trace; routing information; routing protocol security; security guarantee; space-efficient bloom filter data structure; wireless networks; Ad hoc networks; Arrays; Network topology; Peer-to-peer computing; Security; Topology (ID#: 15-6184)

Abu Bakar, A.; Ghapar, A.A.; Ismail, R., “Access Control and Privacy in MANET Emergency Environment,” Computer and Information Sciences (ICCOINS), 2014 International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 1, 6, 3-5 June 2014. doi:10.1109/ICCOINS.2014.6868389
Abstract: Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) cultivate a new research trend in today's computing. With some unique features such as scalability, fault tolerant and autonomous system enable a network to be setup with or without any trusted authority. This makes MANET suitable for the emergency and rescue operations. During an emergency situation, there is a need for the data to be shared with the rescuers. However, there are some of the personal data cannot be shared to all rescuers. Thus, the privacy and security of data becomes a main concern here. This paper addresses these issues with a combination of access control mechanism and privacy policy to ensure that the privacy and security of personal data is protected accordingly.
Keywords: authorisation; data privacy; mobile ad hoc networks; telecommunication security; MANET emergency environment; access control; autonomous system; data privacy; mobile ad hoc network; security of data; trusted authority; Access control; Authentication; Data privacy; Hospitals; Mobile ad hoc networks; Privacy; Access Control; Emergency; MANET (ID#: 15-6185)

Liu Licai; Yin Lihua; Guo Yunchuan; Fang Bingxing, “Bargaining-Based Dynamic Decision for Cooperative Authentication in MANETs,” Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), 2014 IEEE 13th International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 212, 220, 24-26 Sept. 2014. doi:10.1109/TrustCom.2014.32
Abstract: In MANETs, cooperative authentication, requiring cooperation of neighbor nodes, is a significant authenticate technique. However, when nodes participate in cooperation, their location may easily be tracked by misbehaving nodes, meanwhile, their resources will be consumed. These two factors lead selfish nodes reluctant participate in cooperation and decrease the probability of correct authentication. To encourage nodes to take part in cooperation, we proposed a bargaining-based dynamic game model for cooperative authentication to analyze dynamic behaviors of nodes and help nodes decide whether to participate in cooperation or not. Further, to analyze the dynamic decision-making of nodes, we discussed two situations — complete information and incomplete information, respectively. Under complete information, Sub game Perfect Nash Equilibriums are obtained to guide nodes to choose its optimal strategy to maximize its utility. In reality, nodes often do not have good knowledge about others’ utility (this case is often called incomplete information). To dealt with this case, Perfect Bayesian Nash Equilibrium is established to eliminate the implausible Equilibriums. Based on the model, we designed two algorithms for complete information and incomplete information,, and the simulation results demonstrate that in our model nodes participating in cooperation will maximize their location privacy and minimize their resources consumption with ensuing the probability of correct authentication. Both of algorithms can improve the success rate of cooperative authentication and extend the network lifetime to 160%–360.6%.
Keywords: cooperative communication; decision making; game theory; message authentication; mobile ad hoc networks; probability; telecommunication security; MANET; bargaining-based dynamic decision; bargaining-based dynamic game model; cooperative authentication; dynamic decision-making; location privacy; mobile ad hoc networks; network lifetime; perfect Bayesian Nash equilibrium; resources consumption; subgame perfect Nash equilibriums; Ad hoc networks; Authentication; Games; Mobile computing; Principal component analysis; Privacy; Vehicle dynamics; Cooperative Authentication; Dynamic Game; Incentive Strategy (ID#: 15-6186)

Chongxian Guo; Huaqiang Xu; Lei Ju; Zhiping Jia; Jihai Xu, “A High-Performance Distributed Certificate Revocation Scheme for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), 2014 IEEE 13th International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 156, 163, 24-26 Sept. 2014. doi:10.1109/TrustCom.2014.136
Abstract: Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are wireless networks which have a wide range applications due to their dynamic topologies and easy to deployment. However, such networks are also more vulnerable to attacks compared with traditional wireless networks. Certificate revocation is an effective mechanism for providing network security services. Existing schemes are not well suited for MANETs because of incurring much overhead or bring low accuracy on certificate revocation. Therefore, we propose a high-performance distributed certificate revocation scheme in which certificates of malicious nodes will be revoked quickly and accurately. Certificate revocation is the result of the collaborative effect of multiple accusations. For diluting damages to networks, one accusation is enough to limit the accusation function of the accused node. To enhance the accuracy of certificate revocation, our scheme requires nodes just accepting those accusations in which trust levels of accuser nodes are not less than accused nodes’. To guarantee the rapidity, we restore accusation functions of the falsely accused nodes after revoking certificates of all malicious nodes who ever accused them. Moreover, we design one mechanism to reward nodes who ever accused those malicious nodes, and in return, accusations made by them will accelerate the certificate revocation processes of other malicious nodes. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our scheme in certificate revocation. In addition, our scheme achieves a great improvement of just limiting accusation functions of malicious nodes.
Keywords: mobile ad hoc networks; telecommunication security; MANET; high-performance distributed certificate revocation scheme; malicious nodes; mobile ad hoc networks; Accuracy; Communication networks; Educational institutions; Mobile ad hoc networks; Mobile computing; Security; accusation function; certificate revocation; mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs); trust (ID#: 15-6187)

Hui Xia; Jia Yu; Zhi-Yong Zhang; Xiang-Guo Cheng; Zhen-Kuan Pan, “Trust-Enhanced Multicast Routing Protocol Based on Node’s Behavior Assessment for MANETs,” Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), 2014 IEEE 13th International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 473, 480, 24-26 Sept. 2014. doi:10.1109/TrustCom.2014.60
Abstract: A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a self-configuring network of mobile nodes connected by wireless links without fixed infrastructure, which is originally designed for a cooperative environment. However, MANETs are subjected to a variety of attacks by malicious nodes, in particular for attacks on the packet routing. Compared with traditional cryptosystem based security mechanisms, trust-enhanced routing protocol could provide a better quality of service. In this study, we abstract a basic decentralized effective trust inference model based on node’s behavior assessment, where each peer assigns a trust value for a set of peers of interest. In this model, we introduce the ‘voting’ mechanism to access the recommending experience (or ratings), in order to reduce the cost of the algorithm design and the system overhead. Then combined with this trust model, a novel trust-enhanced multicast routing protocol (TeMR) is proposed. This new protocol introduces the group-shared tree strategy, which establishes more efficient multicast routes since it uses ‘trust’ factor to improve the efficiency and robustness of the forwarding tree. Moreover, it provides a flexible and feasible approach in routing decision making with trust constraint and malicious node detection. Experiments have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed protocol.
Keywords: decision making; mobile ad hoc networks; multicast protocols; quality of service; radio links; routing protocols; MANET; cryptosystem; decision making; group-shared tree strategy; malicious node detection; malicious nodes; mobile ad hoc network; mobile nodes; packet routing; quality of service; trust constraint; trust inference model; trust-enhanced multicast routing protocol; wireless links; Ad hoc networks; Mobile computing; Monitoring; Peer-to-peer computing; Routing; Routing protocols; Ad Hoc Network; Malicious Node; Routing Decision Making; Trust Constraint; Trust Model; Trust-enhanced Multicast Routing (ID#: 15-6188)

Bijon, K.Z.; Haque, M.M.; Hasan, R., “A Trust Based Information Sharing Model (TRUISM) in MANET in the Presence of Uncertainty,” Privacy, Security and Trust (PST), 2014 Twelfth Annual International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 347, 354, 23-24 July 2014. doi:10.1109/PST.2014.6890959
Abstract: In the absence of centralized trusted authorities (CTA), security is one of the foremost concern in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) as the network is open to attacks and unreliability in the presence of malicious nodes (devices). With increasing demand of interactions among nodes, trust based information sharing needs more stringent rules to ensure security in this pervasive computing scenario. In this paper, we present a novel multi-hop recommendation based trust management scheme (TRUISM). We adapt famous Dempster-Shafer theory that can efficiently combine recommendations from multiple devices in the presence of unreliable and malicious recommendations. A novel recommendation-routing protocol named ‘buffering on-the-fly’ has been introduced to reduce the number of recommendation traffic by storing trust values in intermediate nodes. TRUISM also provides a flexible behavioral model for trust computation where a node can prioritize recommendations based on its requirements. Evaluation result shows that our model not only performs well in the presence of contradictory recommendations but also ensures a faster and scalable trust based information sharing by reducing the overall packet flow in the system.
Keywords: inference mechanisms; mobile ad hoc networks; trusted computing; ubiquitous computing; uncertainty handling; CTA; Dempster-Shafer theory; MANET; TRUISM model; buffering on-the-fly protocol; centralized trusted authorities; malicious nodes; mobile adhoc network; multihop recommendation based trust management scheme; pervasive computing; trust based Information sharing model; trust computation; trust values; Aging; Computational modeling; Information management; Mathematical model; Mobile ad hoc networks; Reliability; Security; Dempster-Shafer; MANET; Recommendation; Trust (ID#: 15-6189)

Guo Yunchuan; Yin Lihua; Liu Licai; Fang Binxing, “Utility-Based Cooperative Decision in Cooperative Authentication,” INFOCOM, 2014 Proceedings IEEE, vol., no., pp. 1006, 1014, April 27 2014–May 2 2014. doi:10.1109/INFOCOM.2014.6848030
Abstract: In mobile networks, cooperative authentication is an efficient way to recognize false identities and messages. However, an attacker can track the location of cooperative mobile nodes by monitoring their communications. Moreover, mobile nodes consume their own resources when cooperating with other nodes in the process of authentication. These two factors cause selfish mobile nodes not to actively participate in authentication. In this paper, a bargaining-based game for cooperative authentication is proposed to help nodes decide whether to participate in authentication or not, and our strategy guarantees that mobile nodes participating in cooperative authentication can obtain the maximum utility, all at an acceptable cost. We obtain Nash equilibrium in static complete information games. To address the problem of nodes not knowing the utility of other nodes, incomplete information games for cooperative authentication are established. We also develop an algorithm based on incomplete information games to maximize every node’s utility. The simulation results demonstrate that our strategy has the ability to guarantee authentication probability and increase the number of successful authentications.
Keywords: game theory; mobile ad hoc networks; probability; telecommunication security; MANET; Nash equilibrium; authentication probability; authentication process; cooperative authentication; cooperative mobile nodes; information games; mobile ad hoc network; mobile networks; mobile nodes; utility based cooperative decision; Bismuth; Computers; Conferences; High definition video; Human computer interaction; Cooperative authentication; games; location privacy (ID#: 15-6190)

Bhati, B.S.; Venkataram, P., “Data Privacy Preserving Scheme in MANETs,” Internet Security (WorldCIS), 2014 World Congress on, vol., no., pp. 22, 23, 8-10 Dec. 2014. doi:10.1109/WorldCIS.2014.7028159
Abstract: Data privacy is one among the challenging issues in Mobile Adhoc NETworks (MANETs), which are deployed in hostile environments to transfer sensitive data through multi-hop routing. The undesired disclosure of data can result in breach of data privacy, and can be used in launching several attacks. Many of the works achieved data privacy by using approaches such as data transformation, data perturbation, etc. But, these approaches introduce high computational overheads and delays in a MANET. To minimize the computations in preserving data privacy, we have proposed a computational intelligence based data privacy scheme. In the scheme we use data anonymization approach, where rough set theory is used to determine the data attributes to be anonymized. Dynamically changing multiple routes are established between a sender and a receiver, by selecting more than one trusted 1-hop neighbor nodes for data transfer in each routing step. Anonymity of the receiver is also discussed. The work has been simulated in different network sizes with several data transfers. The results are quite encouraging.
Keywords: data privacy; mobile ad hoc networks; rough set theory; security of data; telecommunication network routing; telecommunication security; MANET; computation minimization; computational intelligence; computational overheads; data anonymization approach; data attributes; data perturbation; data privacy preserving scheme; data transfers; data transformation; delays; mobile adhoc networks; multihop routing; receiver anonymity; rough set theory; Artificial neural networks; Bandwidth; Batteries; Mobile ad hoc networks; Mobile computing; Anonymity; Data Attributes; Data Privacy; Mobile Adhoc Network; Rough Sets (ID#: 15-6191)

Doumiati, S.; Al Choikani, T.; Artail, H., “LPS for LBS: Location-Privacy Scheme for Location-Based Services,” Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), 2014 IEEE/ACS 11th International Conference on, vol., no., pp.449, 456, 10-13 Nov. 2014. doi:10.1109/AICCSA.2014.7073233
Abstract: A Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) is a type of Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) that is used to provide communications between nearby vehicles on a hand, and between vehicles and fixed infrastructure on the roadside on the other hand. VANET is not only used for road safety and driving comfort but also for infotainment. An application area which is expected to greatly benefit from this advanced technology is Location Based Service (LBS): a service which helps users in finding nearby places. However, this application raises a privacy issue for these users since it can profile them and track their physical location. Therefore, to successfully deploy LBS, user’s privacy is one of major challenges that must be addressed. In this paper, we propose a location privacy protection scheme to encourage drivers to use this service without any risk of being pursued. Our system was implemented using NS2 network simulator and found to achieve high values of anonymity.
Keywords: data privacy; mobility management (mobile radio); telecommunication security; vehicular ad hoc networks; LBS; LPS; MANET; NS2 network simulator; VANET; driving comfort; infotainment; location privacy protection scheme; location-based services; mobile ad-hoc network; physical location tracking; road safety; vehicular ad-hoc network; Privacy; Public key; Roads; Vehicles; Vehicular ad hoc networks; Location Based Service (LBS); Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANET); anonymity; attacks; privacy (ID#: 15-6192)


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