2013 HCSS Conference - Poster Session

The poster presentations will be held between 10:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, May 8 in the atrium of the Governor Calvert House.

Access Control Policy Tool (ACPT), An Assurance Tool That Combines Symbolic Model Checking with Combinatorial Coverage
Vincent Hu (NIST)

ARE: A System for Automated Reverse Engineering
Robert Ross (BAE Systems)

ARSENAL: Automatic Requirements Specification Extraction from Natural Language
Shalini Ghosh (SRI International)

How Common is Common Knowledge
Alwyn Goodloe (NASA Langley Research Center)

Integrating Verification Services with the Evidential Tool Bus
Sam Owre (SRI International)

Ivory: A Language for Building High-Assurance Embedded Systems
Pat Hickey (Galois, Inc.)

Parython: Bringing Safety, Security, and Parallelism to a popular scripting language
S Tucker Taft (AdaCore)

Secure Mathematically-Assured Composition of Control Models
Darren Cofer (Rockwell Collins)

Survey on the Barriers to the Industrial Adoption of Formal Methods
Jennifer Davis (Rockwell Collins)