Groups Activity Stream
The "Groups Activity Stream" shows beneath your profile information and can be found on your main profile page or by clicking on the "Groups Activity Stream" link in the "My Tools" toggle menu. The stream shows recent activity in the groups to which you belong.
View new posts, files, news items, events meetings and other activity in your groups by clicking “Groups Activity Stream” under the “My Tools” toggle menu, or by clicking the “Group Activity” icon to the left of your photo at the top of the CPS-VO home page). |
Select links to filter group posts by "Unread" or "Recent". Posts on the CPS-VO can be seen by clicking the last 2 links in the horizontal list: "CPS-VO: Recent" and "CPS-VO: By Date". |
The feed can also be narrowed to a certain group by selecting a group name in the “Group” drop down menu. The default view will show posts from all of your groups. |