Pub Crawl summarizes, by hard problems, sets of publications that have been peer reviewed and presented at SoS conferences or referenced in current work. The topics are chosen for their usefulness for current researchers. Select the topic name to view the corresponding list of publications. Submissions and suggestions are welcome.
6LoWPAN, IPv6 over Low power Wireless Personal Area Networks, is an architecture intended to allow low power devices to participate in the Internet of Things. The IEEE specification allows for operation in either a secure or non-secure mode. For the Science of Security community, the creation of secure process in low power and ad hoc environments relates to the hard problems of resilience and composability. In the IoT context, it also relates to cyber physical system security.
Acoustic couplers such as modems bridge the gap between analog voice and electronic communications. At this interface, there is a security gap. For the Science of Security community, this work is relevant to security of cyber-physical systems and to the hard problems of resilience, human behavior, and scalability.
Acoustic Fingerprints 2022
Acoustic fingerprints can be used to identify an audio sample or quickly locate similar items in an audio database. As a security tool, fingerprints offer a modality of biometric identification of a user. Current research is exploring various aspects and applications, including the use of these fingerprints for mobile device security, anti-forensics, use of image processing techniques, and client side embedding. For the Science of Security community, they are relevant to the problems of resiliency, human behavior and composability.
Cyber physical system security requires the need to build secure sensors and actuators. The research work here addresses the Science of Security hard problems of human behavior, resiliency, metrics and composability for actuator security.
Ad Hoc Network Security 2022
Security is an important research issue for ad hoc networks (MANETs). For the Science of Security community, this work relates to the hard problems of resilience, metrics, and compositionality.
Artificial Intelligence Security 2022
John McCarthy, coined the term "Artificial Intelligence" in 1955 and defined it as "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines." (as quoted in Poole, Mackworth & Goebel, 1998) AI research is highly technical and specialized, and has been characterized as "deeply divided into subfields that often fail to communicate with each other." (McCorduck, Pamela (2004), Machines Who Think (2nd ed.) These divisions are attributed to both technical and social factors. For the Science of Security community, AI research has implications for resilience, composability, metrics, and human behavior.
A recurring problem in cybersecurity is the need to automate systems to reduce human effort and error and to be able to react rapidly and accurately to an intrusion or insertion. The articles cited here describe a number of interesting approaches related to the Science of Security hard topics, including resilience and composability.
Physical Layer Security 2021
Physical layer security presents the theoretical foundation for a new model for secure communications by exploiting the noise inherent to communications channels. Based on information-theoretic limits of secure communications at the physical layer, the concept has challenges and opportunities related to designing of physical layer security schemes. The works presented here address the information-theoretical underpinnings of physical layer security and present various approaches and outcomes for communications systems. For the Science of Security community, physical layer security relates to resilience, metrics, and composability.
The Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is designed to ensure the security of electronic transactions and the exchange of sensitive information through cryptographic keys and certificates. Several PKI trust models are proposed in the literature to model trust relationship and trust propagation. The research cited here looks at several of those models, particularly in the area of ad hoc networks. For the Science of Security community, this work is relevant to the hard problems of resiliency, scalability, human behavior, and metrics.
The Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is designed to ensure the security of electronic transactions and the exchange of sensitive information through cryptographic keys and certificates. Several PKI trust models are proposed in the literature to model trust relationship and trust propagation. The research cited here looks at several of those models, particularly in the area of ad hoc networks. For the Science of Security community, this work is relevant to the hard problems of resiliency, scalability, human behavior, and metrics.
Resilient Security Architectures 2021 (all)
The development of resilient security architectures is one of the five hard problems for the Science of Security.
Science of Security 2021
Many more articles and research studies are appearing with "Science of Security" as a keyword. The articles cited here discuss the degree to which security is a science and various issues surrounding its development, ranging from basic approach to essential elements. The articles cited here address the fundamental concepts of the Science of Security.
Visible Light Communications Security 2022
Visible light communication (VLC) offers an unregulated and free light spectrum and potentially could be a solution for overcoming overcrowded radio spectrum, especially for wireless communication systems, and doing it securely. For the Science of Security community, this work is relevant to resiliency, scalability, and metrics.
Web Browser Security 2022
Web browsers are vulnerable to a range of threats. To the Science of Security community, they are often the first vector for attacks and are relevant to the issues of compositionality, resilience, predictive metrics, and human behavior.
Open devices such as PCs, tablets or smartphones are extremely vulnerable to attacks, since the attacker has complete control over the execution platform and the software implementation itself in the form of a white box attack. The goal of white-box encryption is to create a successful cryptographic algorithm so that assets remain secure even while under white-box attacks. For the Science of Security community, the subject is relevant to composability, resilience, and metrics.
White Box Cryptography 2022
Open devices such as PCs, tablets or smartphones are extremely vulnerable to attacks, since the attacker has complete control over the execution platform and the software implementation itself in the form of a white box attack. The goal of white-box encryption is to create a successful cryptographic algorithm so that assets remain secure even while under white-box attacks. For the Science of Security community, the subject is relevant to composability, resilience, and metrics.
Windows Operating System Security 2022
Operating system security is a component of resiliency, composability, and an area of concern for predictive metrics. This research focused on the Windows operating system.
Wireless Mesh Networks 2022
With more than 70 protocols vying for preeminence over wireless mesh networks, the security problem is magnified. The work cited here relates to the Science of Security hard problems of resiliency, metrics, and composability.
Work Factor Metrics 2022
It is difficult to measure the relative strengths and weaknesses of modern information systems when the safety, security, and reliability of those systems must be protected. Developers often apply security to systems without the ability to evaluate the impact of those mechanisms to the overall system. Few efforts are directed at actually measuring the quantifiable impact of information assurance technology on the potential adversary. For the Science of Security community, this work is relevant to resilience and scalability.
Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) has become an area of interest in research community. Many state-of-the-art models for machine learning lack transparency and interpretability, a major drawback in many applications where the rationale for the model's decision is a requirement for trust. For the Science of Security community, XAI is relevant to resilience and scalability.
Zero Day Attacks and Defense 2022
Zero day attacks exploit previously unknown vulnerabilities in software that programmers have not yet patched or fixed. For the Science of Security community, zero day exploits related to predictive metrics, resiliency, and composability.
Articles listed on these pages have been found on publicly available internet pages and are cited with links to those pages. Some of the information included herein has been reprinted with permission from the authors or data repositories. Direct any requests for removal via email of the links or modifications to specific citations. Please include the URL of the specific citation in your correspondence.
Pub Crawl contains bibliographical citations, abstracts if available, links on specific topics, and research problems of interest to the Science of Security community.
How recent are these publications?
These bibliographies include recent scholarly research on topics that have been presented or published within the stated year. Some represent updates from work presented in previous years; others are new topics.
How are topics selected?
The specific topics are selected from materials that have been peer reviewed and presented at SoS conferences or referenced in current work. The topics are also chosen for their usefulness for current researchers.
How can I submit or suggest a publication?
Researchers willing to share their work are welcome to submit a citation, abstract, and URL for consideration and posting, and to identify additional topics of interest to the community. Researchers are also encouraged to share this request with their colleagues and collaborators.
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