The CPS-VO Portal provides extensive support for Special Interest Groups. Group Managers and Group Moderators are responsible for maintaining and grooming the content in their group. To edit group content select the [Edit] menu tab in the upper righthand corner of the page. To remove content select the [Edit] menu tab in the upper righthand corner of the page and then the [Delete] button located next to 'Save' and 'Preview'.
The links below explain how to perform advanced group management functions.
Handling memberships in a group involves overseeing who is a member of the group, and who are the administrators, managers and moderators. There must be at least one administrator for every group. Members of a group may leave the group at any time. As the administrator you may only leave the group if at least one other administrator is designated.
View Member Information Table Click on the "Membership Information Table" link in the "Member Info" toggle menu beneath your group menu in the left sidebar. |
This will take you to a "member list" where administrators and managers can moderate group membership requests and edit user group privileges.
Clicking the orange "CSV" button at the bottom left of the table will export the list in spreadsheet format. |
View Group Members To view a page with the photos and names of the members of your group, click the "Faces" tab. |
Add Members Managers can add members to a group and configure their function in the group. Click on the “Add Members” tab. Type one or more usernames into the “List of Users” text area. Separate multiple usernames by commas or new lines. Click the “Add users” button to complete the process.
If you need to find a user, enter their name in the upper right hand search field (see Seeking Out Colleagues). Click the individual's name to go to their profile page where you will find their username listed beneath their real name.
Configure member roles from the "Configure roles" tab. Members can be given "manager" or "moderator" roles from this page by checkbox selection. Click the "Save" button to submit changes. |
Invite Members Group members can invite users to join the group by using the "Invite members" tab. This will send an email message asking the invitee to click a link to join your group. Type one or more comma delimited email addresses and/or VO usernames into the "Invitees" text input area, provide an optional message in the textbox entitled "Additional message". Finally, click the "Invite" button to send the message(s). Note, a maximum of 20 invites can be sent out at a time. |
Only group managers can broadcast a message to members of a group. A broadcast emails all group members with a copy of the message. Remember your message will be read by all of your group members. The "From" field of the message upon delivery will say it is from "cps-vo on behalf of" and your name from your profile.
To broadcast a message, follow these steps:
Content should be labeled to make it searchable. See for an explanation of Tags, Terms and Labels.
As a group administrator you can edit and create taxonomies for your group with the following steps.
* NOTE: Details for further customizing your group are given in Configuring Groups.
Webforms may only be created/edited by group managers and moderators.
As a manager or moderator of a group you can post web which will show up in the activity stream and can then be embedded in panel pages of your group.
Create Webform and add components
*NOTE: Create a custom directory by typing a path similar to the one below. This identifies attachments with the webform. |
The "Form Settings" tab will take you to a page where you can choose a landing page, set submission limits, and choose access policies.
The webform user will be taken to a landing page after submitting the form. You may choose (three options shown in image below) where the user is redirected.
Select which user roles are able to view and submit the form. Note: Only authenticated users (CPS-VO members) are able to edit their submissions. |
This feature would be used (for example) when a code is required to submit the form. The webform can then be viewable by anonymous users, but can only be submitted by users who have the code.
Clicking the export button will prompt a download of the PHP code generated to create the form. |
It's easiest to access individual results from the "table" view. Click on the submission number on the far left of the column. That will take you to their individual submission where you can edit the submissions if needed.
This will take you to a window where you can view and edit the individual submission. |
Does your webform have a description?
Is your webform published?
Is your webform public or is it private to your group?
Have you created all the components you need?
Are the necessary components set as mandatory?
Have you configured notification emails to go to the user and also to the form administrator?
Have you configured the confirmation landing page?
Have you configured the submission access rules?
Does your webform need an access code? Has one been configured?
Have the necessary users been granted permissions to view the webform results?
Only group managers have permissions to administer group forums. Managing group forums involves adding new forums, editing or deleting existing forums, controlling the listing order of forums, and adjusting forum privacy settings.
see Creating the Modboard Page for additional instructions on how to create the modboard panel page.
As content is developed in your group, a table will display on the page like the example to the left.
Node: Type | Node: Title | Node: Body | Public | Published | Promoted to front page | Sticky | Items per page |
Type a search word or phrase in text box. |
Type a search word or phrase in text box. |
Apply Applies the search |
Reset Resets the parameters to 0 |
Bulk Operations