Manage a Group

The CPS-VO Portal provides extensive support for Special Interest Groups. Group Managers and Group Moderators are responsible for maintaining and grooming the content in their group. To edit group content select the [Edit] menu tab in the upper righthand corner of the page. To remove content select the [Edit] menu tab in the upper righthand corner of the page and then the [Delete] button located next to 'Save' and 'Preview'.

The links below explain how to perform advanced group management functions.

Administer Members

Handling memberships in a group involves overseeing who is a member of the group, and who are the administrators, managers and moderators. There must be at least one administrator for every group. Members of a group may leave the group at any time. As the administrator you may only leave the group if at least one other administrator is designated.


View Member Information Table

Click on the "Membership Information Table" link in the "Member Info" toggle menu beneath your group menu in the left sidebar.

This will take you to a "member list" where administrators and managers can moderate group membership requests and edit user group privileges.

  1. Displays the CPS-VO username and credentials (badges). Hovering over a badge displays user privileges. Read more about user roles at
  2. Real Name of user as shared in account details. Blank if no name was written.
  3. Google search on user's email address.
  4. Organization with which user is associated.
  5. Date user joined CPS-VO. Results can be sorted by join date by clicking blue "Joined VO" link.
  6. Blue Log icon indicates notes have been written about user (e.g. "Did a Google search on this user. They are a professor at USF. OK to approve?"). Gray indicates no notes have been written. Click to read and write oog notes.
  7. Indicates Admin role in group. Group Managers can remove admin privileges by clicking the red minus icon or add admin role by clicking blue plus icon.
  8. Approve or deny membership requests from the "member list". Users requesting membership will have a green checkmark icon. Managers can grant membership by clicking the icon. Group Managers and Group Moderators will receive an email notifying them of new membership requests. See more about group membership request settings. The red "X" icon allows managers to deny or remove membership.

Clicking the orange "CSV" button at the bottom left of the table will export the list in spreadsheet format. 

View Group Members

To view a page with the photos and names of the members of your group, click the "Faces" tab.

Add Members

Managers can add members to a group and configure their function in the group. 

Click on the “Add Members” tab. Type one or more usernames into the “List of Users” text area. Separate multiple usernames by commas or new lines. Click the “Add users” button to complete the process.
If you need to find a user, enter their name in the upper right hand search field (see Seeking Out Colleagues). Click the individual's name to go to their profile page where you will find their username listed beneath their real name.

Configure Roles

 Configure member roles from the "Configure roles" tab. Members can be given "manager" or "moderator" roles from this page by checkbox selection. Click the "Save" button to submit changes.

Invite Members

Group members can invite users to join the group by using the "Invite members" tab. This will send an email message asking the invitee to click a link to join your group. Type one or more comma delimited email addresses and/or VO usernames into the "Invitees" text input area, provide an optional message in the textbox entitled "Additional message". Finally, click the "Invite" button to send the message(s).  Note, a maximum of 20 invites can be sent out at a time.    


Send Out Messages

Only group managers can broadcast a message to members of a group. A broadcast emails all group members with a copy of the message. Remember your message will be read by all of your group members. The "From" field of the message upon delivery will say it is from "cps-vo on behalf of" and your name from your profile.

To broadcast a message, follow these steps:

Figure 1: Broadcast Message
Step 1: Go to the page of the group you manage by selecting it from the “My Groups” dropdown menu from the home page of the portal.
Figure 2: Broadcast Message
Step 2: Select the gray “Broadcast” tab under the top banner of your group.
Figure 3: Broadcast Message
Step 3: Enter a subject and body message. You may also want to provide your name in the "Reply-To Name" field and your email address in the "Reply-To Address" field. This will allow people to know who sent the email and how to reply.  When you have filled out all the information click the “Send Message” button at the bottom of the form. 

A green confirmation message will appear above the text editor form to let you know your message has been sent.


Set Up Group Vocabularies/Terms & File Folders

Content should be labeled to make it searchable. See for an explanation of Tags, Terms and Labels.

As a group administrator you can edit and create taxonomies for your group with the following steps.

  Video example

Figure 1: Group Taxonomy
Step 1: Go to your group and select the “Taxonomy” tab.

Step 2: To add a vocabulary click on the "Add vocabulary" link. This will take you to a form where you can create a new vocabulary for your group. 
Figure 3: Group Taxonomy

Step 3: To keep vocabularies consistent and well defined, type each one as an abbreviation of your group name (in this case "eg"), followed by a colon, a space, then the name of your new vocabulary (See example below).
Adding a description can help existing or future functionality of the Portal to clarify the intended nature of your new vocabulary.
Figure 4: Group Taxonomy
If you select the "file" content type, the vocabulary will show in your group’s file browser. You may select other item types that you wish your group members to be able to label terms with from this vocabulary.
Figure 5: Group Taxonomy
A vocabulary can be free forming or controlled. Free forming vocabularies come as open keywords labeling an item and are also called tags. Mark the “Tags” checkbox to make your vocabulary free forming. Select the “Multiple select”option if you intend to provide a list of terms for labeling content. Selecting "Required" vocabularies force a label on uploads.
Figure 2: Group Taxonomy
Once you have created your group vocabularies, they will appear in your group taxonomy table (as shown left).

Step 4. Add Terms to your group vocabularies by selecting the "add terms" link at the far right of the vocabulary name in the taxonomy table.

Add the name of the new term (folder name in files) and a short description then select the "save" button to add the term.

The new term will now show in the list of terms for that individual vocabulary.

Use the crosshairs to re-order the terms.
NOTE: Terms with the "file" content type selected will also show up as folders in your group’s file browser. File folders are really just group vocabularies that are relevant to the File content type.

* NOTE: Details for further customizing your group are given in Configuring Groups.  


Create a Webform

Webforms may only be created/edited by group managers and moderators.

As a manager or moderator of a group you can post web which will show up in the activity stream and can then be embedded in panel pages of your group.

Create Webform and add components

 Video example 

1. Use the "Create Webformlink in the "Collaborate" toggle menu beneath the left sidebar menu in your group.

2. This will launch a rich text editor where you can type the title of your webform, add a description, and checkmark vocabularies 
     (in the column to the right of the text window).

There is an area beneath the rich text editor that has settings for your webform. (Refer to screenshot)
Click on the links in the gray boxes to navigate to the area you wish to edit.

Notifications: set whether members will be notified when you post or edit your webform.

Groups: Select which groups to which your webform will publish. By default the webform will publish within the group in which it was created. Check the box next to "Public" if you want it to be publicly available in the CPS-VO Repository.

Publishing options: Gives you the option to publish or unpublish your webform by clicking a radio button. If the webform node is left unpublished, only the node author will be able to view the content.

URL path settings: Optionally specify an alternative URL by which this node can be accessed. For example, type "about" when writing an about page. Use a relative path and don't add a trailing slash or the URL alias won't work.

Revision information: If you log back in to edit your webform you can use this field to document your revisions.

When you click the "save" button (shown above), your webform will show up on the "Activity Stream" page of your group by default.
You may later need to reference the node number of your webform for other uses in the portal. The node number of your page is at the top of the browser page in the URL window. If a custom URL was set, you can find the node number by clicking the edit button at the top of your page.
3. Next you will be then be taken to the webform component editor (shown below).
A.Type the "label" of the component.
B. Select the type of component you want to add via the “Type” selection menu.
C. Select "Mandatory" to make this a required field.
D. "Add" the field to your webform and further define your settings for each component type.
E. Use "drag tool" to reorder form components.

Types of Components:

  • Date:  Inserts a drop-down menu for user to select a month/day/year. Optional calendar selector is also available.
  • Email: A field where user can enter their email address
  • Fieldset: A boxed field that contains a description and a title
  • File: A place where user can upload a file.
    *NOTE: Create a custom directory by typing a path similar to the one below. This identifies attachments with the webform.
  • Grid: a series of questions and options with radio button selectors 
  • Hidden: This gives you the option to insert variables or notes which users cannot see.
  • Markup: This allows webform creator to enter text in multiple colors and font styles.
  • Textfield: You can collect lengthier responses from your users by creating "textarea" fields
  • Number: Creates either a dropdown menu or a text area with predetermined low and high integers.
  • Page break: Allows you to split your webform into 2 pages.
  • Select Options: Makes a list of options with radio buttons.
  • Textarea: You can collect lengthier responses from your users by creating "textarea" fields
  • Textfield: A one line field for user to enter text.
  • Time: A dropdown hr/minut/am/pm selector
Each component will have further option settings (upon clicking the "Add" button) which are defined by hover text in the editing area.
The sample form images below display these components in order as the user would see them.
After configuring the webform components, you will need to configure notification emails, confirmation landing page, webform validation and access policies. These options are located in the secondary tabs at the top right of webform configuration page. 

Configuring Notification Emails

 Video example

You can configure the webform to send a submission receipt for each entry received. This may be useful to notify the user of successful webform submission. It can also be useful for letting webform administrators know a submission has been received.
Typically two notification emails are configured for each webform.
  1. The first is the email address (or multiple addresses) of the webform administrators.
  2. The second will be the submitter's email address as they typed it in the "email" field on the webform. 
    *NOTE: You must include at least one email component field in the webform to enable this function.
To get to the configuration settings:
  1. Select the gray tab labeled "E-mails".
  2. You can enter an email address into the text box, or select component value "Email Address". The dropdown box next to component value is populated by any email field(s) that have been configured in your webform. Select from the dropdown menu which email field should receive submitssion notifications.
  3. Click the "Add" button to the far right.
After clicking the "Add" button, you will be taken to a page where email settings can be configured.

Email Address:

The Email To address has already been configured in the previous step. You may choose to change it if necessary.

Email Header Details

  1. Email Subject can be set to "Default""Custom" or "Component".

    • Default sets the subject of your email to "Form submission from: Name of your webform"
    • Custom allows you to set the subject of your email.
    • Component allows you to select a field from the form via a dropdown menu.
  2. Email From Address can be set to "Custom" or "Component". Custom allows you to enter an email address. "Component" may be used if you want it to go to an email address the user enters into the webform. 
  3. Email From Name "Default" is CPS-VO. A "Custom" name can be typed or a "Component" may also be used if you want it to use a name the user enters into the webform.


Email Template Settings

A default email template already exists in the Email Template window. However, you can customize the message to suit your needs.

Left is an example of custom elements added to the template. Values can be found by expanding the token values section beneath the template.

A token value was used in the custom template below to populate the user's name (Dear %value[name]).


Included E-mail Values

All of the webform field components are listed in the expandible section called "Included e-mail values" with checkboxes next to each value. All components will be included by default in the notification email. You may choose to deselect components you wish to be excluded from the email.


Click the "Save e-mail settings" button to save your changes and go back to the previous page where you can set up more email notifications if desired.
An example of a notification email.

Configuring Form Settings

 Video example

The "Form Settings" tab will take you to a page where you can choose a landing page, set submission limits, and choose access policies.

Submission Settings

The submission settings section contains a text editor where you can type the confirmation message the user sees on the landing page. After typing the confirmation you will configure the landing page URL, limit the number of times the webform can be submitted (globally or per user), and close the form when necessary.

Landing page option with confirmation message

The webform user will be taken to a landing page after submitting the form. You may choose (three options shown in image below) where the user is redirected.

  1. Confirmation Page - Sends user to generic confirmation page.
  2. Custom URL - Redirects the user to a custom page (most usually the group home page)
  3. No Redirect - Reloads current page.

Submissions Limit

Limit the number of times the webform can be submitted globally or on a per-user basis by clicking the desired radio buttons and/or typing a number in the text box.

Status of this Form

After your submission period has ended you can close the form (or reopen it) with the radio button settings.


Submission Access

Select which user roles are able to view and submit the form. Note: Only authenticated users (CPS-VO members) are able to edit their submissions.

Configuring Form Validation and Access Policies

This tab will take you to a section where you can add validation rules to individual fields on the webform.
The following validation rules are currently included:
Numeric values (optionally specify min and / or max value)
Minimum length
Maximum length
Minimum number of words
Maximum number of words
Equal values on multiple fields
Unique values on multiple fields
Specific value
Require at least one of two fields
Require at least one of several fields
Minimum number of selections required
Maximum number of selections allowed
Exact number of selections required
Plain text (disallow tags)
Regular expression
Must be empty (Anti-Spam: Hide with CSS)
Words blacklist
Must match a username
One example of this feature would be:
Specific value(s)
Verifies that the specified component contains a defined value (select, textfield, textarea, email, hidden, select)

This feature would be used (for example) when a code is required to submit the form. The webform can then be viewable by anonymous users, but can only be submitted by users who have the code.

Export the Webform

Clicking the export button will prompt a download of the PHP code generated to create the form.

Access Webform Results

  1. Navigate to the webform.
  2. Click on the tab at the top labeled "Results".
You will be taken to the submissions results section which lists the submission number, date submitted, username, and IP address. You may view and edit individual entries.
Secondary tabs at the top right include analysis, table, and download.
  • Analysis views how completely the form was filled out by each user.
  • Table shows the populated fields of the form in table format.
  • Download gives you the option to export the table in an excel spreadsheet.
    *Note that this does not download attached files... only the values of the fields.

View/Edit Individual Submissions

It's easiest to access individual results from the "table" view. Click on the submission number on the far left of the column. That will take you to their individual submission where you can edit the submissions if needed.

  1. Click the "Table" tab
  2. Click the submission number to the far left.
This will take you to a window where you can view and edit the individual submission.

Edit the Webform

  1. Navigate to the webform.
  2. Click on the tab at the top labeled "Webform".

This will take you into the component panel where you can edit or delete components via the links to the far right of each component title.


Webform Check List

 Does your webform have a description?

 Is your webform published?

 Is your webform public or is it private to your group?

 Have you created all the components you need?

 Are the necessary components set as mandatory?

 Have you configured notification emails to go to the user and also to the form administrator?

 Have you configured the confirmation landing page?

 Have you configured the submission access rules?

 Does your webform need an access code? Has one been configured?

 Have the necessary users been granted permissions to view the webform results?

Manage Group Forums

Only group managers have permissions to administer group forums. Managing group forums involves adding new forums, editing or deleting existing forums, controlling the listing order of forums, and adjusting forum privacy settings.

  1. Navigate to the group forum by selecting the "forum"  tab in the left sidebar menu of the group you manage.
  2. Select the "Manage group forums" link (The stacked folders with wrench icon).
  1. You will be taken to a table that lists all of the forums associated with your group. From the forum management table select the links to:
    1. add new forums
    2. edit existing forums
    3. adjust privacy settings - private forums can only be seen and commented on by group members.
    4. reset publicity - will set forum to default (private).
  1. In the edit window you can:
    1. edit forum name or description
    2. use the "weight" dropdown menu to set where the forum falls in the list of forums. Note: When listing forums, those with lighter (smaller) weights get listed before containers with heavier (larger) weights. Forums with equal weights are sorted alphabetically.
    3. set your changes with the "submit" button or delete the forum with the "delete" button


Using the Modboard

see Creating the Modboard Page for additional instructions on how to create the modboard panel page.

As content is developed in your group, a table will display on the page like the example to the left.

A set of dropdown menus give you bulk-editing capabilities. The capabilities are listed in the table below.
Node: Type Node: Title Node: Body Public Published Promoted to front page Sticky Items per page

Type a search word or
phrase in text box.
Type a search word or
phrase in text box.


Applies the search 


Resets the parameters to 0

Bulk Operations

  1. Click the "Apply" button to set your search parameters.
  2. Select the nodes you would like to edit by the checkboxes next to the title of the node.
  3. Choose a Bulk Operation from the Bulk Operations dropdown menu.
  4. Type a log message
  5. Check the "disable notifications" box if you want to keep your changes from being broadcast.
  6. Select the "Execute" button
  7. Follow the prompts for the operation you chose
  8. You will be taken back to the modboard page with a confirmation message at the top describing the action (see example below).