Participate in Groups

The CPS-VO Portal provides extensive support for Special Interest Groups.

Exemplars of types of groups are:

  1. R&D SIGs
    • Federal Agency
    • PI Projects
  2. Websites for workshops and conferences
  3. Planning meeting groups for workshops and conferences
  4. Program committee groups for workshops and conferences
  5. Working groups

Groups may be formed to meet different needs. Typical use cases include:

  1. Planning R&D Workshops, Meetings, and Conferences
  2. Birds of a Feather (e.g. technical or policy issues)
  3. Archival of Proceedings
  4. Managing Research Projects
  5. Publicizing Research Results
  6. Competitions / Challenge Problems
  7. Open, Educational Resources

The services provided to Groups include:

Request to form a group by clicking here

Look for Groups

Groups are either public or private. The listing of public groups will show some basic information about the group (like the group name which links to the group's home page, a short description about the group, the group manager and the number of posts and members, and options for joining the group (covered in the next segment of this tutorial).

Step 1: Go to the group list by selecting the "Groups" link under the "Browse" tab in the global menu at the top of the CPS-VO home page.

Step 2: You will be directed to a list of groups that have chosen to be listed in the public directory. You can search for a group by name by typing their name or a portion of their name in the text box.

A guided search is also available under the global menu at the top of the CPS-VO home page.

The following steps show how to use the search menu to find a group:

Figure 1: Search for a Group
Step 1: Search for a group by clicking the "Search for a Group" link under the "Search" tab in the global menu at the top of the CPS-VO home page.
Figure 3: Search for a Group Step 2: "Keyword Search" for a group by name by typing their name or a portion of their name in the text box OR click terms in the "Guided search" area to lead you to the group you are seeking.




Join a Group

Much of the collaboration services that this portal provides are based on groups. Groups are compiled of associated members.

Each Portal user can browse the list of the public groups or see a list of the groups that they belong to in "My Groups". My Groups is listed as a tab on the "groups list" page and also as a dropdown menu at the top of the website.

The following steps show how to join groups.

Step 1: Go to the publicly listed groups by selecting "Groups" from the "Browse" tab in the global menu at the top of the CPS-VO home page.
Figure 2: Join Group Listed groups are either open, closed, invite only or by approval. If the group is open or by approval then you will be provided with actions to attain memberships.

A "Join" link is displayed to the right of groups that are open for membership. Other groups require you to "Request Membership". Still other groups are "Invitation Only" or "Closed" indicating that membership is controlled by the group manager (either by inviting you to their group or adding you).

Step 2: To join an available group, click on the link listed in the "Join Link" column to the right hand side of their description.


Leave a Group

Members of a group may leave the group at any time.

Leaving your group involves two steps.

Step 1: Go to your group list by clicking on the "MyGroups" menu link at the top of any CPS-VO page then navigate to the group you want to leave and click on "Edit membership".
Step 2: The resulting group page will have a link called "Leave this group". Click on this to end your membership of the group.

Note: Administrators must keep in mind that they can only leave their group if there is at least one other administrator designated in the group. If there is not then they will not see the above "Leave this group" link.